Running will return once the black plague exits the building

There has been zero running because the sickness aka the black plague has taken over my life. I’m sneezing and hacking and getting exhausted roughly by 4pm. I was gonna bring back the run on Tuesday (ya know my late day) but it rained really hard so I decided against it. However in a strange twist of fate I was late and actually ran to the bus stop. Running for six minutes resulted in a massive cough attack but luckily I didn’t die. It was pretty nasty though.  Hence running is temporarily out of service due to my body succumbing to freshman outbreak #1117.

I’m working only a half day due to the black lung today and the rain continues on. Here is a little sample:


At least the campus is gorgeous and the first rains are always so pretty.  Yesterday, post hack attack, I walked to frosh advising. The Marching Band was practicing a lovely little salute to Justin Timberlake. There’s nothing quite like hearing a Marching Band cover “Sexy Back” followed by “Mirrors.” Easily the highlight of Tuesday. Of course, the job search continues.

I have been reading this book and it is SERIOUSLY SOOOOO GOOOD!


It takes place in San Francisco and Berkeley and I LOVE reading about places I have lived. It makes it just a little bit cooler to read about places you’ve been. It’s a tad sci-fi, nerdy, but also has some unexpected twists and turns. Buy this book! You’ll love it. If you don’t…well…you probably won’t enjoy reading this nerdy blog anyways. So my bad.

I ate a healthy lunch and breakfast today so that’s a big improvement. Having the in-laws over basically threw all eating healthy options out the window. I really need a to-do/get back on track post because the HOT MESS is even messier and hotter than usual topped off with a cherry of me being super sick. BLERGH!

Also I need to actually do some work today instead of just “pretending.” The students must be advised!

I would say besos but I’m the outbreak monkey so abrazos from a distance,


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