Shame, budgets, and other things to drink about….

My barre instructor shamed me…..

I mean not my actual working out but that I wasn’t going to sign up for their studio. Don’t get it twisted I’m really enjoying pure barre. I would describe it as more of a cardio type barre where you’re sweating, dying, and looking around like who the ‘eff are these fit bitches??? All to really good music, I mean they hosted a Bey Day and all the workouts were to Beyonce. You can’t not love that. However as we all know the lbg is in debt crisis mode. I mean I’m not a hobo but I need to get my expenses in check and am on the slow, slow, journey of paying of credit cards – BLARGH.  Did I fail to mention their studio price for one month unlimited is $225!!!! I know, hot damn. For a 10 class pass, it’s $200 bucks. When I was a member of bar method it was $175 a month (w/ more classes offered and to be honest a nicer studio) and that was rough on my budget.  I mean it was a luxury but saved my life since my Grandma was hella sick and in general I was under mad stress. We digress, I’m not joining pure barre.


Anyways, fitness is my therapy and I’m just not the type to tell a stranger my problems when I can just work it out. It’s mostly stress. Trust, when I had some real issues my booty was seeing a counselor and that hella helped. People, you got to do you. So absolutely no shame in getting some quality therapy. Right now though I need some stress reliving fitness more than anything else. My budget therefore will make room for classpass with it’s sweet $100 a month price tag.


Working out is my friend…I feel 100x better when I get my ass to the gym or on a run. Although me and running are on a serious break. I did a marathon (still shocked) so I think a little break-up is in order. You run for 17weeks straight and trust you’re ready.


I also am planning my sister’s bachelorette and that’s gonna take a whole heap of funds. Next month, it looks like ramen noodles….okay not that bad but close. I gotta stay on track. Sometimes you just have to drink wine at home, have a party with yourself, and know that things will somehow work out….even with that young 28 barre studio owner is shaming you.


Yes, I’m dancing alone at home to David Bowie….dance, magic, dance….



The thirties is where shizz gets real

Being in your thirties kind of sucks and I wish more people would talk about that.

So I’m going to post about it…suck it, world.


Your 20s are awesome and you can kinda get by with your poor choices, random crazy, and drinking far too much with your buddies. By 30 though ish just really starts to change and time speeds up exponentially. Friends are getting married, people have babies, good babies, bad babies, friends with babies that are afraid to leave the house….all true stories. You start to realize ummmm retirement….or I should buy a house….or I’m so buried in student debt that I won’t be able to buy a house. People get sick parents which is devastating….some people have to care for and bury their parents. There’s a lot less drinking with your buddies and more pouring wine alone with Netflix. You start to see people more at less fun planned stuffy events rather than random hang out sessions…. showers/parties that you have to buy gifts for….just take my check Crate & Barrel….go on..just take it. PS try and not drink too much at said party and throw up in front of someone’s mother in law or two year old. You worry about your job, getting paid more or less money, are you still dream chasing or just hoping not to kick your boss in the face???


Trust me, there are good things in your 30s too but you probably already know them. This is a rude awakening post not yeah 30 is the new 20 post.


This 34 year old is have such a rude awakening and as a result I’m really trying to take back my 30s and embrace this whole lame grown-up thing…because basically I don’t want to be a homeless 60 year old. Well, what does one do to take back their life which has made a swift turn into grown-up land??? I can only tell you what I’m doing but if you have advice, please do share.  I’m taking classes…yes, classes.

I’ve signed up for the following classes or single day workshops to kick my 34 year old butt into grown-up land. I mean currently I’ve been kicking it on the borderland of late 20s slacking and early thirties island. The geography of all this is in fact quite complex. Here’s what I’ve signed up for so far and why?

  • Women & Leadership Career course (6 weeks) – I’ve veered from my original career plan and I need some help to shape my career, determine how to grow it, and balance that with other life stuff. I’ve heard great things about the course and hey investing in your career and yourself is SUPER grown-up. Starts in September so I will keep you posted. Career Planning – Making it happen.
  • Getting Out of Debt (workshop) – I want to kill my credit cards but when your sister is having a big fancy wedding, you unavoidably need to spend money, and I need help.
  • Working With a Financial Planner (workshop) – See above but add my student debt plus I want to one day retire and not on the streets.
  • Planning Your Pregnancy Leave workshop – because one day and I think I should know about all the ways campus maternity leave suck so I can plan accordingly.

Thankfully they are all spread out over the next few months and I’m hoping they will assist me in my plan to be a mildly successful adult.

Ok, now I’m going to finish this breakfast burrito.



Clean Eating, Working Out, and other failures on Monday

Okay, okay, this weekend was pretty much filled with drunken shenanigans and brunch. I mean I did manage a four mile walk with my homegirl on Sunday but my eating habits were nothing to write home about….I also consumed enough alcohol on Friday for a small boat of pirates. Whiskey, why are you so delicious in a mixed cocktail???

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Friday was one of those nights where you open your purse and review the receipts for clues regarding all the poor choices you made. Hmmm…apparently I bought a round of drinks there too. It happens. Hey, at least I’m spending money on experiences and not things. #minimalism

Week 2 will be better. I’m signed up for three Pure Barre classes (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) and this morning I ate kale for breakfast with my eggs. Super duper healthy. My pants are still tight as eff and that jerk face the scale may have gone up 3lbs on Friday but I’m determined to keep going. I blame bloating…..

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However I did succeed in being a grown up this weekend by cleaning my kitchen, tidying up the living room, and grocery shopping. My Sunday was evidence that there is part of me that truly can manage adult life….now if I just could get 5 out of the 7 days to look that way, I’d be winning.


I’ve also been doing A LOT of Netflix binge watching. I killed Grace & Frankie this weekend and am SO sad that I don’t have more episodes. I started Sense8 and think I’m into it even though some of the episodes I’m what the eff is going on??? I will write up a little post on Grace & Frankie because it is so WONDERFUL. Sadly, now I have to go and do some work and advise students.




What is going on with me today???

I just have this low grade dread going on and want to be anywhere but my office…….

The office is mildly dead. this morning my student advising appointments were a mix of cheery frosh & soph with easy little advising questions and issues and juniors that either cancelled or simply no-showed. So there’s no reason for me to feel so down….I got a lot sleep last night. I ate half an avocado, made my lunch, and drank coffee this morning so lack of nourishment shouldn’t be the issue. BLARGH…..unexplained dread is ruining my day.


My homegirl is getting ill so she cancelled our pure barre class tonight for which I am grateful due to the fact that last night my abs were on fire. I think a day of rest for the muscles that apparently exist beneath my tummy is needed.  Who knew I had some muscles under there?? Clearly not me.

The streak of bringing my lunch continues with my chicken, avo, tomato, carrot, and kale salad…BOO YAH! I also brought a nectarine and blueberries. Summer fruit, I love you. Sooooo much. I couldn’t eat clean without you.


I know…it’s an avocado but it’s all I had saved in my images, okay!!! I think I may need to break down and get a coffee…I’m not holding it together well. Maybe an afternoon playlist and expresso will help me pull it together….

To Be Continued…….


The end of the red hot summer

August Updates Thus Far…

This weekend I cooked and cleaned and basically was a 50’s house wife. It worked though and my casita is pretty damn clean and I’ve brought my lunch err’ day this week and did I mention we’ve also been cooking dinner too. Hashtag winning. There’s something about coming home to a clean house that really just makes me feel extra relaxed. LURVE IT.


I attended Pure Barre on Monday and it kicked my ass. I have another class today but am waiting until I’ve attended three classes to give you all a full review and compare it to Bar Method. I know the suspense is killing you but I have to work for a living and prepare kale, beatches. Yes, kale is what fit people eat and that’s what we’re going for.


I’m getting that itch to cut my hair and do something different. Maybe it’s Falls around the corner….No idea but thinking it might be time to chop this long hair and start fresh.


I’m looking a little chubette and am considering taking a August before and September after to help me keep the motivation…I don’t think I’d post it here but ya know just to keep my ish going.

Work…I’m struggling. I needed a real vacation not double destination wedding duty but I lurve my friends. For instance, this blog post not really work. I need to rally. GET YOUR WORK ON, PEEPS.

the-office-office-olympics-peepsAlright, let’s try and get over this hump shall we?

