Run Livermore, Drink Wine, and Treat Yo’self

Livermore Half Completed!!!!

This course was beautiful even with those two surprise hills between miles seven and nine. I think my outfit choice was bad and not fitting given the weather but we’ll get to that later.  First a few photos of the race to entice you to run it next year!!! photo 1 I apologize for my poor photo taking skills on my hella sad iphone 4. The morning was cool which is always great for a race. You can kinda see the banner for the race in the shot above. The race starts and ends in downtown Livermore which is super cute and quaint. I’m really having a hard time figuring out how to dress as I run longer distances. I REALLY hate being cold and shivering my butt off before a race but I’m slowly realizing you have to suck it up butter cup and do it. Otherwise you end up full on sweat monster. Despite my 5 foot nothing status, I sweat like a man. I just hate shivering 30 minutes before a race…it pains me but sigh, guess I need to get over it.

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Here we are as we slowly move out of downtown and the suburbs and into the trails and wine country.

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I wish my photos came out better but you can see the vineyards and rolling hills. It was super beautiful.

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My awesome medal with removal straps so you can have a coaster to commemorate your race success!

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We also received this fabulous little stemless wineglass for post race wine tasting! It was actual glass which did lead to a lot of glass breaking in the wine tasting area. That’s what happens when a bunch of possibly dehydrated runners start drinking 🙂 Not gonna lie, I can’t wait to drink from this bad boy at home and feel hella accomplished!


(I had to use the ladies on the course which added 2 minutes – bummer – but given the hills and that, I’m stoked with my time. Oh yeah and basically taking the past two weeks off for “Random Birthday Activities.”)

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You can see the wine tasting festival tents in the background there. All the good kids are stretching. I was drinking water and chopping on a banana.

photo 2 copy 3It was super hot after the race and I decided on a little BBQ and a beer to celebrate my race! Hooraz!

This was a super beautiful course and I will probably do it again next year if I don’t succumb to the San Francisco Rock N Roll Half.  I only have two runs planned for this week since it’s my “recovery week” and on April 6th my official San Francisco Marathon training begins!!! I have several plans saved on pinterest but need to sit down and actually come up with something useable/feasible. I’m really nervous about fueling, to carry or not carry water, and getting a running belt for all this crap. I feel like when you go from half to full, shiz starts getting real.

Alright kids, I hope you had a great weekend and Monday isn’t too hectic.

Sending much love and besos,


34 Stories of running, empty pockets, and April showers

Being 34 is exhausting. I have a strong feeling it has to do with all the drinking, eating out, and socializing that came with my birthday. Somehow I can’t seem to catch up on my sleep and running this week has been nil. I mean the last birthday happy hour was Monday and I think I’m focused on fully recovering at this point.

Sunday was the She Is Beautiful 10k in Santa Cruz and I ran a solid 55 minute race, holla! It drizzled a little during the race but it felt so refreshing and gave me a little boost as I ran through Natural Bridges. The race was sold out and it definitely felt that way, the shuttles arrived late/moved slowly, and I was unable to make it into my time corral. Despite all this I still had a really good time. It was overcast but still such a great day to be near the ocean. I love being at the beach and running, I mean c’mon just add wine and you’ve got perfection. I’ve run this race 4 years now and I have to say I do miss the smaller feel of the first years but it’s still a lot of fun. The energy is so positive and everyone is really friendly. The theme of embracing your own beauty permeates throughout the entire race. It’s a great race for first timers, walkers, and families. The post race festival was beyond over crowded so we grabbed our shirts and headed back to our hotel.


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May feels right around the corner with my trip to Hawaii for my homegirl’s wedding, soon July will be here, and I will be headed to Budapest for another wedding. It’s so exciting but stresses me out a bit too since financially I’m in such a shaky place. For Hawaii, I’ve paid for my ticket and my hotel which is great. I just need to work out a budget for while I’m there. For Budapest I have about of a third of the ticket cost saved but I’m going to throw a chunk into savings with my April paycheck so that we should be able to buy our tickets in May.

I need to really work on my financial security, 34 make me feel like 40 is around the corner, and I would like to be able to retire someday. I was out for jury duty during the Spring Retirement Session but I’m fully planning on attending the Fall session so I can see where I’m at and what I need to be contributing moving forward for my future old lady adventures.

Between my student loans and credit card debt, I feel a little crushed. Having the two weddings this year really hurt my credit card pay down plans although I haven’t added to that debt so small victories. I just need to sit down with my boyfriend and review my budget and our living expenses. I love where we live but we pay a ton in rent and I don’t know if the second bedroom/office was the best investment since he uses it less than anticipated. I don’t know….I just know that I need some help because clearly the choices I’m making on my own financially are not making sense.

Oh yeah and I dropped my phone pretty badly in Santa Cruz. It’s holding on but that’s another cash money purchase that will need to be upcoming. I did not mean for this post to be a broke ass thirty something entry but there you have it. I mean if you can’t be a financial sad bastard on your own blog where can you??


2015 the theme word was INSPIRED and my action item is appearing to be to ask for HELP.

 Basically I’m Sandra Bullock in 28 days. I heart her.


April is the get serious month, peeps. We’re bringing the fitness and healthy food back with a vengeance. We will be in Hawaii swimsuit countdown and I want to look and feel good….I say this as I eat mac and cheese. I’m drinking water at least. Thank baby Jesus for that much. I also will be getting serious with my Marathon training – LOOK OUT!!!! Let’s set up some April Goooaalllss!!!


  • Run 3- 4 times a week
  • Plank for core strength – goal 20 out of 30 days this month!
  • Stay within my budget!!! Just say NO to spending
  • Work on cleaning out my clothes closet
  • Bring my lunch to work also known as saving money!!!
  • Read a book

I’m serious here, kids. It’s time to put the two week long birthday celebrating behind us and get back to reality. I’m considering a sugar detox to help with the eating and hopefully the race this Saturday will be perfect for a Marathon Kickoff!!!

I’m heading to Livermore on Friday for the race expo!!! So excited and did I mention there’s wine tasting!!!!??? 13.1 tastings to be exact. Isn’t that clever.

Alright my peeps, it’s time for me to call it a night and tackle some chores.


16 Candles X2 plus a little change

Sooo…’s my birthday. Why are birthdays so weird when you’re old?? We need to take it back to your 6th, 7th, and 8th birthday, where there are no expectations. You’re just excited to eat some cake, maybe some pizza, and rip the paper off a package or two. When you were 7, you didn’t sit around and compare yourselves to other 7 year olds. “Man, Tony is riding a bike without training wheels…AND he can do some multiplication. WHAT AM I DOING WITH MY LIFE!!!” Nah, none of that happened. You were just like damn, I’m 7….that’s gangsta. But it’s so hard to be your thirties and not complain or be like what am I doing??? Anyways, I’m grateful to be having a birthday, have awesome homies, and kick it with you all on the Interwebs.


Yesterday, I didn’t get a job I REALLY wanted so that sucked. I just have to keep applying and trust there’s some kinda plan in this crazy universe. I consoled myself with pizza and beer which felt like a good way to end my early thirties. I will be more sophisticated as I move into my mid thirties, note to self.

On the up side, today I got notified that I get to be a SWEAT PINK AMBASSADOR for fit approach!!! That was pretty amazing and makes me feel like a real blogger! Holla! Check out my fancy new badge on the side bar.


Thank goodness I have my 10k race this weekend because my fitness has been on slacker central this past week or so. April is around the corner and I’m going to have to be serious with my SF Marathon training! EEK, scared!!! But also excited.

Birthday Week has been filled with food and booze and tonight will be no different since it’s the actual day and I get to spend the evening with my wonderful boyfriend. Seriously, he’s my Jake Ryan….that’s a sixteen candles reference for all the bebes out there. It’s a great movie but it’s from the 80’s so warning there’s definitely a racist stereotyped character in there but if you can get past that it’s a gem. MOLLY RINGWALD FOREVER!


Alright kids, hope you have a fabulous Thursday! Have a little cocktail for me!



Make sure to avoid the rigatoni to ensure your best birthday

Alright, it’s Birthday Week, peeps. It snuck up on me like BAM and damn my days of being thirty-three are numbered…there’s four more left….sad face. Thirty-three to thirty-four is a pretty small change I guess technically my early thirties will be over and I will move into my mid-thirties.


I’m throwing out the scale this week and enjoying myself on my pauper budget also known as focusing on drinking at home with delicious food. I started yesterday but too bad my take out Rigatoni made me HELLA sick. Yep, I’m sitting on my couch since I had some major tummy issues last night that resulted in me feeling like this old lady would prefer to be home and near her own ladies room. Thank you, very much. That was a bummer. Sure, all the white wine and sparkling rose may have played a small part in not being perhaps the best base for take out Italian from Spoon Rocket but you live thirty three years and you learn some lessons. DON’T ORDER THE RIGATONI!!!


Today I need to update my resume and possible try to run since last week with jury duty this slacker managed only one run and a viewing of the LA marathon which completely counts as training. I also bought myself some yogurt made from goat’s milk to get my gut health back on track. I might also make some juice but we’ll see…it’s birthday week any manner of slacking may occur.

mindy and cake

I need to order a second pair of running shoes for marathon training since April is around the corner and jeez that’s WAY more frightening that turning thirty-four….But damn forty is around the corner and that is super scary!!! I want to be way more grown up at forty. No strike that! I want to be a grown up by forty. Ok, after my July marathon I will have the strength to define what a grown up at forty looks like and make it happen.

Oh, back to running, I’m thinking of the Saucony Mirages. I found some for a really good deal and let’s be honest I am all about the really good deals these days.  It’s Monday and I’m hoping that you are feeling so much better than my tummy, kids.



If Atreyu and Tupac had a rap song I’d be their back-up dancer

I’m feeling like Tupac this week, me against the world styles.

Yesterday was a toughie, jury duty all day, home for a quick old lady dinner, back to work to present an evening study abroad panel for the bebes, and amidst all that ish navigating some familia issues. Of course, I couldn’t sleep and today am feeling a little like I got hit by a truck or that I just lost my horse to the swamp of sadness.


Running this week didn’t happen due to all of that above but I’m here blogging to hold my slacker self accountable. I’m hoping to actually get this booty up early (eek) and get my run on! Thursday morning run, Friday morning run, and long run on Saturday. I can do this!!! I have been off my game all week and I need to get it back!!!


I WILL get some sleep tonight, run in the morning, and basically be an actual grown-up!!!!

In other news, I tried a bullet proof coffee at Whole Foods and it was definitely different…..It was creamy in a buttery way…I don’t know if it’s something I’d do on a regular basis but it kept me fuller during my full morning of court. Sigh, jury duty continues on and it’s like my cousin Vinnie but instead of being hilarious it’s tedious. Please baby Jesus let me back at work on Friday….please.


I wish I could say more but I am forbidden from discussing the case, trial, shenanigans, and jury room dealings at this time. SIGH….tedious… so tedious. Keep in mind I’m nerdy and despite the terrible timing I was actually excited to perform my civic duty. Serving has definitely been the right word to describe my experience.

Alright homies, I hope you’ve been getting your fit on this week. Ya know, so at least one of us is accomplishing something.




Monday I’m not in love…..nor am I excited

It’s just me and Monday slogging along fueled by too much coffee and a Whole Foodie version of a Dr. Pepper. I’m digging the extra daylight but my body always has a mini freak out about the loss of an hour. I stay up too late and wake up exhausted and usually by Thursday, I’m back to normal. We really just need to eliminate daylight savings all together.

This weekend the boyfriend had a handful of homies from out of town in the vicinity so of course shenanigans. We went out for yummy Jamaican food and I threw back too many red stripes, rice, oxtail stew, and fritters. We bbq’ed the following day where this little brown girl ate ALL the tortilla chips. Like fo’ reals. I cannot have chips in the casita, it’s my kryptonite. Basically I ate all the food including some brunch at our favorite greasy spoon around the lake.


– 5.5 mile run
– 4.5 mile run
– 11 mile run – Hooraz!!!

11 miler


Today my court strategy was to stay awake by snacking which wasn’t as helpful as I originally planned & definitely not great for the waistline. I think I ate 3 or 4 ginger chews and a small handful (5?) of healthy starbusts, a small bag of pirates booty, oh there was a small chocolate chip cookie, and the above mentioned wannabe Dr. Pepper.


Currently, I’m hiding out on the couch binge watching The Great Brit Bake Show which I love!!! A treasure that I discovered as a result of my Downton addiction. Thank you PBS and NPR for bringing so much nerdy joy into my life.



I feel the need to set some goals for this stressful week. I have to unexpectedly head home for the weekend as a result of some family drama which is a shame. It never ceases to surprise me how hard it is for people to do the right thing when death and money are involved. I highly recommend that people take the time to ensure their loved ones wishes are recorded in a will. Sadly people will not honor the deceased wishes otherwise. People will cry tears and say that they just want what that person wanted but in the end it seems sometimes greed prevails. It’s really really sad and disheartening in particular when the person that expresses these feelings was not the primary care taker and in some cases failed to truly set up and assist with someone’s care but that is the way life goes I suppose.


On top of that situation and the remaining freshman programming I have to facilitate while on jury duty, I’m burnt out…oh and that pesky time change. This lbg can’t get a break. However I feel very lucky to have an amazing boyfriend that cooked me a lovely little dinner even as he got ready for a business trip that leaves tonight. Heart him!

Ok, back to goals for the week of March 9th!

  • Get all three of my runs accomplished
  • Eat clean on Tues through Friday to get back on track
  • Bring my lunch to court all week
  • Stay within my weekly budget
  • Spend at least a little time each night organizing my messy bedroom*

*We had guests over this weekend so the casita did get cleaned but everything random/unorganized laundry got thrown into the ramshackle bedroom.



Sometimes you just have to focus on the positive and keep your head up.


Buttered, smothered with avo, peanut butter? How do you like your toasty toasted lbg?


I am so grateful that is Friday and I’m not in court. Unfortunately, my brain is drained and I’m in my office attempting to do my job when really I need another 3 hours of sleep. As the pro’s say “Fake it ’till you make it!” I’m here and seeing students and attempting my very burnt out best.

Since my brain is just running on the bare minimum think 1990s dial up internet, the best thing is just to jump onto Amanda’s Friday Favorites!!!! Share the lurve and see what this lbg is hearting this week!
Friday Favorites

What am I loving this week……hmmm….ok….ok, I got this.


This is seriously THE BEST! You know when you sign up for a race, super early, land a great deal, and are super excited??? Of course, someone will end up getting married, having a party, or something else you can absolutely not miss on that date and you feel like screaming “NOOOOOO!!!” This is basically the story of my life and as a result I have to hide my sadness and loss of funds since my non-runner friends don’t even like to walk let alone run and cannot conceive of my possible sorrow. Those bastards. Anyways, I’ve noticed a newish trend of races offering the option to sign up as a remote runner or change your racing option to remote runner. As a remote runner you still receive your bib, medal, and shirt the week following the race with the aim that you will run the race mileage in your own hood on the day of the race. Basically you are participating in spirit. This is AWESOME for peeps like me that have to miss a race but already threw down the cash and most likely will be getting the miles done anyways. I switched to a remote runner for the SJ 408K and all my ish came yesterday and it really perked up my Thursday!!!!




My boyfriend got me a subscription for this magazine as a Christmas gift which was very sweet. I usually buy Runner’s World, Women’s Heath, SELF at random times sometimes the PALEO magazine. Sometimes I like to treat myself to a magazine now and then even though it’s a little old timey. I wasn’t sure what this magazine would be like but it turned out to be pretty cool although pretty short in length. I’ve only received one issue but so far I’m enjoying it. To be honest I thought it would be lame and just full of crap to buy but there were some solid articles in there, so you GO GLEN COCO! Aka Women’s Running Magazine.



I bought some of these for my salads and lunches and they are so pretty!!! Plus delicious, my friends. Also you just can’t beat the prices at good ole Trader Joe’s.
4. THIS VIDEO! Beyond Cute!

Alright kiddies, I’ve got to do some work, update my March Running Mix, and get some ish accomplished!
Fingers crossed we all knock out our weekend runs!

The Devil’s Advocate aka Target

The one nice thing about jury duty is that the courthouse is only a 30-40 minute walk from my casita. It is quite literally across the lake which provides for such a lovely morning commute. I was actually a good blogger today and snagged these photos for you all.

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Yesterday, I managed to hit up Target and get some household shopping taken care but it was an expensive little trip. Granted most of the items I picked up will last me and the boyfriend a considerable amount of time and sometimes it is better to pay up front. I’m excited for my run today and hoping the weather lasts through the day. I’m mixing running with errands today…I know so crazy.

My plan is to run to my pharmacy (about 1.5 miles) pick up my prescription and run back to my apartment building (1.5) and place my prescription in my mailbox and continue to do another 2 miles. I usually just run with my phone in one hand and my keys in the other so not quite sure how I will finagle the logistics but I’m not too worried. I am worried about running with water. For all the half marathons I’ve participated in (5 so far) I’ve never carried water. I have always utilized the water stations and that seems to work fine for me. However for a marathon, I feel like I should carry water which is a little daunting. I really don’t think I would like using those waistbands with water bottles attached…although that seems smart. I guess I’m leaning towards a handheld water bottle with a grip? I’m going to have to do some research on this matter.


In other news, I am so excited for my two races this month!!! I will be in Santa Cruz for the She Is Beautiful 10k in two weeks and after that it’s all about the Livermore Half on March 28th!!! Super excited for two new bibs to hang in my office and a medal for the Livermore Half plus a cute wineglass!!! Seriously, races for me are so fun and I usually run alone so it’s exhilarating to be in a crowd.

Alright peeps, I’m going to attempt to tackle some ish while I wait for court to begin.

You can’t handle the truth! Starring Me & Kevin Bacon

Dear Monday,
Why must you never go as planned? Seriously? Why are you so spiteful and wicked? Really, Monday…I mean I know it must suck to not be Friday since she’s the cool one but that’s absolutely no reason for you to be the eff you one. I guess that’s the way it goes though. Sigh, whatever.
We’re over Monday.

Despite the set backs of that bastard Monday, I still managed to get in a five and a half mile run!!! Holla. It was a struggle but once I got past those first three miles, I really enjoyed myself.
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Yesterday, I busted out the spiralizer and attacked some beets and carrots which I roasted. They came out amazing and looked so beautiful on top of some spinach. Yummers!!! Today there will be some running but it might be to Target. We have some guests coming for a BBQ this Saturday so I’m trying to get the casita as cleaned up as possible. Here’s hoping that Friday night isn’t fueled by coffee as we work until the wee hours cleaning our dirty little casita. If the trusty boyfriend can’t take me today then I’ll be hitting the lake to get in another solid 5 miles.
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In other news, I’ve been selected for jury duty. EEK! My posting is already irregular so here’s hoping it won’t get any more wonky. Fingers crossed!! I can’t believe that the Livermore Half is in 24 days!!! I’m really excited and hoping to have a good race. I’m feel like my training is going well and can’t believe that after that it will be time to start my MARATHON training!!!! Seriously, beyond crazy. What am I doing???

I think I need to get a foam roller since everyone is always recommending you foam roll after you run. It sounds terrible but healthy for you. I have no idea since I’ve never done but I see some skillful runners doing it so can’t hurt to try. Why are foam rollers so damn expensive?? It’s foam like a pool noodle, right? Crazyness. I will have to check groupon for some deals. Foam rolling, interwebbies, thoughts?? I’m ready to hear any tips, tricks, or good deals you may have. Oh, maybe I will look at Target tonight!!!

Let’s get this humpty hump insanity over with peeps!!!! But on that note, due to jury duty I had to get my amazing colleagues to cover a million things and I sent this little movie music to inspire their booties to be my hero. Hope you enjoy it!!!

PS Nobody says no to Kevin Bacon!!!

Sunday Note Passing….High School Style

The past week was a running fail but sometimes your lady times and allergies means doing the bare minimum to just get by, ya feel me? I had a great time at the wedding on Saturday but that pretty much took up all the energy I had left.


Tomorrow, I have jury duty and fingers crossed that I don’t get selected since I have a TON of programming for my first year students. I’m hoping to go in tomorrow and say “Hey, I went to law school, I’m a dirty commie, and probably not the best fit for your case so let’s call this a day and send me home. Thanks.”

I mean that’s a realistic plan, right?

I’m hoping to get home from jury duty early, hit up the whole foodie, and get a much needed run in….I know…probably not gonna happen but a girl can dream right?

This concludes my random Sunday night check in, peeps. Let’s just try and be positive and really bring our A game on Monday.

