No Sleep ‘Till Brooklyn!

Just a little check in from the Garden State!!! The New Balance Pre-Party was crazy fun yesterday! Brooklyn, you are adorbs!!!

Starting my Wednesday flight with a flight!


Thursday looked a little like this!





Today we’re gonna venture out for a little rainy Central Park action. Have a great day, peeps!


I’m no Disney Princess – DJ special request Monday

Monday morning kicked off with birds tweeting and chattering at about 5:00am outside my window. I really tried to invoke my inner Snow White (or is that Cinderella?) but seriously all I wanted was a bebe gun to shoo those birdies off that tree. Sleep people, I need sleep. Obviously the only thing I was able to invoke was my inner sleeping beauty.

We’re scheduled to hit a glorious 82′ degrees today which meant I threw on a lovely little turquoise & black polka dot sweetheart dress to properly mark the occasion. I finally grabbed some flip flops from Target – Hooraz! Yep, rocking those too. I’m all about this warm weather. Summer is my absolute favorite season. Watermelon, long hot nights, BBQ, and vacations. Trust, I could go on and on.

Speaking of vacation, I leave August 15th!!!! I was beyond excited last week when the Boy snagged our tickets and made it official. He sent me a quick email since he moved the dates up for a better ticket price. I shot off an email agreeing and thinking nothing of it. Nothing like realizing you’re gonna miss the August 16th half marathon I already paid for….booo!!! And damn, I’m out 60 bucks. I’m going to see if there’s any refunds or if I can switch my registration with someone. It definitely sucks a little bit. On the upside, I have a vacation count down!!! We’re going from August 15-21st! The hotels we’re looking at all super chill and beautiful. Once that’s settled I’ll throw some photos down for you peeps to enjoy.

I can’t believe I leave for NYC on Wednesday and have this bad boy to lookd forward too!!!

I can’t wait to get into some NYC trouble. I think I’m gonna buy some tix for the Empire State building but everything besides that and the New Balance Pre Party & Expo is gonna be spontaneous! Unless you all have some MUST -DOS! Oh and of course Brooklyn Brewery! Holla at me with your NYC tips, tricks, and must dos. Keep in mind, I’m (as usual) a broke ass lbg but still throw it out there ๐Ÿ˜‰

During my East Bay Half ย the jams made my run awesome. Today I wanted to toss a little Monday Mix-tape your way kiddies. For your listening pleasure, lbg theme musica. We all need theme music, I’m pretty sure that’s from an Ally McBeal episode but I stand by that. Yes, I’m that old. I loved Ally McBeal…related to me going to law school who knows???


DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince – Summertime

Summer is getting here when I start playing Fresh Prince on repeat.

Lighter Shade Of Brown – Hey DJ

If it makes me want to dance to it, I can run to it.

Q-Tip – Vivrant Thing

Sweeter than Ben & Jerry’s – lyrical genius. Need I say more ๐Ÿ˜‰

Yuna – Rescue

I find this song so inspiring. I’m always bummed when I do a shorter run and don’t get to hear it. If you’re looking for a pick me up – this is YOUR JAM! love, me.

Kanye West – Touch The Sky ft. Lupe Fiasco

Four words – BEND IT LIKE BECKHAM. This song makes me feel like I’m this ish. Great for running and bringing the tempo down a bit but making you feel like you’re gonna do this. The video has a little skit in so sorry it’s not the musica all the way through.

Happy Monday, Peeps!



I’m rocking Tuesday! My presentation went well. HOOLLLAAA! Holla not Hola. Just so we’re clear. Now, I’m rocking out to some Pharrell’s Marilyn Monroe.
via gifsoup!

There’s no video otherwise I would post it for you, kiddies. Today is some SERIOUS improvement over the Shizz that was Monday. The little silver lining was I came home to flowers and porkchops. Yep, my man’s got it like that. Not gonna lie I skipped bar method to eat hot porkchops, enjoy my flowers, and watch some Call Of The Midwife. If you’re not watching that on PBS, you’re not an old lady. But points if you dig Downton. I’m all about the fine production and historical accuracy of PBS, so suck it!!!!

I need to donate and to NPR. I really enjoy some podcasts. SUPPORT NPR & PBS! You will feel smarter!!! Love, your favorite nerdy College Adviser.

Tuesday, you’re shaping up be NOTHING liKE Monday and I am so very grateful. I actually will go work out today with a little bad bar method. Does anyone else over schedule working out knowing that if they break even that’s all that matters? Here’s to hoping I’m not the only one. I also impulse bought this book on my ipad last night since I cannot get myself to eat right. There was kale salad with those porkchops! Alright, I did eat a LOT of peanut M&Ms at work…fine…FINE…there was ONE GIRL SCOUT COOKIE!!!But only because the bf beat me to it and ate the rest. I’d call him a jerk face but hey there were flowers ๐Ÿ™‚ That guy is winning.

I will try and do a book review once I’m done. I just really need a kick in the pants of motivation or some inspiration. I’m doing all this working out so why am I sabotaging it with all the peanut M&Ms!!! Anyways, I will at least write you a paragraph on it. You know…good…bad…helped me sleep…what have you.

I feel like we are getting closer to securing some vacation flights. So ladies of the Interwebbies…and gentlemen….without further ado. I give you!!!





Five or six days by the sandy lovely beach with ocean waves and a cocktail in my hand. And yes, there is a Shawshank Redemption reference in there.

I fully plan on being all smiley like Morgan Freeman here when I arrive as well. Speaking of vacations, can we talk about this!!!

11 more days until I’m running in Brooklyn! I feel like after the 10.8 this weekend and the actual half I have this Saturday I will be ready!!!! Yeah, I’m crazy like that two halfs back-to-back. After that, I’ll give myself a nice little rest. No races scheduled until August. But if I feel up to it maybe I’ll add one or two in June/July. I could use some free race shirts ๐Ÿ™‚

Anyways, today is ROCKING! I hope your Tuesday is kicking ass and you’re having to break for mini office dance parties because you’re just that awesome.

Seriously, you’re awesome. Have some coffee and let’s keep kicking ass.


lbg….shaking it until I have to tell someone they’re dismissed.

I couldn’t smell the Bog of Eternal Stench if I tried…. Sniffle… Run… Sniffle

Yep, this Chica ran 10 miles and it didn’t kill me. Dude, it was close though. First, it ended up being CRAZY windy and a high pollen day and the Claritin has yet to kick in. So no, it was not a pretty sight but I drug my body through the windy and sniffled my way through it.


Let’s take a look at the splits… Well because that’s what those runner blogs do ๐Ÿ˜‰ I mean I made a serious come back at mile 5. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t breathing so great at mile 7 due to all the friggin’ pollen. I probably should pack some Claritin for NYC since I have no idea what’s blooming in Brooklyn.


I kept trying to remember what they say about racing during this 10er because I was NOT feeling it. You run one part with your heart, another with your head but DAMN what was the third part??? I straight up felt like Sarah in Labyrinth where she’s confronting the Goblin King and cannot effing remember! And you’re yelling at the TV “Girl! It’s you have no power over me!!!” Ok, well maybe that’s just my childhood.

Anyways, the quote goes that you run the first part with your head, second with your personality, and the last part with your heart. Whatever the Goblin King stole my baby with that run but it’s over so I’m cool. Sorry Tobey.

The other day I decided to torture myself and try on some wunder under lululemon pants. Now I only own 2 lulu items that were basically in their clearance section but they’re Lulu and far too fancy for clearance so they call it “we made too much.” I figured it’d be good to know my pant size in case a sale hits. DUDE, I see why you ladies buy these 90.00 pants they are the shizz and even more comfortable than my gap gfast 30 dollar sale pants (regular 55). I wanted to live in these pants. GOdDAMN it! I hate loving expensive things! I mean usually Target wins most things but ok lulu addicts I see (pant wise) why you are a cult – clearly a rich cult – but yea. I also dig the jackets there but $128 – damn! Not that much.

Alright back to being poor, I’m still having mild neck and shoulder pain so I might see the chiropractor but maybe should meet with my Dr. first?? No idea. I’ve just been becoming besties with the Icey Hot and avoiding the thought we might need a new bed because beds are HELLA expensive.

RANDOM unrelated note – I also am really digging the fresh squeezed juice from whole foods – I drank some beet, carrot, celery juice yesterday and I must say delicious and nutritious! You all need to get on that.


Last week I managed four workouts not the five I aimed for but not so bad. I’m gonna aim for five again and here’s the proposal:
Monday – bar method
Tuesday – bar method
Wednesday – run
Saturday – 10.5
Sunday – bar method

Fingers crossed, yo. It’s Monday and you know that means drama, kids. Here’s hoping you punch Monday in the face and not the other way around. Don’t worry I’ll still be here if you need ice.

Let me know what your weekend workout looked like or how’s Monday treating you.


Just another barre check in and blog love

It’s 3:45pm and I am done. ALREADY? Maybe it’s this whole 2 days of working out in a row. Bar Method has been particularly kick ass in the past two days. Monday, that little white ball of torture came out. I effing hate that ball if it didn’t make my thighs look so sexy. We also did fold overs….my body was displeased to say the least. Sure, it looks easy but your bending your leg and foot and working your glutes – TERRIBLE!
via via pinterest

This morning I hit up the 7am class since I work my 11-8 (hello frosh dorm advising) and they busted out arabesque. Those bastards! My leg was shaking so badly. ARGHHH…Mine doesn’t quite look like this.

via bar method

Well, at least the work outs are happening because I am taking some kind of August Vacation that will require a swimsuit!!! Still working on those dates…the joys of coordinating with your significant other.

DUDE! Starbucks has instant vanilla lattes??? When did this happen and are they any good?? Please let me know!!!

My Brooklyn registration for Bib pick up with my wave time was available today – WAVE 2 – 7:45AM! Makes it real!!! Cannot believe I’m getting to do the Brooklyn Half?? Destination racing, who am I? I’m just some little brown girl who grew up in the SJ. Feeling kinda awesome. Speaking of Brooklyn, anyone heart/read/follow Sheryl Yvette? Her blog is awesome. She’s taken some time off but kept quite a few of her posts up on her site. Anyways, she ran Brooklyn and completely inspired me…like two years ago – here. I wanted to run it last year but my bestie tied the knot that weekend so it was out. Being the blogging nerd I am….I messaged her via facebook to see if she’d be running. She responded BACK! And she’ll be there….I’ve yet to write back but she’s awesome and I seriously hope I get to run into her. Hehe…like what I did there? Yes, I am that lame.  Damn, Brooklyn is getting so real. Cannot wait. Also if you have any NYC tips holla at me!! So far besides the race I have Brooklyn brewery on my list with Central Park and maybe a lunch at Tavern on the Green. We might try to hit up a show but it’s yet to be determined.

I also am kinda toying with the idea of continuing to increase my mileage post Brooklyn. Like…marathon mileage. There are a couple of October California Marathons I could do. I’m not sure yet…it’s a big commitment but just day dreaming about it. Also does anyone use compression socks? I’m thinking of getting a pair. I also think they’d be good on the LONG flight back from NYC. Hopefully I’m not too sore. I have my 10 miles this weekend since Easter interfered and I just did a quick 6.

Alright my lovelies, we’ve got a weigh in tomorrow and confessions w/ Vodka and Soda! I need to work on what crazy ish I’m confession tomorrow. I should of saved the whole nerdy blogger contacting Sheryl thing. GODDAMN! Oh well, trust this old lady has plenty of material.


One little brown girl and the bottle of tequila




Let’s talk about tequila Wednesday happy hour. There’s nothing like some italian grapefruit soda topped with ice and my bestie tequila. Yesterday was one of those workdays that ended with some shots, drinks, and TJ’s appetizers for dinner. Good times! Thank lil’ baby jesus I popped 2 advil and drank two glasses of water before hitting the hay. Otherwise this morning might have been rough. Just a quick stop by the whole foodie for coffee, a salad for lunch, and some eggs for breakfast and I am making it happen!

I’ll tell you one thing, College Advisers are drinkers. Maybe it’s because we all LOVED college. We also love students and are super nerdy and into classes. Blows my mind everytime a student sits in front of me and tries to tell me nothing is being offered this term. WHAT??? WE OFFER A GAJILLION COURSES! Anyways, we got our drink on and it was wonderful. Except the part where I got home at 9:45pm and was like AGHHH it’s late.

In other old lady news, I’m having some concerns about my ass. Today I have a presentation/reception event for admitted students. Some have said yes and some are still weighing their option. I dig these events because I am NOT an admissions counselor. My job isn’t to sell the school. I’m here to give you honest advice on our college and majors so you can make the best decision for YOU! Yep, admissions hates me. There are so many schools because there are so many types of students and you should go somewhere that’s a good fit for you academically, socially, and geographically. CONSIDER IT ALL. Ok, done off my college rant now. Anyways, I’m dressed up and back to the booty.

I have a couple of dresses that I couldn’t fit into and felt like today was a good day to try them on. They might be sausagey but just wanted to see where I’m at. One was really close but it felt like I was actually too bootylicious??? What?? I mean running doesn’t usually make me assy but I’m thinking it’s the bar method? Which is awesome. I’d rather have a little more curve to my booty than a flat one but damn, I may not be fitting into that dress. I still have 5lbs more until goal so that will be the true test. Keep in mind, I’m barely 5′ feet so that 5 counts on my tiny person frame. Long story short, booty improvement = awesomeness.

All my running blogging peeps out there?? Any suggestions for a good hand held running water bottle with a pocket/pouch for your iphone? Random I know. But I want to start running with one of these for Brooklyn and that ish is around the corner. Also I have a 6:00am bar method class tomorrow – eek. Keep your fingers crossed I make it on time and get to work at a decent hour. I’m not sure how that’s all gonna work out but I will keep you posted. It’s my one day of early morning workout ie towards my plan of becoming a morning person.

Here’s some early morning motivation for manana…eek!
She is Beautiful facebook! Love this race!

Let me know how your Wednesday Hump went and what you got going on, kiddies!

LA to Boston to Brooklyn and back

Monday. You’re never a pleasant surprise.

I missed you all over the weekend, Interwebs. It was a quick and busy one so there was no time for hoping on for an update. But of course, in true Monday slacker style, I am here now. Friday was spent doing wash, packing, and trying to get organized for our quick LA familia trip. I tried to get to bed at a decent hour so I could squeeze out a run prior to our flight. AND BAM! LOOK WHO MADE HER SATURDAY MORNING HAPPEN!

9 miles

I managed to hit my 9 with a little change and head home for some showering and airport drinking! I have to say I was mostly impressed with what a good run it was and how solid I felt afterwards. Sometimes a run kicks your booty to the curb but that wasn’t my Saturday. HOORAZ! A lovely little flight out of terminal two was my treat for the day. Seriously drinking on the way to somewhere is one of my most favs and the airport bar is one of the most interesting places to drink. I strongly encourage this!



My favorite was the Santa Barbara Grenache blend! Adore!

The rest of the time was spent with the Boy’s familia so not much to report there. On the way back I did pick up Runner’s World Boston edition and that was a really good read. Some of the pieces made me super sad bastard teary eyed but I recommend you all pick up a copy. SUPER INSPIRING. People are just crazy amazing. There’s also a couple of articles for beginning runners so that’s pretty nice too.



Speaking of picking up ish. I saw an article on XOJane for the Socal curls and I kinda want to buy one. It seems legit but I’m tettering. It also could be a waste of $20. Anyways. Here’s the little video. What do you guys think? I’m all about sleeping with something and waking up with cute hair. That whole sock bun thing didn’t work for me because I have a ton of hair and this seems kinda legit. Arghh!!! Anyways let me know what you think??

Hmmm… hope that works. I feel like I have a million little projects I want to do but there’s never enough time. Or maybe I just manage my time poorly but seriously you need some tv, relax, eat bad food time! It’s essential to decompress. Maybe I’ll start a little project page on here for things I want to tackle. Ugh, my closet is a big one. So is my budget. I also still have two boxes of make-up, jewelry, random stuff that are not all the way unpacked from our big move-in this October. I know sad, right? Moving right before the holidays was a HUGE MISTAKE! Avoid this at all cost. Plus it was our first time moving in together so we did get rid of a lot of stuff but these last two little boxes….just are constantly being moved around. It was a Friday project but I napped before I did laundry so there you have it. SLACKER!
coffee slacker

CRAZYNESS!!! I will by in NYC at this time next month! Well technically I’ll be flying Virgin right now this time next month but there you have it. I’m BEYOND excited for Brooklyn. I also have a half the weekend before with my sister (10k, baby) so that will be fun! I want to add some more races but we really need to figure out this vacation thing. Although I think I’m learning towards Mexico (cheaper) because it turns out there may be a 2015 wedding in Aruba and a destination 40th birthday for friends/family so that would be a HUGE chunk of change right there. Money, I hate you!!!! But only because I don’t have more ๐Ÿ˜ฆ
I did bring a microwavable lunch item today, cheaper than buying on campus, and there was no time to make anything since we came back from LA. I think budget wise I may need to just invest in a handful to keep at work to bring the finances under control.

Let’s have some more coffee and get this crazy pants of a day shaking. Oh, I’m going to BAR METHOD THIS WEEK!!! FINALLY!!! Maybe later tonight I will squeeze in a weekly workout post. Sorry I’m super boring today! Don’t worry, it’ Monday all hell will break loose and I’ll be back to being angry and insane by tomorrow.

Coffee covered besos,

VIVA LAS VEGAS and other problems of the old lady variety



Morning workout cancelled due to slight shoulder pain. In an attempt to be a grown ass person and not further jack my little body up, I opted to stay home and sleep a bit longer. Given I took a 2 hour nap after work yesterday this felt appropriate. Your body heals itself during sleep, buddies! If you are not sleeping, you are seriously effing up the bod-day! That’s why sleep deprivation is considered a form of torture. TRUE STORY. But I sincerely hope to bring sexy back tomorrow because I am so over being broken.

Also I’m a stress shopper. I need to stop spending $$$$. I’m on the path to being a 90 year old College Adviser because I can’t afford to retire. I will tell the children I enrolled for my own college course via a landline and these kids will look at me and be like “What’s a landline?” Sigh, I’m broken and my precious Grandma R is doing really poorly. It sucks and I’m nervous about going to LA this weekend since she’s having a rough week. I mean she’s 95 so she’s a tough cookie but still. Plus trying to help my Mom with all my Grandma’s casa stuff is no fun and MAD depressing. Have your grandparents update their wills, people!!! While they are healthy! Update your own damn wills too!! Anyways, MAC Diva in matte was my spending luxury yesterday.

OMG! It’s so pretty and I love it! Some of you, may be thinking – Hmmm…it’s a little dark. Remember little brown girl, I’m a Mexican and we LOVE us some burgundy, red, and even brown (holla 90’s cholas) lipsticks. It’s in my genes, people!!!

This post needs some cheering up. QUICK MINI DANCE PARTY TO LIFT THE MOOD!!!!

Also Happy Birthday Q-TIP! Thanks for the jam! That seriously helped. The only thing that would have made it better is if my coffee was spiked with Baileys. Yummm….coffee and booze. Talk about a match made in Heaven.

This weekend we will head down South to spend a quick weekend with the Boy’s familia for passover. There will also be some fancy cocktails and brunch with his AWESOME brother and sister-in-law. Seriously, we always have way too much fun with those guys and it makes us sad they far away. However they are living the DINK lifestyle (Dual Income And No Kids – took me forever to figure this one out) and of course neither of them work in Education like us (suckers) so we always end up throwing down the cash. It’s always worth it though so probably good they don’t live nearby because we would be super broke or just yelling at them to not to be so DAMN FANCY! Not gonna lie, they are VERY generous and do pick up the tab quite a bit. THANKS FAMILIA for loving your broke, working in education, crazy familia. Cannot wait for sunny and gorgeous brunch in LA.

Speaking of being happy, running, aka killing the Debbie downer mode. I’m really wanting to do LAS VEGAS HALF MARATHON in November. You get to run the strip at night time!!! How seriously dope is that! Yeah, I said dope. We’ve already established I’m a million years old. Just enjoy it. Here’s a link – doesn’t it seem cool??? If I watched the ticket prices me and the Boy could prob get a good deal. We’d need a hotel but it seems like a fun little 2 – 3 day weekend vacay with a RACE! I should probably register like in June though because who am I kidding – next month is BROOKLYN!!! Aka all money going to fun times in NYC! Let me know if you have any suggestions?

Lastly, this article on xojane made me HELLA laugh. So I’m sharing it with you my interwebbies – check it out!!!

Let me know what’s going on in your old lady lives or bad girl lives!



The neck and shoulder saga continues but today I decided to advil up and come into the oficina. We will see how things go. If I’m in pain at 1pm – this old lady is calling it quits. Sadly, I’m not wearing icy hot, I couldn’t do that to my peers. I am hoping not to need to bust out the heat giant band aid things but I make no promises. The worst is that this whole sprained neck thing is f’ing up any chance of working out. If I make it through the entire day of work (and only if) I’m going to do a 3 mile walk instead of run just to keep me on the up and up. Yesterday I was feeling sorry for myself and had some gelato. Today it’s all about pulling it together and treating myself to….almonds…sigh, yeah it’s no effing gelato but I want to look sexy for whatever Summer vacay I end up taking!

Ok, so by now we all know that I am obsessed with morning people and I consistently fail at becoming one. It’s like I read 5 million articles, prepare, and sleep through my 5 alarms. Despite all this I keep trying. Next week when I’m fully healed my goal is to do a Thursday and Friday morning workout and make it to work on time. Baby steps. It will give me Mon, Tues, and Wed to work on going to bed early…ok, ok a decent hour. I want to workout in the morning!!! But my bosses will not accept a 10am arrival time! BASTARDS!


Pretty Strong Medicine

It’s been a minute, all my weight loss homies. The last time I weighed in was 3/25 and I was up a 1lb and some change….bastards. Anyways, last week I didn’t weigh in since I knew my body needed a little settling from all the BIRTHDAY CRAY plus why do that to myself. Happily the scale showed -0.3 lbs so that works! This last 10lbs is a beast. Only 5.3 more to go. But happy that the scale went down slightly. HOORAZ – LOSING WEIGHT! I’m hoping that my neck and back are feeling better by Friday since Saturday I have the 9 miler!!!! Broolyn Training is getting real! I cannot believe that I will be in Brooklyn in a little more than a month! Arrival on 5/14 bitches!!! It’s truly no sleep till Brooklyn these days. Holla Beasties.



1) This week all I can think about is how I hate being in pain and that GODDAMN you use your neck for everything. It effing sucks! I feel 100 years old which makes me think damn, that’s why this exercise take care of yourself crapola is so important.

2) I plowed through four Sex and the City episodes yesterday while trapped on my back and you know what GIRLS is no f’ing SATC.It’s hipster-y, dirty, and I find all the characters unlikeable. Carrie f’edu up a ton but you still have a soft spot for her bad choice making ass. Go watch Mindy instead of GIRLS. Mindy is hilarious, loveable, and also normal sized. So if that’s your reasoning for watching GIRLS (normal girls) – problem solved. Plus you get people of color!!! We like to be on tv too!!! Mindy making it happen for the brown girls – woo woo!


3)I wish I had more money. Also when I don’t prep my lunches on Sunday – the rest of the week is spent eating lunch at work which costs hella money!!! I need to prioritize Sunday as make lunches day. Why do I fail at being a grown-up. At least I am getting Chipotle salad for lunch – staying healthy, ladies.

4) FYI UNRELATED EXCITED RANT – I bought the following super cute things from GAP FIT yesterday! Everything was 20 – 40% off plus I used my GAP card and it was Tuesday so got the extra 10% – BOOYAH! Lately, I am on a slow goal to try all things on at the GAP so I know my sizes and can stop shopping in person ever again!!! WAHHHHH HAHAHAHA!!! Online shopping in my sweatpants, you know it. Dude, the gap fit workout gear is so comfortable. I’m in love!!! Why does everything need to be 50 bucks…sad face…thank god for coupons on coupons. Gorgeous heather gfast leggings for running and a black gfast capri! Plus the breathe tank in stripes (but mine’s purple and grey) and another breathe tank in turquoise. Seriously though, the breathe tanks I will be rocking at workouts and all the time! It’s my new favorite tank. ADDICTED!!!




Alright let’s get this day started! Let me know what you have on your agenda or what’s driving you cray to the zee, Interwebbies!


Just another whiny post about my back from a crazy old lady


Seriously, I’m in A LOT of upper back and shoulder pain. I should not have come into the office. Apparently, I slept like a f’ing crazy person and woke up all jacked up. I assumed that after moving around for a bit it would dissipate. I was incredibly wrong. I would leave early but I have appointments this afternoon. I guess I will leave at 4pm and head home to icy hot my old lady back before bar method. I have to actually weigh in this week…blargh. However yesterday I was looking pretty good until we ate all that Korean BBQ for dinner. I basically needed to roll myself through the house after that. WAY TO MUCH FOOD. That is why my friends you do not order take out after spending an afternoon drinking on your awesome roof deck.

Please let this generic advil from the office medicine cabinet cure me…please!!!

WORKOUT SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK – If I haven’t broken myself because I am feeling VERY BROKEN.
MONDAY – 6:45pm Bar Method
TUESDAY – 6:00am Bar Method
THURSDAY – 6:45pm Bar Method

I am loving my Ruby Woo lipstick and Cherry lip liner, ladies. I may have to head to MAC again on Friday to pick up another matte shade and lipliner. The staying power is also REALLY impressive.

Anyways, I wish I could kick it longer but I need to do work very slowly and try to not eat more of these generic advils. SAD FACE.

Hopefully your Monday is going better than mine so far. Here’s some motivation.



But I’m feeling more like this. Except it’s I’m broken.

Ok, let’s all go make Monday happen.
your broken lbg