The drug induced Wednesday link up – now with even more LURVE

ALLERGIES – million LBG – negative five

It’s time for some Wednesday link up LURVE

Weigh In Wednesday

Check out these heathy beeatches. I’m finally recovering from my allergies. Hellloooo Zyrtec! Not 100% but the Claritin was a waste of $20.00 at least with the Zyrtec there’s no crying aka teary eyes, way less sneezing, and only mild running nose. I will take it!!! So yea, no weigh in this morning and I ate a bagel. I promise my snotty booty will jump on the scale next week. At least I’m working out!! Small victories.

Speaking of victories, look who got all fancy on us!!! Kathy from Vodka and Soda! BAM an actual link up button! That’s sexy.

Vodka and Soda

These are my allergy, bagel eating, sick day confessions. Buckle up, peeps
1. Some people see Keifer Sutherland and they’re all – Dude, Jack Bauer ie 24 guy. I just see this.


Always and forever. Lost Boys. He’s just the lead vampire trying to make us eat maggots in the secret vampire lair. Little know fact – that’s the Santa Cruz beach boardwalk in the movie. I grew up going there!

2. You’re riding the BART ( Bay Area subway) during commuter hours and have no effing idea of what you’re doing. You don’t ask or observe and follow social norms!!! You just make my ass late! GOD DAMN! Or this!


3. When I’m running and I see a fellow lady runner and her ta-tas bounce. No, not a little shake like those ladies are having a run all their own. And I’m like Man, homegirl let me help you out. You need a new sports bra. I know what you’re thinking some ladies are SUPER busty and it’s an issue…Noooo!!! These are just C cup ladies running in god knows what??? Why??? Why???? FYI I think the Sports Bra would me a great name for a bar that focuses on lady sports like softball, NWBA, soccer, gymnastics and served delicious beer.

4. It’s a beautiful day in the 80s and I should be pulling a damn Ferris Bueller instead I’m taming the allergies. WEAK!!!

I promise next week their will be a full on fitness update and what have you. Also 2.5 weeks till Brooklyn I’m beyond excited!!! Let me know what’s going with your Wednesday, kiddies.


I couldn’t smell the Bog of Eternal Stench if I tried…. Sniffle… Run… Sniffle

Yep, this Chica ran 10 miles and it didn’t kill me. Dude, it was close though. First, it ended up being CRAZY windy and a high pollen day and the Claritin has yet to kick in. So no, it was not a pretty sight but I drug my body through the windy and sniffled my way through it.


Let’s take a look at the splits… Well because that’s what those runner blogs do 😉 I mean I made a serious come back at mile 5. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t breathing so great at mile 7 due to all the friggin’ pollen. I probably should pack some Claritin for NYC since I have no idea what’s blooming in Brooklyn.


I kept trying to remember what they say about racing during this 10er because I was NOT feeling it. You run one part with your heart, another with your head but DAMN what was the third part??? I straight up felt like Sarah in Labyrinth where she’s confronting the Goblin King and cannot effing remember! And you’re yelling at the TV “Girl! It’s you have no power over me!!!” Ok, well maybe that’s just my childhood.

Anyways, the quote goes that you run the first part with your head, second with your personality, and the last part with your heart. Whatever the Goblin King stole my baby with that run but it’s over so I’m cool. Sorry Tobey.

The other day I decided to torture myself and try on some wunder under lululemon pants. Now I only own 2 lulu items that were basically in their clearance section but they’re Lulu and far too fancy for clearance so they call it “we made too much.” I figured it’d be good to know my pant size in case a sale hits. DUDE, I see why you ladies buy these 90.00 pants they are the shizz and even more comfortable than my gap gfast 30 dollar sale pants (regular 55). I wanted to live in these pants. GOdDAMN it! I hate loving expensive things! I mean usually Target wins most things but ok lulu addicts I see (pant wise) why you are a cult – clearly a rich cult – but yea. I also dig the jackets there but $128 – damn! Not that much.

Alright back to being poor, I’m still having mild neck and shoulder pain so I might see the chiropractor but maybe should meet with my Dr. first?? No idea. I’ve just been becoming besties with the Icey Hot and avoiding the thought we might need a new bed because beds are HELLA expensive.

RANDOM unrelated note – I also am really digging the fresh squeezed juice from whole foods – I drank some beet, carrot, celery juice yesterday and I must say delicious and nutritious! You all need to get on that.


Last week I managed four workouts not the five I aimed for but not so bad. I’m gonna aim for five again and here’s the proposal:
Monday – bar method
Tuesday – bar method
Wednesday – run
Saturday – 10.5
Sunday – bar method

Fingers crossed, yo. It’s Monday and you know that means drama, kids. Here’s hoping you punch Monday in the face and not the other way around. Don’t worry I’ll still be here if you need ice.

Let me know what your weekend workout looked like or how’s Monday treating you.


Letters from an lbg

it was a LONG week and my shoulder is bothering me again and as a result I’m in bed right now. It’s time for me to check myself, get serious again about my health, and get back to the 2014 goals. Thursday and Friday I was a hot mess of stress eating and unproductivity. Despite the need to icy hot myself like the old lady I’m becoming I’m trying to put on the big girl panties and make some ish happen today.


The lbg’s big girl goals for pulling it together in MAY but in which we start today.

1. DRINK MORE WATER. Water keeps you hydrated, the wrinkles at Bay, and me from filling my body with crap. Six glasses a day, beattches! We’re gonna make this happen as I kick back on the latte addiction and this beautiful Spring time beer.

2. WORK IT, BEBE! I’ve actually done a good job of bringing back the fit this week. So let’s just keep at it. I’m slowly realizing that more and regular work out means sacrificing wearing my hair down. I need to embrace the hair up and figure out ways to give my hair a little steez. I might need to bring out my pin up bandana for all my red lip days.

3. CASITA CLEAN. I need to come home Monday – Friday and tidy up one thing even if it’s as lame as washing the toothpaste out of my sink. Work is sucking the life outta me but I refuse to let it suck up my life with exhaustion! Seriously I feel better when I’m not living like the rat king.


4. EAT CLEAN, MUNCHIE. Simply put, I’ve been the stress eating munch-inator. No tracking, no lunch packing, and making some straight up poor eating out decisions. Summer fruits and veggies will be here soon, hooraz. First step is limiting those bready pasta delicious carbs. I need to put some actual nutrition back in my mouth and tame the bloaty gut. Yea, that’s pretty sexy right.


5. GIVE IT AWAY NOW. By the end of MAY two clothes bags MUST go to Goodwill. The clothes hoarding must be tamed. I need let it go.

Alright, the manifesto has been set out. I’m off to add more Icey hot and hopefully work on 3 &4 of this list. Sigh, thanks for pulling me out of the gutter, Interwebby buddies. It’s time to get up, brush off the Girl Scout crumbles, and wash away the booze.


I just play a criminally insane adviser on tv

It’s FRIDAY! This week has sucked the life out of me and this morning there was all kinds of crazy pants news around LA OFICINA. Just gonna drink my coffee, see all the students, and run outta here at 5pm. DAMN, just realized I need to swing by the back for quarters. Apartment living problems. Thank bebe Jesus, I no longer live in SF and have to camp out at the Laundromat. Gross.

Here’s a little looksie at what College Advising is all about. I submit my facebook status from yesterday.

LBG – Just another morning as a College Adviser
1st year – Yea! You can do anything!!! This is awesome, you’re awesome! MAJOR IN EVERYTHING!End of 2nd Year – umm…so Computer Science is breaking up with you. I know..I know you love him but it’s not you, it’s Computer Science. There are so many good majors out there…look English is just waiting in the wings. Besides you’re better than CS

There we go. Pre-med is the hardest. Those kids are in cult like status. Straight up, pre-med or die. Luckily, they can add on a Post bacc or Masters in Science if they can’t get into MCB (molecular cellular biology) or hit the GPA as an undergrad. But me saying that does break their little hearts. I HATE BEING THE DREAM CRUSHER! But really it’s just readjusting your dream. You can still me a Doctor! Just not right after this BA, yo.

PS My make-up is looking so good today. Primer, you are worth every damn penny. I am now a primer addict. I hate being addicted to nice things!!! Sigh, but this helps my oily little Mexican face keep all the make-up put and beautiful. I am soooo-oooo oily. It’s terrible except for the fact that ish moisturizes and no one ever thinks I’m 33. Thank you for the good genes, baby Jesus.

I just discovered True Detective and that ish is GOOD! I plan on watching the other 5 episodes this weekend and wiping out Season 1. Matthew McCona – no idea how to spell the rest of this and Woody Harrelson (?) also unsure but all 5 of you know who I’m talking about. Anyways, who knew from Dazed & Confused & Cheers respectively, you all would true out to be HELLA good actors. MIND BLOWN. Way to have range, sirs.

Also because I started this blog to get my ass back on track to sexy forever. Here’s how the workouts have played out.
WEDNESDAY – low impact – 5 mile walk
Thursday/Friday – rest

Hoping to hit all 5, peeps. I will keep you posted especially since last night was Pizza, Beer, and Girl Scout Cookies. Yea, that happened.

Anyways, have a kick ass weekend. Let me know what you old ladies got planned. And any young folk, drunk comment me with all your bad 3 am decisions…good times, good times.


Just put a blazer on and make it happen

Welcome to Thursday Rant. Sit down and pour yourself a cup of joe. Go ahead add some cream, life is bitter enough. Oh wait, you’re at home reading this? Dude, just open up the red. Yep, let’s do this!

I am so over all the bad scheduling at my oficina. It makes me want to just scream. Instead I walk into one of our advising offices where they have this little peanut M&M gumball machine. I eat like 5-7 peanut M&Ms and go along with my day. So much for getting over my Easter candy addiction. I mean there are peanuts in them so they’re better than other candy right? It’s not like a starburst. That’s the rational I’m sticking too! Peanut M&Ms practically a nut!

I feel like if I put on a blazer it instantly makes my outfit professional and me by default a grown-up. Even if it’s with jeans. It’s like BAM grown-up! Kids don’t wear blazers nor do slackers. Yep, eating M&Ms in my blazer. Speaking of winning. THIS.

I’m already over this week and just focusing that I will be AWESOME next week to make up for all the un-productivity. I mean I’m gonna do Friday laundry. WINNING. There will be wine and probably also some movie watching. Hashtag Fridaysinyourthirties


Today I actually requested VACATION! Fingers crossed it’s approved and then the TICKET HUNTING CAN BEGIN! Hawaii is still on the table, we just let Tulum, Mexico jump back on, and there’s also Zihuatanejo, Mexico out there too. Hooraz….so fun!!! Too bad I’m eating thai food and M&Ms like a woman ready to rock the mumu. I want to be sexy and eat my chocolate too!!! Next week, next week.

At least today and yesterday I’ve been drink water. It’s a small battle and I’ve won, holla.

This post is really about me pretending to win everything but just kinda failing. Fake it ’till you make it, interwebbies. That’s the philosophy of the day. Grey’s probably won’t even be very good tonight…sigh, Thursday unsave-able.

Let’s here your Thursday rants, buddies. How’s this crazy week treating you all? XOXO

I get around…round and round….like 94′ around


Weigh In Wednesday

Easter eff’d my ish up. Or to be more precise, Reese’s. Those bastards with their delicious little bags of Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs. Apparently, I consumed + .3 lbs of Reese’s eggs…ok… well…there was definitely a fair share of beer in there. All and all not a terrible gain nor unexpected but still. BLARGH!


Today I’m subbing out my short run for a walk – still 3 miles but just because I have old lady shoulder pain. However I am kicking ass with the workouts and feel like I can tackle my 10 miler on Saturday.


1. When people text you “Did you call me?” It’s 20 effing 14 your phone does not lie. I called you. Sure, you can text “Hey I missed you call. What’s up?” Unless your name is something with an A and you are getting everyone’s butt dials – no excuses!!!! I called you!! It just wasn’t worthy of a message or me singing like Stevie Wonder ” I just called to say I love you.” Wait..or is that Lionel Richie?
2. As much as I love my boyfriend sometimes I want to just punch him in the face. I’m sure he has these feeling too but still it sucks. Just a big ole BAM! No idea what this says about me but since I don’t actually act on it, I’m gonna file it under non-psycho.
3. The more I workout, the more I buy workout clothes, the more I just want to LIVE in my workout clothes. THEY’RE SO COMFORTABLE!!!! Too bad that’s not fully acceptable. A girl can dream though.

4. I hate seeing SONIC commercials because to my knowledge there isn’t a SONIC near my casa for miles and miles!!! I want one of those damn shakes!!!! Why do you continue to waste advertising dollars on a region that you are nowhere near???
5. I have a laundry pile roughly the size of a kindergartener….it’s frightful. It’s like a little blob of a pile taking over the corner of the bedroom.
6. I am over this week and it’s only Wednesday…that doesn’t bode well for my employee output or for my partner getting some… I’m just so ready for it to be Friday night. I already feel like I deserve some mac and cheese. The dinner of poor, broke, slackers.


Yes, that’s an image from Reality Bites. You should rent this movie if you have not seen it!!! It’s all the 90’s angst and recession-ness. Plus Lisa Loeb! Here, for your viewing pleasure.

7. I HATE WASHING MY HAIR! I think I only it wash it like 3x a week and if I could get away with less I would. I have long, thick hair and it takes a million years to dry. It’s a pain but I look like I’m 12 with short hair. Yea, that whole professional short bob makes me look like a haggard 14 year old freshman. I try to utilize the dry shampoo but sometimes it just need to be pulled back. I’m not about having a stinky head.

Holla at me with what’s ailing you on the humpy to the hump day, kids. I am just trying to keep my head up as Tupac says. Uh-huh, I brought back the 90’s like that.

Just another barre check in and blog love

It’s 3:45pm and I am done. ALREADY? Maybe it’s this whole 2 days of working out in a row. Bar Method has been particularly kick ass in the past two days. Monday, that little white ball of torture came out. I effing hate that ball if it didn’t make my thighs look so sexy. We also did fold overs….my body was displeased to say the least. Sure, it looks easy but your bending your leg and foot and working your glutes – TERRIBLE!
via via pinterest

This morning I hit up the 7am class since I work my 11-8 (hello frosh dorm advising) and they busted out arabesque. Those bastards! My leg was shaking so badly. ARGHHH…Mine doesn’t quite look like this.

via bar method

Well, at least the work outs are happening because I am taking some kind of August Vacation that will require a swimsuit!!! Still working on those dates…the joys of coordinating with your significant other.

DUDE! Starbucks has instant vanilla lattes??? When did this happen and are they any good?? Please let me know!!!

My Brooklyn registration for Bib pick up with my wave time was available today – WAVE 2 – 7:45AM! Makes it real!!! Cannot believe I’m getting to do the Brooklyn Half?? Destination racing, who am I? I’m just some little brown girl who grew up in the SJ. Feeling kinda awesome. Speaking of Brooklyn, anyone heart/read/follow Sheryl Yvette? Her blog is awesome. She’s taken some time off but kept quite a few of her posts up on her site. Anyways, she ran Brooklyn and completely inspired me…like two years ago – here. I wanted to run it last year but my bestie tied the knot that weekend so it was out. Being the blogging nerd I am….I messaged her via facebook to see if she’d be running. She responded BACK! And she’ll be there….I’ve yet to write back but she’s awesome and I seriously hope I get to run into her. Hehe…like what I did there? Yes, I am that lame.  Damn, Brooklyn is getting so real. Cannot wait. Also if you have any NYC tips holla at me!! So far besides the race I have Brooklyn brewery on my list with Central Park and maybe a lunch at Tavern on the Green. We might try to hit up a show but it’s yet to be determined.

I also am kinda toying with the idea of continuing to increase my mileage post Brooklyn. Like…marathon mileage. There are a couple of October California Marathons I could do. I’m not sure yet…it’s a big commitment but just day dreaming about it. Also does anyone use compression socks? I’m thinking of getting a pair. I also think they’d be good on the LONG flight back from NYC. Hopefully I’m not too sore. I have my 10 miles this weekend since Easter interfered and I just did a quick 6.

Alright my lovelies, we’ve got a weigh in tomorrow and confessions w/ Vodka and Soda! I need to work on what crazy ish I’m confession tomorrow. I should of saved the whole nerdy blogger contacting Sheryl thing. GODDAMN! Oh well, trust this old lady has plenty of material.


Being an old lady ain’t easy

Being a grown-up can be absolutely sucky. However there are those tangible moments where you see your life and feel accomplished, happy, and in disbelief that this is where life has lead you. I love those moments of feeling blessed and relishing that this is not what I imagined 33 would be like…this is better. This was NOT one of those weekends.

This was a weekend where you step into your life and just feel like being an adult is hard. Taking care of people is not easy and sometimes acknowledging the most important things are the hardest. It was one of those weekends with mi familia and taking some steps to make sure that my Grandma and Mom both have the support they need. Sometimes being a grown-up means giving support in ways that are very difficult for others but in terms of practicality, safety, and love they need to be discussed. It’s not fun, there are usually tears, but it comes from a place of love. Seriously, there’s nothing else that makes me want to hurl myself from a bridge more than making my sweet mama cry. Sigh…but you need to let those tears out sometime. I’m a big believer in emotional release whether through talking with your bestie, therapy, running, and sometimes crying. All those feelings need somewhere to go….hey sometimes it’s the bottle of a tequila bottle. I kid…well kinda 🙂

Anyways this weekend was hard but your familia is always worth it. I got a sweet six miles in and managed to work out 4x last week. Hooraz….that was a weak hooraz. I’m still a little down. I did enter to win some Mizuno kicks from Skinny Chick’s blog. Fingers crossed. You should enter too! Right here.

It’s Marathon Monday!!! I’m rocking a race shirt to support Boston and all the runners and amazing survivors. Hashtag Boston Strong…hehe…I crack myself up. I do want to say though someone on the facebook mentioned supporting Boston Strong but also Boston Vulnerable. People need to grieve and understand that worlds change in a minute and it’s okay to feel vulnerable in those moments. I just thought that was really great and powerful. Sorry I’m all SAD BASTARD today. It cannot be helped. Well, it can be helped if I win some new kicks….I kid, again! Well kinda 😉

In other news, I caught up w/ Grey’s!!!! Dude, Avery and Kepner!! You guys love each other but I’m like c’mon Kepner!!! You knew Avery was a man of science and your kids would not grow-up all bible study when you eloped!!!! How are you only realizing this NOW!!!!! I wanted slap her little red head silly. Cristina Yang, I love you. That is all, I will not ruin the episode further for all y’all. PS THE TEN COMMANDMENTS IS THE LONGEST MOVIE EVER!!!! If you celebrate Easter I hope you had a lovely day.

Thankfully, I did not OD on Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs.

I’m hoping to stay on track this week and actually run 10 miles for my long run. I’ll hit up my bar method tonight, Tuesday, and Thursday (or Sunday). I really want to clean my room but familia stuff has been keeping me on the go. We can’t have it all and by that I mean a clean casita. Sad face. At least I have a whole foods salad for lunch with KALE!!! That always cheers me up. Yep, old lady status in full effect. Now, I’m off to internet shop to clear my Monday Blues 😉

Love ya interwebbies! Let me know if you’ve been struggling with being a grown-up too! Or just cheer me up w/ your weekend Easter drunken shenanigans!

motivation monday

Zombie Jesus, Reese’s Eggs, and another weekend

Easter Weekend means time with our crazy familias.

My sister cracks me up. At one point this weekend I caught her dancing to a commercial. Her response – “ummm…..yes?” I can’t even remember what commercial it was but it was HILARIOUS! Who gets down to commercials??? Apparently my sister.

I caught up on Grimm and Mindy yesterday. Love me some Friday. Oh Mindy!!! Danny Castellano, you fool! Whatevs, they belong together. Also Schmit (new girl) on Mindy!!! Hearted it! The only sad thing was me and my Mama ran out of beers. Gordon Biersh Marzden, you delicious little beer. My Grandma R even had a little glass and promptly got ready for bed. She seriously sucked it down with an ahhh! We all had a toast and a laugh. She’s not doing so hot so those little moments are really the best.

I ran today but alas my shoulder was hurting me so instead of my scheduled 10 miles I just did 6. I comforted myself with mini Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs. Delicious!



Working out this week has been good! I went to bar method on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday morning. Plus my 6 miler so all and all feeling bueno. I may try to wake up early and do a 5k but that really depends on my bedtime.

Nothing’s quite as sexy as smelling like icy hot so lucky for the Boy, I’m down in the South Bay. Tonight my Mom and me will kick it and make her AMAZING macaroni salad for me to pawn off on my Dad’s familia as my own – WAHAHAHa! That’s my evil laugh.

My Grandma doesn’t eat too much so the casita is covered in goodies to entice her. Sadly, it just means I am putting something unhealthy (delicious) in my mouth every other minute. As I dust the Lays crumbs off my boobs.

I hope you all are having a kick ass weekend whether your family hides hard boiled eggs or not. Let me know what’s shaking interwebbies!!!


One little brown girl and the bottle of tequila




Let’s talk about tequila Wednesday happy hour. There’s nothing like some italian grapefruit soda topped with ice and my bestie tequila. Yesterday was one of those workdays that ended with some shots, drinks, and TJ’s appetizers for dinner. Good times! Thank lil’ baby jesus I popped 2 advil and drank two glasses of water before hitting the hay. Otherwise this morning might have been rough. Just a quick stop by the whole foodie for coffee, a salad for lunch, and some eggs for breakfast and I am making it happen!

I’ll tell you one thing, College Advisers are drinkers. Maybe it’s because we all LOVED college. We also love students and are super nerdy and into classes. Blows my mind everytime a student sits in front of me and tries to tell me nothing is being offered this term. WHAT??? WE OFFER A GAJILLION COURSES! Anyways, we got our drink on and it was wonderful. Except the part where I got home at 9:45pm and was like AGHHH it’s late.

In other old lady news, I’m having some concerns about my ass. Today I have a presentation/reception event for admitted students. Some have said yes and some are still weighing their option. I dig these events because I am NOT an admissions counselor. My job isn’t to sell the school. I’m here to give you honest advice on our college and majors so you can make the best decision for YOU! Yep, admissions hates me. There are so many schools because there are so many types of students and you should go somewhere that’s a good fit for you academically, socially, and geographically. CONSIDER IT ALL. Ok, done off my college rant now. Anyways, I’m dressed up and back to the booty.

I have a couple of dresses that I couldn’t fit into and felt like today was a good day to try them on. They might be sausagey but just wanted to see where I’m at. One was really close but it felt like I was actually too bootylicious??? What?? I mean running doesn’t usually make me assy but I’m thinking it’s the bar method? Which is awesome. I’d rather have a little more curve to my booty than a flat one but damn, I may not be fitting into that dress. I still have 5lbs more until goal so that will be the true test. Keep in mind, I’m barely 5′ feet so that 5 counts on my tiny person frame. Long story short, booty improvement = awesomeness.

All my running blogging peeps out there?? Any suggestions for a good hand held running water bottle with a pocket/pouch for your iphone? Random I know. But I want to start running with one of these for Brooklyn and that ish is around the corner. Also I have a 6:00am bar method class tomorrow – eek. Keep your fingers crossed I make it on time and get to work at a decent hour. I’m not sure how that’s all gonna work out but I will keep you posted. It’s my one day of early morning workout ie towards my plan of becoming a morning person.

Here’s some early morning motivation for manana…eek!
She is Beautiful facebook! Love this race!

Let me know how your Wednesday Hump went and what you got going on, kiddies!