Rolling with the homies and the catch up post

My posting has been sporadic and I apologize, Interwebbies.

Let’s just do some listing so we’re all caught up and my next post can be evil and hilarious.

– 21 Day Sugar Detox is dunzo! I’m hella glad that I forced myself to do this little program. I’m happily cooking again, bringing my lunch, and a nice little bonus was I lost three pounds. Ok, only 2.5 but it’s funnier when I say three.
mean girls

– I love teaching my freshman seminar but trying to do my regular job and that is finally kicking me in the face. HOW?? Sigh, I feel like I am chronically behind and having the Veteran’s day holiday off on Tuesday just effed with me. My body was like NO! Why are we going back to work???


– Thank you Veterans for your service.

– I went to a Proaction Athletics bootcamp class and I felt like I was being coached my Jillian Michaels. Forty-five minutes into the class I thought I may puke. Thankfully I did not but DAMN! It was a good workout but more cardio based than I hoped for so I probably will just use my other pass but not sign up as a member. However if you have some serious weight to lose this would be the class for you. I just want to keep working on my body composition…ya know since I lost those three pounds 😉

– I have another meeting next week with a colleague to discuss her job and her previous position with the Academic Senate. I’m pretty pleased with myself in terms of keeping my career development on the forefront.

– Do you ever feel like you’re kinda drifting away from friends but it’s not personal. You just want something different for your life and their lives are on a different track. Maybe you just feel like they understand you less but you still love them. You’re trying to create a certain life or achieve certain goals and they are kinda less of a priority?? I dunno. Let me know your thoughts on this one, Interwebbies.


– The boyfriend is gone until Monday working his brains out on a project. I am enjoying making the bed everyday WAY TOO MUCH. I get up first and he’s usually just getting up when I’m leaving and that jerk face love of my life never makes the bed. It’s the little things but I do really miss waking up to his sweet face.

– So far we have three confirmed weddings this year. My NJ bestie, the boy’s Oakland bestie, my homegirl from SF, and possibly the boy’s bestie in Budapest. Yes, I said Budapest. He’s been living and working there for 2 years and just got engaged. This is where it get’s tricky. NJ bestie is getting married on a Thursday in Waikiki during of course the one week of the year my boy can’t go. IT HELLA SUCKS. On top of that his Oakland bestie is getting married the following Saturday. So pretty much I’m just doing a quick Aloha to get back for Oakland bestie’s wedding. Thankfully my SF homegirl is getting married near SF in Feb so no problemas there. Now my boy’s Budapest bestie just got engaged in Rome last weekend and there’s a possibility they may tie the knot on July 4th. I really want to go and I have to go to Hawaii for my girl. I’m thinking I may only do four days in Hawaii to help spend less to save for Budapest. The other thing is I am determined to NOT put any more debt on my credit cards. So even if it means paying them down a little less, I will not accrue more debt. The Interwebs as my witness.

Alright, I need coffee and you need to stop slacking on the Internet 😉


As If !!! And other reasons you shouldn’t take Math 54

OMG!!! THEY’RE HERE! THEY’RE HERE! Prepare to be exhausted by freshman questions.


Welcome to the vida of a College Adviser, my friends. I imagine the next month will be filled with rants on Orientation and the bebes. These bebes are bright and full of horrible schedules and convinced they are absolutely right. I’m going to triple major, be pre-med, and start doing research this Fall 2014! Ummm, more like you’re going to take too many classes, get your first C ever, and have a mini meltdown. But it’s okay because then they come crawling back to mama and are willing to take my advice for their Spring schedule. Insert Circle of Life song here. Today though they will be full of their 40 units of AP credit arrogance and upset the Seniors enroll first.


I did however get all gussied up to be more of an authority figure today. No jeans or flats and I will even reapply my lipstick after lunch. Today I will be seeing my Computer Science, Biology, and undeclared bebes for small group advising. Tomorrow I will meet with them one on one and do my best to identify the trouble makers. Ahhh, to be 18 again and full of trouble. It feels like a million years ago when I started at college as a Communications (1st major) with my Connie Chung dreams. Yes, I wanted to be a TV news anchor….out of control.

Anyways, we’ll see how the bebes shape up today.

I’m gonna do a 5 mile run today. This will be my first run post Brooklyn Half. Sigh, way too much fun. Sad face, my New York adventure is over. I’m going to sign up for the San Jose Giants 5 mile run on June 28th and the Rock-n-Roll half marathon in San Jose for October 5th. I’m waiting until June 4th for the SJ RNR since on National Running Day they’re offering a 20% off special. Holla! I needed to sign up for some races since I’ll be missing my Oakland half due to vacay! Plus running helps bring sexy back, oh damn I need to track. Hey as long as the tracking gets done that’s all that matters. PS I’m drinking water as I write this.

Ok, I need to go before the freshman find me. They’re just so eager and I really should of had something with expresso….I am not caffeinated enough for all this. EEk!!!

I wanted to add some musica for these little freshman and I stumbled across this Iggy Azalea and I’m not really into this song but apparently the kids are about it. HOWEVER! The video is basically Clueless! Too funny. So here it is. Check it out, you’ll heart it.

Happy Monday, peeps!

I get around…round and round….like 94′ around


Weigh In Wednesday

Easter eff’d my ish up. Or to be more precise, Reese’s. Those bastards with their delicious little bags of Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs. Apparently, I consumed + .3 lbs of Reese’s eggs…ok… well…there was definitely a fair share of beer in there. All and all not a terrible gain nor unexpected but still. BLARGH!


Today I’m subbing out my short run for a walk – still 3 miles but just because I have old lady shoulder pain. However I am kicking ass with the workouts and feel like I can tackle my 10 miler on Saturday.


1. When people text you “Did you call me?” It’s 20 effing 14 your phone does not lie. I called you. Sure, you can text “Hey I missed you call. What’s up?” Unless your name is something with an A and you are getting everyone’s butt dials – no excuses!!!! I called you!! It just wasn’t worthy of a message or me singing like Stevie Wonder ” I just called to say I love you.” Wait..or is that Lionel Richie?
2. As much as I love my boyfriend sometimes I want to just punch him in the face. I’m sure he has these feeling too but still it sucks. Just a big ole BAM! No idea what this says about me but since I don’t actually act on it, I’m gonna file it under non-psycho.
3. The more I workout, the more I buy workout clothes, the more I just want to LIVE in my workout clothes. THEY’RE SO COMFORTABLE!!!! Too bad that’s not fully acceptable. A girl can dream though.

4. I hate seeing SONIC commercials because to my knowledge there isn’t a SONIC near my casa for miles and miles!!! I want one of those damn shakes!!!! Why do you continue to waste advertising dollars on a region that you are nowhere near???
5. I have a laundry pile roughly the size of a kindergartener….it’s frightful. It’s like a little blob of a pile taking over the corner of the bedroom.
6. I am over this week and it’s only Wednesday…that doesn’t bode well for my employee output or for my partner getting some… I’m just so ready for it to be Friday night. I already feel like I deserve some mac and cheese. The dinner of poor, broke, slackers.


Yes, that’s an image from Reality Bites. You should rent this movie if you have not seen it!!! It’s all the 90’s angst and recession-ness. Plus Lisa Loeb! Here, for your viewing pleasure.

7. I HATE WASHING MY HAIR! I think I only it wash it like 3x a week and if I could get away with less I would. I have long, thick hair and it takes a million years to dry. It’s a pain but I look like I’m 12 with short hair. Yea, that whole professional short bob makes me look like a haggard 14 year old freshman. I try to utilize the dry shampoo but sometimes it just need to be pulled back. I’m not about having a stinky head.

Holla at me with what’s ailing you on the humpy to the hump day, kids. I am just trying to keep my head up as Tupac says. Uh-huh, I brought back the 90’s like that.