I get around…round and round….like 94′ around


Weigh In Wednesday

Easter eff’d my ish up. Or to be more precise, Reese’s. Those bastards with their delicious little bags of Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs. Apparently, I consumed + .3 lbs of Reese’s eggs…ok… well…there was definitely a fair share of beer in there. All and all not a terrible gain nor unexpected but still. BLARGH!


Today I’m subbing out my short run for a walk – still 3 miles but just because I have old lady shoulder pain. However I am kicking ass with the workouts and feel like I can tackle my 10 miler on Saturday.


1. When people text you “Did you call me?” It’s 20 effing 14 your phone does not lie. I called you. Sure, you can text “Hey I missed you call. What’s up?” Unless your name is something with an A and you are getting everyone’s butt dials – no excuses!!!! I called you!! It just wasn’t worthy of a message or me singing like Stevie Wonder ” I just called to say I love you.” Wait..or is that Lionel Richie?
2. As much as I love my boyfriend sometimes I want to just punch him in the face. I’m sure he has these feeling too but still it sucks. Just a big ole BAM! No idea what this says about me but since I don’t actually act on it, I’m gonna file it under non-psycho.
3. The more I workout, the more I buy workout clothes, the more I just want to LIVE in my workout clothes. THEY’RE SO COMFORTABLE!!!! Too bad that’s not fully acceptable. A girl can dream though.

4. I hate seeing SONIC commercials because to my knowledge there isn’t a SONIC near my casa for miles and miles!!! I want one of those damn shakes!!!! Why do you continue to waste advertising dollars on a region that you are nowhere near???
5. I have a laundry pile roughly the size of a kindergartener….it’s frightful. It’s like a little blob of a pile taking over the corner of the bedroom.
6. I am over this week and it’s only Wednesday…that doesn’t bode well for my employee output or for my partner getting some… I’m just so ready for it to be Friday night. I already feel like I deserve some mac and cheese. The dinner of poor, broke, slackers.


Yes, that’s an image from Reality Bites. You should rent this movie if you have not seen it!!! It’s all the 90’s angst and recession-ness. Plus Lisa Loeb! Here, for your viewing pleasure.

7. I HATE WASHING MY HAIR! I think I only it wash it like 3x a week and if I could get away with less I would. I have long, thick hair and it takes a million years to dry. It’s a pain but I look like I’m 12 with short hair. Yea, that whole professional short bob makes me look like a haggard 14 year old freshman. I try to utilize the dry shampoo but sometimes it just need to be pulled back. I’m not about having a stinky head.

Holla at me with what’s ailing you on the humpy to the hump day, kids. I am just trying to keep my head up as Tupac says. Uh-huh, I brought back the 90’s like that.

Hot dogs, achy thighs, and veggies on crack


I went to Bar Method last night and we had a different instructor, Casey. She usually teaches at a different studio and BOY! SHE IS AWESOME! Omg, I laughed so hard and got a kick ass work out with her. My thighs today are so sore – BLARGH! Kinda sad that she’s not a regular instructor. She referenced Miley Cyrus and way too many hilarious things that it made class super fun. Dontcha love that when you have an instructor that’s hard-core yet fun and good times?? It works for me. We did this pretzel exercise that I totes have a love/hate relationship with. See below but keep in mind you’re moving that back leg up and out or one or the other and tightening your core. It’s just pain! Pain, people! Apparently it’s the your body changing pain but it’s still pain.


I also really want to be one of those people that can just run 5 miles. Like that’s their short run….those crazy bastards. I WANT TO BE ONE OF YOU!!! Sigh, it’s looking like my 6.5 this weekend will be in the rain. Ugh, California needs the rain but I am like a cat when it comes to running in the rain. I will make it happen because it’s for Brooklyn, baby!

Any race with hot dogs at the end sounds fabulous!!!

My goal for next week is to eat CLEAN!!! Eating on campus and out all week has been hard. I’ve stayed within my calories most days but the kind of food I’ve been eating is less than stellar. It’s time to bring back eggs, yams, kale, and the tomatoes. Bring back the veggies & fruits! We’ll see how the scale tips on Thursday but I need to bring back some whole foods.

I apologize that these veggies are so scary. They look like drug addict veggies…maybe they’re just GMO….ewhh. Anyways, you get the picture. Especially after lunch included french fries and a lamb shwarma sandwich.

As we head into Old Lady Birthday Month, my first gift to myself will be this:


I’m hoping there’s some jams to add to the March playlist (6.5 – 8.5). I’ve really enjoyed my Feb playlist and should probably post about that but the damn top button on my iphone is broken. Hence I can’t take screenshots. It’s annoying but not as annoying as going into the Verizon store where instead of helping me they just try to sell me crap. Seriously! They suck! Not as bad as Comcast but close!


This image should be a button but it’s not. FAIL. So just hop on over to ALG, uninterrupted and check out the links!

It’s Friday so relax and plan your weekend workouts! I’m trying to not eat Mac & Cheese and if I do…well it’s Friday.

What’s your weekend workout plan, Interwebbies?



Musing on Sunday



I was listening to an old Jillian Michaels podcast and it happened to be about the last ten pounds. Hellooo, that’s me! She reminded me that the last ten are really just vanity pounds. You’re healthy, happy, and in shape. As a result, these last few will require clean dieting and a commitment to your work outs. This work out thing I got but (long but) the diet thing is still a work in progress. I can’t really seem to get a handle on eating out or in social settings. I go all Cookie Monster except its food and booze monster.

This weekend I slipped and fell into some delicious Mac and cheese during Happy Hour. STOP. I think I’m going to limit myself to ONE happy hour per month. Okay, back to the weekend. My homie, A, had his 33rd birthday bar bash on Saturday. I told myself two drinks only ate super clean all day and had 900 calories available. Woo, thanks six mile run! Two turned into four and that turned into late night pizza with a side of carrots and spicy pistachios. BLARH! FAIL!


I guess that’s the big area to work on…. eating at parties or post bars – eek! I’m also playing around with my calories to get something that feels right based on my work out schedule and being healthy. I really liked the Fat2Fit podcast when it was online and they have a couple of great calculators. I’m going to use this one: http://www.fat2fittools.com/tools/bmr/
It places me at 1460- 1880 calories depending on activity which feels pretty reasonable.

Saturday I conquered the big SIX and it felt amazing. I felt confident and solid and just an overwhelming sense of HELL YEAH! It made me feel like I will ready to not only run the Brooklyn Half but rock it! It also got me even more excited to do the She is Beautiful 10k with my sister. I’m starting to get into race mode and dreaming about what other runs I’d love to do. I think I’m gonna need to add a race page to the old bloggy blog, ladies and gents. There’s a ZOOMA Napa half marathon in June and I think next year may be the year for that one.

This week will be hard. I have a relentless schedule with at least three 9 hour days but I’m determined to get my work outs into this lame-o schedule. We have three weeks of frosh programming lead by little ole me. It’s gonna be crazy but I will be so relieved when its over and then BAM it’s birthday time. I’m struggling with you, thirty three, I want to be excited but I also feel just lost. I don’t know what thirty three should look like but perhaps I thought it would be different. It’s overwhelming in a way and yet I feel crazy that I feel this way. I am beyond blessed but still thirty three is a little scary.

Alright Interwebbs, I need to prep for my crazy week. Thanks for listening to my adventures! What’s on your agenda for next week?


All bad decisions lead to happy hour… True story


Happy hour is the devil.

I’m gonna pretend my pint of Lagunitas and Mac and cheese was carb loading for my morning Bar Method class and six mile run…. Yeah.

But it’s a miracle I only had one beer and damn you, macaroni cheese! Nobody can say no to your cheesy goodness.

Sigh, tomorrow’s a new day right? I’m gonna drink some water that will help…. I hope.

Beer filled cheese besos,

Ps you can get the above sign on Etsy @ Kingston Creations

Pps Happy late night Friday!


Detoxing Cheese and Other Recovery Methods

Dude. I was a BAD lbg yesterday. There was lunch with coworkers with LOTS of fries and hummus (plus falafel and then some)… It was tasty delicious but then HAPPY HOUR hit and let’s just say by 10pm I was sharing a small rib plate and some cheesy Mac-n-cheese….. Damn you bottle of wine!!! Damn, you!

So I put on my big girl pants this morning and dragged my winey, Mac and cheese tummy to bar class. It was rough but I did it…. And drank a TON of my new bestie, h2o.

I see why alcohol leads to healthy eating failures BUT it was sooooo good!

I’m exhausted its like noon. Sigh, paying the price, my friends, paying the price.

Ok I need a nap.

The road to recovery is long and hard and full of delicious off roading đŸ˜‰

Bad lbg