
My sleep has been out of whack for what feels like weeks. I had no idea how important sleep is until I was about 32….I mean napping yes but sleeping not so much. Now that I’m about to be 35 (yikes), I know how effing important sleep is but I don’t always get it.


Sleeping plays a big role in all this shizz. Thanks Google.

  • Sleep improves your ability to learn…or remember all those bad ideas from your morning meeting.
  • When you sleep your heart is healing….just repairing blood vessels, no big deal.
  • Sleep helps us maintain healthy weight or lose weight….aka no sleep effs up your hormones.
  • When well rested, I’m a nicer person.


Anyways….this week I’m going to PRIORITIZE sleeping like the old lady I am. This means no working out (not like I’ve been doing much of that lately) to ensure I’m home to tackle chores and be in bed by 10:00pm. It seems a little crazy but I just need to get rest, wake up on time, show up to work on time, and not be a zombie while I’m there.


I guess this is a good time as any to also throw down some Febuary goals. January is duzo and this month feels like it’s moving even quicker. I promise before this week is up to take a look at my January goals…..blargh….failing is the new winning, right??? Yea, not so much.


  • Begin working on getting to bed on time
  • Packing my lunch during the Week of the 15th, 22nd, and 29th
    • side note – we had guests this past weekend and haven’t yet gone to the grocery store so I’m cutting myself some slack. Realism, homies.
  • Healthy dinners
  • Being present at the office….simmer down on the day dreaming.

I’m struggling with a particular work project…a committee I’ve sat on for nearly five years despite my requests to continue to build my skill set. The frustration is heavily impacting my joy in being in the office and my performance. I’m sure I will have an additional post on that later.


Alright kids, I’m off to tackle some work. Hope your February is filled with heart shaped candies.






The thirties is where shizz gets real

Being in your thirties kind of sucks and I wish more people would talk about that.

So I’m going to post about it…suck it, world.


Your 20s are awesome and you can kinda get by with your poor choices, random crazy, and drinking far too much with your buddies. By 30 though ish just really starts to change and time speeds up exponentially. Friends are getting married, people have babies, good babies, bad babies, friends with babies that are afraid to leave the house….all true stories. You start to realize ummmm retirement….or I should buy a house….or I’m so buried in student debt that I won’t be able to buy a house. People get sick parents which is devastating….some people have to care for and bury their parents. There’s a lot less drinking with your buddies and more pouring wine alone with Netflix. You start to see people more at less fun planned stuffy events rather than random hang out sessions…. showers/parties that you have to buy gifts for….just take my check Crate & Barrel….go on..just take it. PS try and not drink too much at said party and throw up in front of someone’s mother in law or two year old. You worry about your job, getting paid more or less money, are you still dream chasing or just hoping not to kick your boss in the face???


Trust me, there are good things in your 30s too but you probably already know them. This is a rude awakening post not yeah 30 is the new 20 post.


This 34 year old is have such a rude awakening and as a result I’m really trying to take back my 30s and embrace this whole lame grown-up thing…because basically I don’t want to be a homeless 60 year old. Well, what does one do to take back their life which has made a swift turn into grown-up land??? I can only tell you what I’m doing but if you have advice, please do share.  I’m taking classes…yes, classes.

I’ve signed up for the following classes or single day workshops to kick my 34 year old butt into grown-up land. I mean currently I’ve been kicking it on the borderland of late 20s slacking and early thirties island. The geography of all this is in fact quite complex. Here’s what I’ve signed up for so far and why?

  • Women & Leadership Career course (6 weeks) – I’ve veered from my original career plan and I need some help to shape my career, determine how to grow it, and balance that with other life stuff. I’ve heard great things about the course and hey investing in your career and yourself is SUPER grown-up. Starts in September so I will keep you posted. Career Planning – Making it happen.
  • Getting Out of Debt (workshop) – I want to kill my credit cards but when your sister is having a big fancy wedding, you unavoidably need to spend money, and I need help.
  • Working With a Financial Planner (workshop) – See above but add my student debt plus I want to one day retire and not on the streets.
  • Planning Your Pregnancy Leave workshop – because one day and I think I should know about all the ways campus maternity leave suck so I can plan accordingly.

Thankfully they are all spread out over the next few months and I’m hoping they will assist me in my plan to be a mildly successful adult.

Ok, now I’m going to finish this breakfast burrito.



I haven’t written for the longest time….woahhhh oh oh oh…for the longest tiiiimmmme!

Dearest Interwebs,

It’s been a million and one years but your favorite lbg is still trucking along making bad choices and trying to pretend that I am a sophisticated grown up. A good blogger would of actually looked at the last time she posted and write a proper summary. You’re not on her blog but I assume you’re hear for the shenanigans, to feel better about your own situation, or to learn from my mistakes. Anyways, I’m glad you’re here to kick even if it is only for my 80’s references and love of Salt-n-Pepa.



Since I typically write about my attempt to keep the sexy going on and running, it’s only fair we have a little update. I have to be the WORST SF Marathon trainee ever! Well let’s back up a bit. I headed out to Hawaii for my home girl’s wedding on May 20th. I had planned to run on Monday, Tuesday before I left and signed up for the Hibiscus Half on Sunday (while in Hawaii). Did I run on Monday and Tuesday? Of course not. I had a million of work things and trip prep – so yep, no running. I preceded to drink away my vacation, enjoy the sun, surf, and hawaiian pork err’day. I slept for 2 whole hours the night prior to the Hibiscus Half because I was out at the bars with my homegirls. Despite all that I got my hella tired ass up and tackled that bad boy in 2 hours and 14 minutes! Holla!!! The humidity was NOT my friend. I was walking to the race start from my hotel at 5am in the morning and the weather was so perfect until I had to run. The first 3 miles of humidity hit me hard but my body adjusted and I somehow managed. I was able to see the sun come up as I ran behind Diamond Head which was AMAZING. I would ABSOLUTELY recommend this race even though you’re running on the highway for part of it (which is totes SKETCH) but you should knock it out at the beginning of vacay. I came back from Hawaii and this week have not run once!!!! SLACKER! I finally confided in my friend Heather that I just hadn’t hit a single training run this week and she was like WHAT ARE YOU DOING??? Apparently this is not the proper way to train for a marathon. Since I can’t remember the last time I blogged, you should know I did run a 15 miler in here and that is my longest training run as of yet. Today I ran 14.5 miles and it was TERRIBLE but I DID IT!!! Monday, will be all about bringing the training back and letting go of my party girl diet. The marathon is on July 26th so I still have all of June and most of July to get there. Prayers are being accepted.


HAWAII aka I’m poor and made bad budgeting decisions

I had an amazing time and I wish I could of stayed longer to be honest but with the Budapest trip/friend destination wedding coming up I just didn’t have the vacation days to spare. I do have to say that I prefer Maui over Oahu but I still had an amazing time. I spent more money than I budgeted so that REALLY sucks. I had a great time and don’t regret the extra spluring BUT I should have budgetted more. DAMN. This month will be pretty tight but as long as I just say no to buying lunch and don’t get crazy on the weekends I will be okay. Basically I need to cook and drink at home. I also applied for a higher paying job so there’s that but let’s keep that on the down low.



This week starts Orientation for all our new frosh which means the next six weeks will be filled with crazy. They will all be pre-med or pre-business and their little hearts will break when they realize their test scores won’t meet course requirements and that we have 8 majors that you have to apply too (aka some of you will be denied entry). There will be laughs, new friends, panic attacks…you know Tier One Research Institution freshman shenangins. I will present, host small advising sessions, individual sessions, and cry everytime I look at my inbox to see another 20 emails from new frosh each day. There is a lot of fun to be had but generally you leave exhauseted each day and by the final week I’m just that lady that crushed your dreams and is running to the bar right after work.


Speaking of work, this lbg needs to get her beauty sleep….ok, I need to finish my wine and THEN get my beauty sleep. I mean my freshman think 34 is ancient so hopefully I can pull a 30 with some water and sleep.

Night homies!

Oh and for your moment of zen



FRIDAY LOVES FRIDAY…..there’s always a favorite




1. My allergies kicked my booty so hard…down a flight of stairs. I ran home once and it really did me in. Sad face even my Zyrtec has only been mildly life saving. Hopefully tomorrow I can rally and get a solid run on. Fingers crossed, my friends.

2. We do Spring Frosh Programming which is basically three weeks of poorly attended workshops despite the fact our frosh complain we do nothing for them. Ummm….excuse me I was in your dorm hall presenting at 7pm on Pre Med Advising, where were you???


They don’t care, Cristina…so there will be no Grey’s Anatomy for them…damn students.

3. I am very tired from all this evening programming….damn freshmen.


4. This week has really been work, sneeze, present to students, work, sneeze, crimson wave, sleep poorly, present again, margarita, rally for work on Friday. Rinse. Repeat. Exhaustion.

Alright peeps, my week was that tedious and uneventful and while I could post lots of interesting pre-med advising facts this is definitely not that kind of blog. I did love the panel though….damn it, why am I so nerdy??? Instead we’re gonna jump onto a little thing called Friday Favorites with the newly wed, Amanda from Meet Me at the Barre! 

Friday Favorites


This show is my jam and even though I’ve only watched three episodes, they are truly hilarious. The entire cast is great and it’s just some real life humor which as a thirty something I adore….I can’t even describe the falling off my seat laughing…just enjoy this preview and get on your HBO go and make this show happen.

I’m dead inside…hehehe….oh, seriously watch this!


This bad boy is my jam!! Damn, I just wrote that! Sigh, it’s Friday Favorites they are all my jams but I need better writing. Sorry kids, I’m tired (see above).

Warning: If you’re not a fan of ginger this is not the smoothie for you. I would come close to saying it’s the primary flavor. MMmmm…it was seriously so tasty. Get up on it.


Eeek!! I pulled the trigger and put my money where my mouth is and registered!!! It’s official I’m going to have to start training and make a real commitment here. There’s a six hour course time limit which scares me…I mean I don’t want to take six hours…not that your time matters. Mad props to ALL marathon finishers regardless of the clock but it does frighten me. Yelp. According to some RW race estimator I should be able to do my full in 4 hours and 10 minutes……but who knows??? Ok, keep it together. WHAT HAVE I DONE???



I’ve really just been feeling her music lately and playing this album while cooking is so wonderful. So so just…heart it…..I’m falling for you….thank goodness you cannot hear my off key singing.

That’s all this lbg has for now. I will be wedding it up for the weekend so say a little prayer that I don’t party to hard 😉 Hope you all get your fit on and enjoy the weekend!




Tuesday A LA MODE!!!!

Dear Tuesday Alarm Clock,
It’s fully your bad that you let me turn you off and failed to spidey sense that you should go off in another 30 minutes or so. Your poor decision making resulting in me running out the door like a mad woman and barely being able to make my first student appointment of the day. I did however despite your slackerdom make it happen.
Of course these actions lead to me requiring a peppermint mocha the minute my next student no showed for her appointment. Sigh, I have never been so happy for a no show until I desperately needed coffee in the way you need gatorade at your 12 mile marker of a half marathon. True story. I followed up said coffee with a chocolate chip cookie from the office kitchen since I figured I’d just slide into Christmas obesity. Straight up chutes & ladders since it’s my homie’s birthday today which means we will be consuming beer & smoked meats in her honor after work. CHRISTMAS FOOD AND MORE FOOD!!!!
How long do we have to wait for sweatpants to be appropriate work attire?? I swear if I was more comfortable I would easily be more productive. We need some pie charts to demonstrate the increased productivity…mmmmmm….pie! I’m all about warm apple pie a la mode. Yes, I’m totes thinking of Little Miss Sunshine.

To say I am looking forward to smoked meet is an understatement. Other than that I have no other plans than trying to make it through this terrible work day. I’m just grumpy and counting down the seconds until 4:45pm. The students that come in during finals week fall into three different categories: degree check (ie I am senior), failing finals/academic probation or about to be on academic probation, and mental breakdown, depression, or other crisis. Basically it’s very slow but the students that come in (aside from degree checks) are HELLA HOT MESSES! Poor bebes. Thank you bebe Jesus, I was able to drink coffee and get my advising mojo slightly back. But in between students, I am a complete grump.

Alright kiddies, have a crazy Tuesday.

Failing At Being A Grown Up and everything else


Do you ever feel messy? That your life is a series of small fires that are partially burning but not yet under control? At any moment any unexpected wind could turn it all into a wild brush fire that eats away acres of land… Maybe it’s just me struggling in the land of the grown ups.

The weekend ate me alive. Friday – quick drinks with a colleague taking a new job. Run home for 6pm dinner with friends & their adorable 3 year old. Saturday – 6 mile run, grill for my Dad and off to a soccer match ( Father’s Day gift) after I headed to the SJC. Sunday – Prepped for my cousins baby shower hosted by my mama (8 -1). Baby shower 1-7pm equals exhaustion!!!

I miss my Grandma and I’m still feeling the grief. My lovely mama is out of the bell jar but its still hard for her. I hate seeing her in pain it just breaks my heart.

My grief ran away with my credit card and I have been not living within my means…. Sigh…fail in land of the grown ups. This weekend included. I need to get back on track financially and reassess my long term goals. Grown ups need to retire apparently that involves savings and being debt free. I need to look at the damage and post Mexico really start to tackle that shizz. Step one admit the problem.

Work is work. Some parts I love other parts drive me insane on top of the fact I’m undeniably behind.

I guess it’s just one of those days where it feels like I’m failing at everything. I want to turn it all around but I get overwhelmed or tacked by another unexpected wave of disaster. 2014 is just kicking my ass and it sucks.


I still want to be all sunshine or mostly sunshine but it’s harder than it looks. So for tonight I’m just going to try and count my blessings and know I have a date with a beautiful run and hot coffee in the morning.


I’m looking forward to the quiet and hoping to find a little grace out there. I’m making mistakes but I’m getting up and trying each day. I pray that counts for something.

Good night besos,

made with iPhone lurve


It’s Thursday but seriously did not have a minute to spare for the Hump. I was covered in work yesterday. I also opted to do a three mile walk with my homegirl post-work and watch a little Supernatural.

However I love me some Kathy & her HUMPTASTIC CONFESSIONS so even if I’m a day late and a dollar short we’re making it happen. That’s just the way I roll, beatches.

Vodka and Soda

1. I HAVE BEEN EATING BADLY THIS WEEK. However I love me some Mexican, Margaritas, and Chocolate Ice Cream. No regrets, beatches. Or as the young bebes say YOLO! They may actually no longer be saying this because all us old ladies are but whateves.

I always think of M.I.A. and this jam when I say YOLO! It’s on several of the running mixes. I once saw M.I.A. at the Concourse in SF and she was hella drunk. She did three songs and was practically carried off stage. I was hella pissed since the tickets were like $40 or $50 bucks. After that we kinda broke up. I did hear that she was amazing when she was a Coachella several years back but I hold my grudge and will not pay money to see her drunk ass again. TRUE STORY

2. I just saw the San Jose Rock N Roll medals and am nerdily excited to sport that obnoxious beast of a medal. Woot woot! Half Baby!!!

3. Even though Mexico is not gonna be the vacay we planned, I am so ready to get out of my office and just chill for a week. I’m like you cannot get here soon enough…..well maybe not too soon since I still have MAD WORK to accomplish but you dig.

4. I confess that I wanted to smack our IT dude since he is worthless. I’m like this is NOT A PROJECTION! This is shizz we need our new system to do!!! Also FYI the staff that was like we don’t want to touch our computers ALL RETIRED! I want to be able to run my own reports and not come knocking at your door for access. If you want job security just do this ish!!!

5. I have plans all weekend long and I really just wish I could stay in bed and DO NOTHING!!! Friends visiting, soccer game with my old man, and baby shower. It’s like EEK!!! Where did all these plans come from and will I be able to get enough sleep and still run 6 miles???? Why must I be social??? Hashtag Old Lady Problems.

6. I confess that I’m feeling more normal after all the funeral stuff. I still have mini crying moments but much better. I also had a MAJOR cry-fest as I watched Anderson Cooper cover the Netherlands bringing home the bodies of those lost in the Malaysian flight crash. The did profiles of many of the passengers and there were so many kids. It just made my little heart break. People are so amazing and our ability to preserve after tragedies like that is nothing short of astonishing. Ok, enough of my sad bastardness but it’s confessions…I’m keeping it real.

7. Finally, I confess that I ate a breakfast burrito this morning and it was HELLA delish….I need to pull it together for GET SEXY MEXICO because I am carrying around a burrito bebe.

Alright, kids. Hope you are doing your thing this week, spending time with the people you love, and not being chained to the man. PS Me and my office mate just rocked out to Fantastic Voyage by Coolio….out of control.




Weigh In Wednesday

Down half a pound, beattches! Hooraz! I’m bring sexy back…dance…dance…dance! I’m gonna say this -0.5lb loss is due to my day dreaming of a vacation even though now it’s looking like me and my boyfriend’s work schedules are even more incompatible – UGH! Hence why we never do full on vacations with one another. We’re trying to work it out but someone will be screwed coming back to their office during a crazy busy time. Location is yet to be confirmed so I’m keeping it a secret for now. Anyways, getting fit is so much easier when wearing a swimsuit in public is on the line. Also working out on a regular basis and not constantly drinking birthday drinks helps too. Who Knew???


* I hate mindless paperwork and can plan a project, 300 person presentation, outline policy but will just stare at my damn petitions. Changing college, Simultaneous degrees, HATE!!! I know it’s helping students but really why is this not automated. Why does my University act like it’s 1975 with paper petitions and campus mail. If we’re acting mad men style I should be able to keep a flask in my desk and throw back the tequila as needed.



*I wish I could just work 3 days a week, same pay, retirement, and benefits. It’s the perfect amount of work.

*I don’t know how people don’t eat at Happy Hour. They just don’t touch the chex mix or fries. It blows my mind and I LOVE HAPPY HOUR. I do just kinda try and make it my dinner but sometimes that (mostly) doesn’t happen.

* I watched Sex And The City – season three the other day and realized they are 34 and I’m 33. First, that was absolute craziness. Second, how did I get to be so poor (damn, you field of Education). I mean it’s Manhattan so it’s the only other place more expensive than SF (and I live in Oakland so we’re right behind ya) but DAMN. Ok, it’s a tv show. Well at least it made me feel better about being “behind” in the bebe game. Damn, it’s like if you blog you have to have a baby or three??!!! A big benefit of going later is I’m learning from everyone’s FAILS. So that’s a win. Being the hella old Mom and kindergarten…well all I can really do about that is moisturize.

* It’s barely mid-month and somehow all my money is gone. Why am I like this??? It’s like TJ turkey meatballs, kale, carrots, and tomatoes. Plus eggs, salsa, and sweet potatoes for the rest of the month. Same thing over and over until I get paid. DAMN, April is a long month. But I got my SWEET tax return. Stared at my online bank for a hot second. Sighed and paid the credit card. It was a nice big chunk. Being a grown-up and getting fiscally responsible is not as fun as it sounds.

*I bought the cheap razors and now every time I shave my damn legs and drop it the head breaks off. GOD DAMN! Back to gillete I go!!!



FRIDAY! AND I’M DUNZO! Send cocktails

Really glad it’s Friday but WAY BEHIND in the old workaroo. Just me trapped under mounds of paperwork. It’s depressing and I will be in LA this weekend with no real time to catch up. SAD FACE. There are not enough hours in the day, people. And I am not Beyonce!! There’s no personal chef, trainer, assistant and housekeeper over here! That’s why I hate that stupid meme (you have the same hours in a day as Beyonce). Yeah, but no eff’ing staff. She probably doesn’t even brush her own teeth! END RANT. Hey, at least it’s Friday!!! I am like at 90% recovery mode. There has been zero working out but tomorrow I will do my 9 miler at a REALLY slow pace. Just to be extra safe. Yes, yes…if I start hurting I will stop.

In other news, me and the Boy are talking August or September vacay. The list includes Mexico (exact location TBD), Miami, or maybe Hawaii. Thoughts? We are trying to keep it budget friendly so we’d be flying out of SFO or Oakland. Any tips or good websites. I seriously love Hawaii (Maui!) but it’s not super budget friendly. I’ve never been to Miami so that would be fun. Also my bf has friends there so we’d probably stay with them for one night or two. Mexico is always good times so that’s a possibility. I really just need beach and cocktails and a half way ok place to crash. I’d like to spend as little time at the hotel and would rather be out and about. But MIAMI’s like a million degrees hot so Hotel is probably more important there. Thoughts?

Why did I capitalize Miami like that? No idea…my brain must be fried.

Plus vacation is such good motivation to dial in the fitness so I can look HOT and not lumpy. I mean lumpy is adorable but it’s always nice to be sexy rexy. Of course, you shouldn’t be injured and working out so that needs to be resolved. HEAL YOURSELF OLD BODY!!!! Sigh, my body is hating me.

I miss bar method. Not that I don’t miss running. I just know that running this week was a bad idea but bar method I wasn’t sure. It could of gone either way but better to play it safe with Brooklyn on the horizon. What an old lady comment. Eh, that’s what happens I suppose. Now hand me my walker.

Next week, I’m gonna bring fitness back in a big way! That sentence seems like I’m setting myself up to fail but I’m gonna roll with the upbeat optimism because I CAN!!!

breakfast club

I didn’t eat breakfast today because I was late and this made me feeling like bringing a little Molly Ringwald to the blog. I seriously heart me some Molly Ringwald. Although I think I’m more of a Sixteen Candles/Pretty in Pink and then Breakfast Club girl.

Long story short – I’m starving!!!

Hope you all are having a Fabulous Friday! Let me know what kind of fun you have planned!!!



Let’s talk about 1994! Or just have coffee and plan to work out.


Today is all about catching up! Our office is closed to students due to a professional conference and I intend to use this time to attack my mountain sized to-do list. There might also be some blogging and listening to Jillian Michael’s podcast in there too. It feels pretty amazing to have some catch up time so I’m in an exceptional mood for a gray Tuesday.

I also brought my lunch today, hooraz! After hitting up Trader Joe’s after my bar method class, I was set to bring some healthy food to work. PS So glad I went to bar method last night! Really really helped my legs post speedy 10k. Not gonna lie, I was dreading it and knew I would be all sucky. However there were some new peeps in the class so that’s always a confidence booster. I didn’t feel like a totally loser. SIDE BAR: NO ONE THAT WORKS OUT IS A LOSER! Just me! So way to get your sexy ass off the couch even if you’re the slowest or slacker-est.
coffee slacker
via pinterest

The weather in LA displeases me. It’s supposed to be low 70’s and partially cloudy this weekend. It was clear and in the 80’s this past weekend. This whole “possible” rain thing/cold front is ruining vacation weekend. I know, I know, IT’S A DROUGHT! But it has to rain the weekend I’m headed to LA, causing it to be in the low 70’s! HASHTAG – WHINY CALIFORNIA PROBLEMS. Yes, I spelled out hashtag. It’s more obnoxious that way.


Didn’t you know when you use hashtags, it causes Questlove to appear? It’s just Tonight Show magic, don’t trip 🙂

Today I’ve got the 3 mile run in my new kicks which I’ve been meaning to blog about! I will get to it and they’re awesome. I’m an Asics ho-bag. I really thought I’d get something new and different but I love me some asics. If it’s not broke, yo…as they say. Do you love your workout shoes? Recommendations? I promise I will at least try them on!

I’m so unexciting today. I wish I had something better to blog about but peeps, I’m boring. There’s not always excitement going on around here. I hate to crush your dreams of my awesomeness. Sometimes I’m just trying to figure out how to clean my kitchen and do laundry…or have my laundry NOT live on my desk. I’m pretty sure my desk is to hide the mail and tax forms…and condoms. I’m just saying get some safely, Interwebbies. Which makes me think of this!

Alright, that was the pick me up I needed! I promise next time I post a video…it will be from 2013-2014. I realize there are A LOT of throwback jams on this blog. In my defense, I’m an old lady. I like musica from the 90’s. Be thankful my fashion is current. However I’m seeing a lot bad 90’s inspired fashion on the hipsters. I disapprove. Floral body suit dresses should not come-back. Seriously though, I loved me some Doc Martin’s. Rocked those babies with jean shorts and cute stylish socks…luckily there is less photographic evidence since ya know we had to get film developed back then from a wind up disposable camera and hour photo was HELLA expensive. Speaking of the old days, I had to use a pay phone this weekend and all I could think was that I hope I didn’t get some crazy disease because who uses pay phones these days!!! Besides people that forget their phones at work all weekend and are waiting at the BART station to be picked up…. I dread to think about it. I thought for a second about clorax wiping that side of my face.

I digress…here’s something for the young people. More in your frame of reference. Although like I’ve said before Salt-N-Pepa is full of workout jams!

Time to put on the big girl panties and attack the to-do list! Hope your Tuesday is productive, with veggies, and some good times!

Let me know if you’ve got any good Tuesday jams that are not from 1994!!!
