Clean Eating, Working Out, and other failures on Monday

Okay, okay, this weekend was pretty much filled with drunken shenanigans and brunch. I mean I did manage a four mile walk with my homegirl on Sunday but my eating habits were nothing to write home about….I also consumed enough alcohol on Friday for a small boat of pirates. Whiskey, why are you so delicious in a mixed cocktail???

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Friday was one of those nights where you open your purse and review the receipts for clues regarding all the poor choices you made. Hmmm…apparently I bought a round of drinks there too. It happens. Hey, at least I’m spending money on experiences and not things. #minimalism

Week 2 will be better. I’m signed up for three Pure Barre classes (Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday) and this morning I ate kale for breakfast with my eggs. Super duper healthy. My pants are still tight as eff and that jerk face the scale may have gone up 3lbs on Friday but I’m determined to keep going. I blame bloating…..

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However I did succeed in being a grown up this weekend by cleaning my kitchen, tidying up the living room, and grocery shopping. My Sunday was evidence that there is part of me that truly can manage adult life….now if I just could get 5 out of the 7 days to look that way, I’d be winning.


I’ve also been doing A LOT of Netflix binge watching. I killed Grace & Frankie this weekend and am SO sad that I don’t have more episodes. I started Sense8 and think I’m into it even though some of the episodes I’m what the eff is going on??? I will write up a little post on Grace & Frankie because it is so WONDERFUL. Sadly, now I have to go and do some work and advise students.



Big Girl Panties and other August Goals!

Running it’s time for us to take a break.


I’m still feeling super ACCOMPLISHED from tackling the San Francisco Marathon and becoming a marathoner. Buuuuttt….I’m so over running. I’ve been dying to do some other type of workout. Also the vacationing, the crazy orientation programming, and running for miles means I’ve been treating my tummy like a garbage can of delicious crap. It’s time to reign that ish back.

August it’s time to put on the big girl panties and get back to some basics.

1. Sign up for Pure Barre (1 month unlimited $100)

I loved what Bar Method did for my body when I was taking those classes. However the $175 membership just got out of my price range. Pure Barre is even more expensive with $220 a month unlimited membership but they offer a newbie deal of $100 for a month…holla! I’m just going to do the single month and I think in September I will be giving classpass a try. In term of my budget, I’ve decided investing in my health is a big plus and helps me stay on track financially. First, going to classes really helps me maintain a schedule. I’m more likely to say no to happy hours and I’m way more likely to come home to cook. Plus my sister is getting married this January and, as vain as it may sound, I would like to look my best. My Mom and Sister are probably going to order a million photos from the photographer which will cover their respective homes until the end of time and I’d like to look FABULOUS. Let’s actually try to bring on my wedding fit for this one. BLARGH!


2. Whole 30

I’m going to try to start my Whole 30 sometime around August 3rd…I think. Anyways, I just need a restart with my eating. I also really really NEED to start bringing my lunch and not eating crap at work. I think getting back to real whole foods for the month of August will set me up for success with my eating. Perhaps in September the focus will be clean eating & tracking my food. I need to get into that bridesmaid dress.


3. Budget, budget, budget

Destination weddings are DUNZO. I’m going to pay for my sister’s wedding ish in CASH. Also really focusing on sticking to my budget and spending on experiences NOT THINGS. Cleaning my apartment and really getting minimal. Less crap, more experiences, and living within my means. I’m going to make this happen.


Alright kiddies, hope you’re having a kick ass Thursday.



Reality Bites…..sometimes you just have to keep it real

It seems like I’m only posting on Mondays. That needs to change and I think it will once the cray cray of October ends. All the bebes show up needing advising for Spring enrollments and the oficina overflows with students.

It’s chilly this morning, I’ve got my cup of joe, and was doing some wandering on the internets. My life is slowing down quite a bit and for the first time in a long time I’ve felt like I can breathe and take a look around. My beautiful Grandma’s health started heading down hill in January 2014, all the while my office was short staffed and forced into creating brand new programming, I started spending every other weekend with my Mom & Grandma, and over the next nine months I spent time in the hospital when her health required that until she passed away peacefully in June. I was exhausted after her passing and finished Summer Orientation programming with a small amount of sanity and the expected heartache. I wasn’t sleeping so quickly I turned to running at 4:45am and thinking and praying to my little beloved Grandma. We’re all on the mend but with holidays approaching and lawyer meetings it’s still understandably hardest on my Mom. This Fall teaching my freshman seminar has been a great relief and I feel like it’s brought me back to life. Given me passion again for students, education, and advising.

I’m looking around and realizing I’ll be thirty-four in March and thirty-three was lost to overworking, caring for family, and keeping my sanity only through barre and running. That said I’m fully willing to admit it was not that much sanity left. I don’t want to be overdramatic and say I’m chilling in the ruins of my life. I do feel though that everything I wanted to build this year was just left untouched, like I ran out of money for the contractor and there’s just this frame of a casita on the property.

I feel as though I’m at a professional crossroads. I’m feeling pressure to make more money, take care of bills, so that we can do more traveling in the future. Not to mention, that little dream of having a bebe one day (soonish) and being able to afford said bebe. Granted when I say make more money it’s still just more pennies since I don’t think I want to leave higher education. Not yet anyways. I applied for a mentor program through my University to enhance my network and teaching the course this year will also help my resume…well that’s the hope at least.

I also need to get a handle on the credit cards and my student debt. At this point, I feel like I may need to put my money where my mouth is and just meet with a financial planner. This morning was spent looking at different things on the web and seeing if I could find someone with good reviews in my area. I may still wait until after the holidays for this one but at least I’m doing my research.

Lastly, I need to go to the dentist. I hate the Dentist and this has fallen off and I need to go in as soon as I can. I will probably need to throw down some money in that area because I’ve neglected my poor mouth for the last year and I let life get in the way. No one to blame but myself and the fact that I hate the Dentist. The Doctor’s office and I’m fine….the Dentist is just not my thing. I’m calling in at 8am and just gonna make it happen.

Just sharing my reality check with you all this morning. Trust, it’s much easier to write about brunch, crazy students, and my Fall tv addiction but sometimes you just need to keep it real. I’m sure this plays a small part in why I’ve been M.I.A. from writing over on my tiny corner of the interwebs. Don’t worry, I’ve still been reading all your hilarious bloggies. It keeps me sane and makes me smile. The Internets is an awesome place.

How about you interwebbies? How do you handle life changes? Have you changed your career, grown your career, or just any advice there?

Once again, thanks for kicking it homies.

Spicing it up and listing it out during the cray of the school year

The post where I list style everything because there’s TOO MUCH!!! Too many thoughts, too much work, and I’m still trying to switch gears from lady of leisure mode to the working girl I need to be. I mean I missed the Hump with Kathy (sad face).


Thankfully, my soul still has the spirit of Zihua and I’m kinda wandering through day to day with some beachy casualness. It’s the first week of school at Big Tier One Research University so I’m taking it all in stride but the minute I get home an exhaustion sets in and I just plop on the couch or bed. Of course we had serious computer issues, my inbox was busting at the seams, and oops I agreed to moderate a panel, and be on a panel all this week – EEK! Did I mention my dress ripped at work the other day? Oh yeah, that happened. Of course it was the day I was moderating and would need to be walking around. I’m blessed in that my bf was working from home and brought me a new dress. That’s love, peeps.

PS Yep, sunset from our little patio on vacay- LURVE
photo 2

Like I said I haven’t truly moved from vacay to real life and I’m still eating like every day is a treat. Sigh, that’s not good….for my pants…or apparently dresses. I felt really great on vacation and you know I’m camera shy about putting my face out here but I do have a little hammock tummy shot for you all. I got to the beach and felt really strong and confident. Paddle boarding was great and it really made me feel like I was in pretty good shape to be able to do that HOORAZ!
photo 5
There it is, peeps. A weird little body shot but there it is 😉 Mad props to all you who post your beautiful faces and working out shots! The internet can be a creepy place so..yeah. It also can be a place where you meet cool people and when they post on your blog your little bloggy heart explodes…so good and bad. Just like life.

Sorry so distracted up there! The first week of school has derailed any real working out but today I was able to attend a bar method class at 7:00am and damn ass kicked! I need to get a run in this weekend like HARD CORE! I have my October half marathon so this needs to happen. I’m scheduled for like 7 miles but if I can somehow manage 6 I will be beyond grateful. Next week is really all about getting back into my early morning running routine and a few evening bar classes. After this month, I’m going to cancel my membership. I suspended it when my Grandma passed away. It’s time to start chipping away at my credit card debt (blargh) which got a little out of hand during that time….buying food/house items for all funeral related events, a few funeral items, and some really unnecessary shopping therapy. At least I have memories of this to keep me sane.
photo 3

I have soooo many student appointments this week that there’s really no time for my other work. That gives me the overwhelming tingle of stress in the background but I’m trying not too worry to much. Plus the freshman are so sweet and excited that it makes me stoked to be there as they enter this phase in their lives. I still am unsure where to take my career next or what I really want…ya know like the Spice Girls say “Tell me what ya want, what ya really really want?” I’m thirty three with already one career change under my belt but I find myself craving a flexibility that my office currently doesn’t provide….maybe new office? I have hit up two different training sessions, one on myers briggs and another career inventory. I seem to be in the right field (broadly) based on that but I don’t know…I guess I struggle with am I working to live ($$$ and enjoying life) or to I live to work (my job as my passion). Anyways, just something I struggle with. How about you? Is your job your passion? Or well paying to make your life super enjoyable? Ever had a career change? I want to know!!!!

I’m getting this lion’s mane cut this weekend. It’s a little out of control but am so looking forward to having my fabulous hair stylist tame this mop! Plus her salon is right next to Marshall’s so I always do a lap because DEALS! Thank you for the long weekend – haircut, check in with my Mama, and time to restock the fridge with HEALTHY food ie stop eating ice cream for dinner (true story).

Alright kiddies, I’m taking off to get in the shower and head into the oficina. I have another panel tonight for the bebes. I will leave you with this lovely vacay shot.
photo 4


Monday Running Endorphins, Faking it, and Calling out my students

Dude, it’s Monday. It hasn’t been half bad but it’s still early. Damn, I hope I didn’t just jinx myself, interwebbies.


Yours truly woke up at 4:45am and got herself outta bed to hit the pavement. My knee was a little wonky so it was a slow and steady 3.3 miles. I have to figure out how to get a little map my run app action widget. I also did a 3.5 miler yesterday – Sunday Runday. I need to also go back to bar but in Summer my schedule has been so crazy it’s been hard. However it really works the ole core and arms. You can’t have a sexy vacay without sexy arms. It’s just the way it goes.


I have 9 weeks aka 63 days to get sexy. I have been “LOOSELY” tracking. Hey it’s better than nothing. I’m trying to bring exercise back which I write EVERY DAMN WEEK but hey it’s coming. I think there’s some phrase about breathing ish into reality. Well, I am writing it into reality.

I just did a little presentation for the transfer students. Sigh, degree requirements are so BORING but critical. You just can’t make that shit exciting but it’s the type of knowledge that will save your ass. I also called out a student for sleeping which was awesome. If I’m awake, you’re awake, beattches!!!

I have to table during lunch so I am trying to resolve my lunch dilemma. It’s not fun to eat and table and talking with one’s mouth full is so gross. I should probably just eat before and snack in early afternoon since tabling is throwing off my eating game. BLARGH, I just want to eat at normal times!!! Is that too much to ask? Sigh, the things we do for the bebes.

I did some real cleaning of the bedroom last night. I have also been keeping my kitchen pretty tidy. Emptying and loading the dishwasher every night helps or just packing it because we are in a drought!!! I’m gonna try and do some more cleaning tonight, my bathroom vanity area is a HOT MESS. I also want to try to hit the hay at an old lady hour so I can get my morning fit in. I have been running around my lake with an end date at Starbucks as a little treat. However it’s just a plain cup of joe to keep my calories in check. No idea, how you scheduled early risers manage but I am desperately trying to be one of you!!!


How many early mornings until I can sit with you all? You organized people that can wake up and make all your ish happen. JEALOUS! Then you can tell me all the secrets of being a grown-up! WAHAHAHAAH (that’s my evil laugh).

Alright, chicas! And chicos! I’m off for early lunch and to continue to make Monday happen! Or at least tie with Monday, ya know World Cup style.

lbg, expecting to crash from my early morning at any moment!!!


A little barre love and some ranting


Alright kiddies, let me break it down. If you are taking the BART train (like the BAY AREA SUBWAY) during commuter hours these are the escalator rules! Apparently people can only be socialized in the wrong ways and not the right ones like following the commuter guidelines. The right side of the escalator should be boarded single file when going up. If you stand on the right side of your moving step you are enjoying your coffee, leisurely waiting for the escalator to get you to the top. If you board the left side of the escalator it means “BAM, GET OUT MY WAY!” like Ludicrious. You are late, about to be late, about to miss another train. You don’t have time to leisurely drink the coffee you need to run up the escalator. Simple, right?

Apparently not. Dude, if you have a friend it’s not complicated. Merely stand on the right side SINGLE FILE and talk to your friend that way. DO NOT CROWD THE ENTIRE ESCALATOR STEP! IT IS COMMUTER TIME! I want to shake these people and say look at everyone else??? Also even if you don’t have a friend – why are you STANDING to the left??? Didn’t you see all the people in front of you frantically walk up the escalator?? Sigh, I just don’t understand Interwebbies. I just don’t.

This message was brought to you by un-caffeinated commuting little brown girls and Luda.

Sorry that was clearly the R rated version but I trusted you all to click it off if you were horribly offended by Luda. It just expressed my angry commuter rage.

I am drinking my Starbucks coffee and feeling much more pleasant now. The latte strike is going well. I need to think of Mexico and how sexy I want to be. Like Prince, Get Off sexy! That’s a Prince song for all you non-fans. There isn’t a video. I checked because my blog is pretty much 50% musica from the 80s & 90s.

Pretty much me and my feelings about Prince.

Anyways, I have another bar method class tonight. Woo Woo!!! My water consumption is getting back to where it needs to be – holla. Well, NYC pretty much placed my water consumption as “beer has water in it right? That counts.” True story. Speaking of health and water, we did this wicked fold over exercise with a mini mat bent behind our raised leg. TERRIBLE AND IMPOSSIBLE. I mean like I wasn’t even doing it fully correctly because my mini mat kept falling out and it still kicked my ass.

So where that ball is (see above) is where we had a bent little mat that you were supposed to keep in place while raising or pulling your leg inwards.HORRIBLE!! But that’s why this ish hella changes your body…I just have to actually go to class 😉

I also bought these awesome barre socks online from Pointe Studio because they had a FABU sale and I basically got four pairs for $30 dollars. HOLLA! I have no idea why barre socks are so expensive but they are. Anyways, I love these little socks…I actually slip less in bar method and they’re so cute.  Of course, now I am addicted and want MORE!!!! I think another pair is in order so I can at least make it to laundry day 😉





I’m also on the look out for Summer and Fall races I need to get some more ish on my calendar. Especially since the only race I had scheduled, I’m missing due to vacation. Sad face. I was pretty damn excited for that half but trust, Mexico is far more exciting!!! Next week, I’m bringing healthy eating back. This week is JUST workouts and water or my head will explode.

This chica’s gotta do some advising so I will catch you all on the flip side. I want to do Friday Favorites with Amanda but I kinda hate everything so we’ll see. Have a great day, peeps!




I’m rocking Tuesday! My presentation went well. HOOLLLAAA! Holla not Hola. Just so we’re clear. Now, I’m rocking out to some Pharrell’s Marilyn Monroe.
via gifsoup!

There’s no video otherwise I would post it for you, kiddies. Today is some SERIOUS improvement over the Shizz that was Monday. The little silver lining was I came home to flowers and porkchops. Yep, my man’s got it like that. Not gonna lie I skipped bar method to eat hot porkchops, enjoy my flowers, and watch some Call Of The Midwife. If you’re not watching that on PBS, you’re not an old lady. But points if you dig Downton. I’m all about the fine production and historical accuracy of PBS, so suck it!!!!

I need to donate and to NPR. I really enjoy some podcasts. SUPPORT NPR & PBS! You will feel smarter!!! Love, your favorite nerdy College Adviser.

Tuesday, you’re shaping up be NOTHING liKE Monday and I am so very grateful. I actually will go work out today with a little bad bar method. Does anyone else over schedule working out knowing that if they break even that’s all that matters? Here’s to hoping I’m not the only one. I also impulse bought this book on my ipad last night since I cannot get myself to eat right. There was kale salad with those porkchops! Alright, I did eat a LOT of peanut M&Ms at work…fine…FINE…there was ONE GIRL SCOUT COOKIE!!!But only because the bf beat me to it and ate the rest. I’d call him a jerk face but hey there were flowers 🙂 That guy is winning.

I will try and do a book review once I’m done. I just really need a kick in the pants of motivation or some inspiration. I’m doing all this working out so why am I sabotaging it with all the peanut M&Ms!!! Anyways, I will at least write you a paragraph on it. You know…good…bad…helped me sleep…what have you.

I feel like we are getting closer to securing some vacation flights. So ladies of the Interwebbies…and gentlemen….without further ado. I give you!!!





Five or six days by the sandy lovely beach with ocean waves and a cocktail in my hand. And yes, there is a Shawshank Redemption reference in there.

I fully plan on being all smiley like Morgan Freeman here when I arrive as well. Speaking of vacations, can we talk about this!!!

11 more days until I’m running in Brooklyn! I feel like after the 10.8 this weekend and the actual half I have this Saturday I will be ready!!!! Yeah, I’m crazy like that two halfs back-to-back. After that, I’ll give myself a nice little rest. No races scheduled until August. But if I feel up to it maybe I’ll add one or two in June/July. I could use some free race shirts 🙂

Anyways, today is ROCKING! I hope your Tuesday is kicking ass and you’re having to break for mini office dance parties because you’re just that awesome.

Seriously, you’re awesome. Have some coffee and let’s keep kicking ass.


lbg….shaking it until I have to tell someone they’re dismissed.

I couldn’t smell the Bog of Eternal Stench if I tried…. Sniffle… Run… Sniffle

Yep, this Chica ran 10 miles and it didn’t kill me. Dude, it was close though. First, it ended up being CRAZY windy and a high pollen day and the Claritin has yet to kick in. So no, it was not a pretty sight but I drug my body through the windy and sniffled my way through it.


Let’s take a look at the splits… Well because that’s what those runner blogs do 😉 I mean I made a serious come back at mile 5. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t breathing so great at mile 7 due to all the friggin’ pollen. I probably should pack some Claritin for NYC since I have no idea what’s blooming in Brooklyn.


I kept trying to remember what they say about racing during this 10er because I was NOT feeling it. You run one part with your heart, another with your head but DAMN what was the third part??? I straight up felt like Sarah in Labyrinth where she’s confronting the Goblin King and cannot effing remember! And you’re yelling at the TV “Girl! It’s you have no power over me!!!” Ok, well maybe that’s just my childhood.

Anyways, the quote goes that you run the first part with your head, second with your personality, and the last part with your heart. Whatever the Goblin King stole my baby with that run but it’s over so I’m cool. Sorry Tobey.

The other day I decided to torture myself and try on some wunder under lululemon pants. Now I only own 2 lulu items that were basically in their clearance section but they’re Lulu and far too fancy for clearance so they call it “we made too much.” I figured it’d be good to know my pant size in case a sale hits. DUDE, I see why you ladies buy these 90.00 pants they are the shizz and even more comfortable than my gap gfast 30 dollar sale pants (regular 55). I wanted to live in these pants. GOdDAMN it! I hate loving expensive things! I mean usually Target wins most things but ok lulu addicts I see (pant wise) why you are a cult – clearly a rich cult – but yea. I also dig the jackets there but $128 – damn! Not that much.

Alright back to being poor, I’m still having mild neck and shoulder pain so I might see the chiropractor but maybe should meet with my Dr. first?? No idea. I’ve just been becoming besties with the Icey Hot and avoiding the thought we might need a new bed because beds are HELLA expensive.

RANDOM unrelated note – I also am really digging the fresh squeezed juice from whole foods – I drank some beet, carrot, celery juice yesterday and I must say delicious and nutritious! You all need to get on that.


Last week I managed four workouts not the five I aimed for but not so bad. I’m gonna aim for five again and here’s the proposal:
Monday – bar method
Tuesday – bar method
Wednesday – run
Saturday – 10.5
Sunday – bar method

Fingers crossed, yo. It’s Monday and you know that means drama, kids. Here’s hoping you punch Monday in the face and not the other way around. Don’t worry I’ll still be here if you need ice.

Let me know what your weekend workout looked like or how’s Monday treating you.


Just another barre check in and blog love

It’s 3:45pm and I am done. ALREADY? Maybe it’s this whole 2 days of working out in a row. Bar Method has been particularly kick ass in the past two days. Monday, that little white ball of torture came out. I effing hate that ball if it didn’t make my thighs look so sexy. We also did fold overs….my body was displeased to say the least. Sure, it looks easy but your bending your leg and foot and working your glutes – TERRIBLE!
via via pinterest

This morning I hit up the 7am class since I work my 11-8 (hello frosh dorm advising) and they busted out arabesque. Those bastards! My leg was shaking so badly. ARGHHH…Mine doesn’t quite look like this.

via bar method

Well, at least the work outs are happening because I am taking some kind of August Vacation that will require a swimsuit!!! Still working on those dates…the joys of coordinating with your significant other.

DUDE! Starbucks has instant vanilla lattes??? When did this happen and are they any good?? Please let me know!!!

My Brooklyn registration for Bib pick up with my wave time was available today – WAVE 2 – 7:45AM! Makes it real!!! Cannot believe I’m getting to do the Brooklyn Half?? Destination racing, who am I? I’m just some little brown girl who grew up in the SJ. Feeling kinda awesome. Speaking of Brooklyn, anyone heart/read/follow Sheryl Yvette? Her blog is awesome. She’s taken some time off but kept quite a few of her posts up on her site. Anyways, she ran Brooklyn and completely inspired me…like two years ago – here. I wanted to run it last year but my bestie tied the knot that weekend so it was out. Being the blogging nerd I am….I messaged her via facebook to see if she’d be running. She responded BACK! And she’ll be there….I’ve yet to write back but she’s awesome and I seriously hope I get to run into her. Hehe…like what I did there? Yes, I am that lame.  Damn, Brooklyn is getting so real. Cannot wait. Also if you have any NYC tips holla at me!! So far besides the race I have Brooklyn brewery on my list with Central Park and maybe a lunch at Tavern on the Green. We might try to hit up a show but it’s yet to be determined.

I also am kinda toying with the idea of continuing to increase my mileage post Brooklyn. Like…marathon mileage. There are a couple of October California Marathons I could do. I’m not sure yet…it’s a big commitment but just day dreaming about it. Also does anyone use compression socks? I’m thinking of getting a pair. I also think they’d be good on the LONG flight back from NYC. Hopefully I’m not too sore. I have my 10 miles this weekend since Easter interfered and I just did a quick 6.

Alright my lovelies, we’ve got a weigh in tomorrow and confessions w/ Vodka and Soda! I need to work on what crazy ish I’m confession tomorrow. I should of saved the whole nerdy blogger contacting Sheryl thing. GODDAMN! Oh well, trust this old lady has plenty of material.


Hot dogs, achy thighs, and veggies on crack


I went to Bar Method last night and we had a different instructor, Casey. She usually teaches at a different studio and BOY! SHE IS AWESOME! Omg, I laughed so hard and got a kick ass work out with her. My thighs today are so sore – BLARGH! Kinda sad that she’s not a regular instructor. She referenced Miley Cyrus and way too many hilarious things that it made class super fun. Dontcha love that when you have an instructor that’s hard-core yet fun and good times?? It works for me. We did this pretzel exercise that I totes have a love/hate relationship with. See below but keep in mind you’re moving that back leg up and out or one or the other and tightening your core. It’s just pain! Pain, people! Apparently it’s the your body changing pain but it’s still pain.


I also really want to be one of those people that can just run 5 miles. Like that’s their short run….those crazy bastards. I WANT TO BE ONE OF YOU!!! Sigh, it’s looking like my 6.5 this weekend will be in the rain. Ugh, California needs the rain but I am like a cat when it comes to running in the rain. I will make it happen because it’s for Brooklyn, baby!

Any race with hot dogs at the end sounds fabulous!!!

My goal for next week is to eat CLEAN!!! Eating on campus and out all week has been hard. I’ve stayed within my calories most days but the kind of food I’ve been eating is less than stellar. It’s time to bring back eggs, yams, kale, and the tomatoes. Bring back the veggies & fruits! We’ll see how the scale tips on Thursday but I need to bring back some whole foods.

I apologize that these veggies are so scary. They look like drug addict veggies…maybe they’re just GMO….ewhh. Anyways, you get the picture. Especially after lunch included french fries and a lamb shwarma sandwich.

As we head into Old Lady Birthday Month, my first gift to myself will be this:


I’m hoping there’s some jams to add to the March playlist (6.5 – 8.5). I’ve really enjoyed my Feb playlist and should probably post about that but the damn top button on my iphone is broken. Hence I can’t take screenshots. It’s annoying but not as annoying as going into the Verizon store where instead of helping me they just try to sell me crap. Seriously! They suck! Not as bad as Comcast but close!


This image should be a button but it’s not. FAIL. So just hop on over to ALG, uninterrupted and check out the links!

It’s Friday so relax and plan your weekend workouts! I’m trying to not eat Mac & Cheese and if I do…well it’s Friday.

What’s your weekend workout plan, Interwebbies?

