You can’t handle the truth! Starring Me & Kevin Bacon

Dear Monday,
Why must you never go as planned? Seriously? Why are you so spiteful and wicked? Really, Monday…I mean I know it must suck to not be Friday since she’s the cool one but that’s absolutely no reason for you to be the eff you one. I guess that’s the way it goes though. Sigh, whatever.
We’re over Monday.

Despite the set backs of that bastard Monday, I still managed to get in a five and a half mile run!!! Holla. It was a struggle but once I got past those first three miles, I really enjoyed myself.
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Yesterday, I busted out the spiralizer and attacked some beets and carrots which I roasted. They came out amazing and looked so beautiful on top of some spinach. Yummers!!! Today there will be some running but it might be to Target. We have some guests coming for a BBQ this Saturday so I’m trying to get the casita as cleaned up as possible. Here’s hoping that Friday night isn’t fueled by coffee as we work until the wee hours cleaning our dirty little casita. If the trusty boyfriend can’t take me today then I’ll be hitting the lake to get in another solid 5 miles.
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In other news, I’ve been selected for jury duty. EEK! My posting is already irregular so here’s hoping it won’t get any more wonky. Fingers crossed!! I can’t believe that the Livermore Half is in 24 days!!! I’m really excited and hoping to have a good race. I’m feel like my training is going well and can’t believe that after that it will be time to start my MARATHON training!!!! Seriously, beyond crazy. What am I doing???

I think I need to get a foam roller since everyone is always recommending you foam roll after you run. It sounds terrible but healthy for you. I have no idea since I’ve never done but I see some skillful runners doing it so can’t hurt to try. Why are foam rollers so damn expensive?? It’s foam like a pool noodle, right? Crazyness. I will have to check groupon for some deals. Foam rolling, interwebbies, thoughts?? I’m ready to hear any tips, tricks, or good deals you may have. Oh, maybe I will look at Target tonight!!!

Let’s get this humpty hump insanity over with peeps!!!! But on that note, due to jury duty I had to get my amazing colleagues to cover a million things and I sent this little movie music to inspire their booties to be my hero. Hope you enjoy it!!!

PS Nobody says no to Kevin Bacon!!!

Broke Runners Unite!

It’s been a while, Interwebbies, sadly work calls and someone has to attempt to pay the bills around here. It’s a pathetic attempt but I am doing my best avoid the poor house dance. Seriously, money and budgeting are not this little brown girl’s skill set. I’m going to be 34 next month and I’m starting to really feel the pressure to get my financial life in order. Any tips, books, or blogs that helped you hit your financial stride? Post some recommendations because this lbg could really use them!!


In other non-sad bastard news, I did my first double digit run of the season!!! I ran 10 miles this Saturday and had my first negative split!!!! This is in large part due to the fact that I actually ran with some strategy as opposed to my usually just running. I read an article discussing marathon training and phasing parts of your run…I’m doing a horrible job explaining. Just go here: yes here. I mean, don’t get it twisted, I love running and being outside, and for me there’s almost something meditative about it. My musica, my thoughts, my body all kinda blend and it works for me. However with all this marathon talk and reading….because I’m a nerd and need to read about ish, I’ve realized you probably shouldn’t just try and run a marathon. Actually strategy should be employed to help your body out. Who knew?


Right now, I’m just going to focus on getting to the Livermore Half and after that race I’ll be employing a training plan with some small modifications. I’m a little nervous about running 4 days a week, truth be told. I figure I’ll manage but eek…small eek.

Last week looked a little something like this:

M – 3.3 miles complimented by yoga & weights
TH – 5.1 miles
SA – 10 mile run!!!

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This weekend, I will be headed to Mill Valley for a friend’s wedding and I’m super excited for a chance to have mini getaway with my bf. It should be super pretty although chilly this weekend.  We’ll be near Muir Woods so I’m hoping on Sunday to do a little wandering and enjoy all the nature. City girls love nature, I just don’t know if I could live in it but visiting is always nice. I will probably run on Saturday before the wedding because ya know….hungover running is not winning. Although I am attempting to not be hungover just to have the perfect wedding buzz the night before with no side effects right??

Oh yeah, I lost 2.5 lbs last week! Hooraz but this weekend there was brunch and we went a little crazy plus there’s been healthy takeout but take out none the less. The boyfriend and I are both putting in a lot of hours at this time of year which means no one wants to cook. We exchange the sad glances of no..I don’t have that kind of strength to cook and clean…and actually the kitchen is still dirty…yes, please call the Thai place. BLARGH, so not good for the waist line and don’t forget I want my waist line to look good in Hawaii!


Alright peeps, I’m out. Have a kick ass Tuesday and if it’s not kicking ass just add more coffee. You got this!


Munchy & Crunchy Sick Days

My sleeping has been a mess since this weekend and last night was the absolute worst. I think I slept maybe 3 hours by the time my alarm starting going off 5:30..snooze….5:45…snooze….6:00am get up. Ok, I sat up and realized I was in zombie land and I couldn’t sloth through today with two coffees and an afternoon latte but it wouldn’t be pretty. I called into the sick line and determined my body needed a little love.

I was able to get in another 2.5 hours of sleep or so and just kinda floated through the afternoon with some trash tv and blog reading. I finally showered and pulled on some yoga pants to hit up the Whole Foodie. Picked up some chicken, tomatoes, hand soap, cauliflower was on sale. Holla. Oh I figured some kombucha couldn’t hurt and I guzzled that bad boy on the way home.

I was supposed to run today but figured it’s better if I get some rest and try for tomorrow.


I have to admit I did do some googling on running your first marathon, marathons for first timers, and SF marathon for first time marathon runners. I would really need to commit to my training but the timeline would work and I really can only foresee needing to take one weekend off in July for the Budapest wedding. I’m turning the BIG 3-4 next month so maybe my birthday present to myself will be to register for the SF Marathon. It would be pretty amazing to run a marathon before 35 and in my favorite city that I called home for 5 plus years. There’s more reasons to say yes than no after the short consideration I’ve given. I guess worst case scenario is if I just didn’t feel prepared come the big day I could just downgrade to the half. However I’d rather hope for a best case scenario of finishing in one piece.


The SF Marathon is on July 26th so I would have a solid almost 5 months which is like 18 weeks and I just ran 9 miles last weekend. From all the plans I’ve looked at it seems feasible. I would need to really do some prepping on Sunday and stay on top of my runs home from work but I think I could manage the mileage plus the weather is getting better. My bad East Coast, but damn I’m just a little California girl, I have very very warm standards for cold. No idea how anyone runs in 18 degree weather. You’re heroes, the lot of you….or absolutely crazy. I mean snow! Living in snow! I believe it’s what you refer to as weather….but you can keep your seasons. I hate waking up to 38 degree weather…hashtag California for life.


After a week of birthday celebrations, brunch, and snack a lacking, I’ve been trying to get back to my healthy eating. Sigh, it’s been better but a little farther from perfect than I hoped. I kinda was CRAZY munchy crunchy yesterday and today but at least everything was for the most part clean whole foods. Ya know, apples, almond butter, lara bars and the like. I know Hawaii is gonna sneak up on me and I’d like be a sexy mo’fo. Or at least feel like a sexy mo’fo without my friend, tequila. Trust, tequila makes me instantly feel sexy….however that’s not always a good thing.


Alright my homies, I’m off to pretend to do something productive like clean my kitchen or try and use my jedi powers to move my dishes into the dishwasher.


For once a Monday win!!!! Dreaming big – the marathon

Dear Monday,
You’re a holiday!!! HOORRRRAAAYYYYY!!!!Thank you baby Jesus Presidents!

Let’s get to it, shall we?


I feel really good about my workouts for this week. It’s a shame that I ate so terribly but when it’s your Boyfriend’s birthday it’s best to just have a good time and relish each moment….of that fork going into your mouth, followed by wine, oh the beer, and weren’t there some pomegrante mimosas? Ya get my drift, homies.


Too bad, that effer, the scale wanted to show me that I partied about 3 pounds worth. BLARGHHH!!!

This week I’m hoping for another three runs and some kind of cross training workout. Maybe another Hipline class but probably some kind of free Comcast workout.

Right now, I’m procrastinating on my 5 mile run….straight up slacker status. I did already hit up the grocery store and do a majority of my grocery shopping for the week. WIN. I have some dishes to unload and throw in another sink full into my dishwasher. Seriously, I love my dishwasher.

I’ve been toying with this whole marathon idea. Twenty six point two miles. It’s epic and kind of crazy. I’ve looked at some marathon training plans and feel like I could be ready for the San Francisco July Marathon. I don’t know though, maybe it’s crazy. It’s a LOT of running and a big toll on your body. I’m not sure yet but perhaps after my half marathon in Livermore I’ll have a better idea of what my body can really do.


Alright peeps, I hope you enjoy your Monday and manage to get some fitness in as well. I’m gonna get my run on even if I have to wait until later today when it cools down a bit. It’s 70 right now in the beautiful Bay Area (can you say global warming?) and I’m drinking my Kale Yeah! juice enjoying all the sun in my penthouse apartment….thinking about how I need to run.

It will happen!
Get your fit on!

Ranty, Ragey, & Pumpkin-y Monday

It’s a sunny Monday in October and thankfully I don’t have to be in the office until later this afternoon. I promise a race recap of the San Jose Rock-N-Roll Half is in the works. This was a wonderful race experience for me despite the unseasonably warm weather and my under training. My legs are pretty achy today and I pushed myself a little too hard to beat the heat. Don’t get it twisted, I am still SO HAPPY I signed up for this race and nostalgia washed over me as I ran through many familiar spaces. Shout out to the Tide House that was handing out free beer to the runners. Like I said a proper review will be forthcoming, Interwebbies.

I declared breakfast my last meal of not caring before I jump back on the get fit Fall bandwagon. I treated myself to a glorious non-fat pumpkin spice latte and headed over to a local bakery for a yummy pumpkin cranberry muffin. A good blogger would of taken a photo but I am a bad blogger. Sorry (as I wipe pumpkin crumbs off my face.)
The chemistry between me and the boy is off today. His back is hurting and I’m a little slow from the half. Not a great combination but I’m not sure how to get him to go to the Doctor to see what’s going on…we may just need a new mattress but our pocketbooks are pretty tight. However we need to figure it out if that’s what he needs. Sigh, boys why are they so dumb!

Not gonna lie I’m feeling a little rage filled and ranty this morning. Perhaps it’s that lovely tidal wave of emotion that arrives with my flood of hormones prior to my lady times. Damn being a lady! I suppose it’s for the best that I’m saving the world from my wrath by hiding out here for a while. The world can thank me later.

Despite my wrath filled rage, Oakland was beautiful and I enjoyed getting a little morning walk in and gorging myself on pumpkin flavored delights. It’s time to get back to business and recommit my morning work-outs. I may even get a Groupon for the gym that’s down the street from me and give that a spin. Also I ate lunch out everyday last week which is FAR FAR FAR from ideal when you work on a college campus filled with greasy college kid food. I need to get bring healthy back to my lunch escapades preferably by bringing my lunch but at this point healthy is all I’m asking of myself.

I honestly cannot believe it’s already October. This year has been a long and rough one…I’m hoping 2015 brings a lot more joy and much less stress for me. I would like to be more peaceful, calm, and balanced. Sometimes I feel like my life is just a damn teeter totter, all ups and downs. I know that no one has it all together but aren’t you supposed to feel like it’s mostly together in your thirties? I hit the BIG 3-4 this March and I’m dreading it. My dread is probably mostly based in the fact that I feel like my life is slightly directionless but I’m not sure what next or where to change things up. Thank god for running. That shizz is seriously keeping me sane. I may not know what the eff I’m doing but at least I can put my feet to the pavement and run 13.1 miles in a single shot.

I guess I’m saying October take it easy on me. We’re heading into the first holiday season without my dear little Grandma which I expect will be nothing short of a soft melancholy falling upon the entire familia. 2014 was characterized by me being completely burnt out by my job and refusing to work additional hours beyond 8-5. My Grandma began declining in January and passing away in June. During this time period, I spent many weekends in San Jose doing my best to care for my mother who was my Grandma’s primary care taker. We structured & ran a brand new orientation from May – late June where I fell even further behind in work. I mean I still traveled to NYC for the Brooklyn half and went to Mexico for an amazing vacay. I tried bar method for several months which was an amazing experience so like I said a lot of good. However it just felt like a hard and overwhelming year.

So October be gentle and help me not throw myself off a bridge.

Alright Interwebbies, enough of this sad bastardness. It’s time to shower, clean up, and hit up the Whole Foodie for my HEALTHY LUNCH! That’s right starting on the Fall Fit bandwagon.


Tuesday’s Blind Audition & I choose….I choose GWEN!!!

Dear Tuesday,
It’s not even 9:00am and you’ve already thrown me a curve ball. It’s cool…I’m not tripping. It’s just I really need to start going to bed like the old lady I am and running into the City after work is not conducive. You get? Not to mention I have to do the readings for my frosh bebes and grade their papers. A’s for everyone!!! I wish, sadly that would be frowned upon. I guess there will be no running tonight so just move it onto Wednesday.

Yes, Tuesday. I am a whore. But I have to make time for the besties and this includes running into the city like a mad woman.

In other news, my desk got half way cleaned yesterday. HOLLLLLAAA BEATCHES! The other half is staring me down and I still need to tackle this obstacle course of wires…Damn, IT. Who lives like this!!! Oh that’s right, you do.

My San Jose Rock N Roll Half is on Sunday!!! EEkss! Monday, I did some stretching and calisthenics for about 25 minutes just from a little pinterest workout I pinned. See, I do that stuff! Wednesday & Thursday, I’m hoping to get two three milers into my schedule. On Saturday I will probably do a little elliptical just to keep warm and ready. This is gonna be my slowest half of 2014 – TRAINING FAIL – But hey I’m still showing up. I’m gonna try and sign up for a Turkey trot and maybe a Halloween 5k once I get paid but until December they will all be 10ks or less. Hopefully Santa will bring me some new running kicks.


I’m getting addicted to the Voice this Fall. Pharrell and Gwen – I HEART YOU!!! Seriously, Pharrell is just so genuine, it’s nice to balance out Adam Levine’s chatchy-ness. I’m like simmer down, homeboy. Don’t get all sad because everyone loves Pharrell. I’ve never really watched The Voice but I couldn’t pass up this season. I also enjoy Blake Sheldon(?). He’s pretty damn funny. My sister informed me that he and his wife are basically the Bey & Jay of country music. So there you have it.

Also I woke up this morning with this song going on in my head. Why? So Random. There’s not really a video but here’s the song. Also my apologies, there’s a commercial. BLARGH.

Sorry one last Voice obsessive comment. I really CANNOT stand Carson Daily. Granted he seems to have grown up quite a bit from his radio host & TRL days but still the man screams fratty jerk face. I just want to go all Danny Castellano on him because he’s that guy. Carson Daily just seems like that dude that really should of gotten his ass beaten and never did and now he’s outta control.

I’ve started a little Tuesday Bruno Mars dance party in my oficina right now. Damn, this dancing reminds me that we all haven’t chatted about GREY’S!!!! Such a good return episode even though it looked like it was shot against a blue screen. Weird.

Let’s pound our coffee as Bruno sings that young girls will be the death of him. What about the old ladies, Bruno? I guarantee I will BRING YOU DOWN 😉 I kid, I kid.


Tracking my Coffee Intake and getting all Kung Fu on mi vida – I’m back!!!

I know I disappeared like that guy in College that skillfully employed the fade away and you didn’t even realize it until you wanted to rock your striped cardi. Anyone?? Maybe just me. I wish it was that simple, my interwebbies. In reality, last week straight kicked my booty. It was one of those weeks where my 8:30-5pm was just effing hard. I didn’t stay late but the minute I got home exhaustion set in and I crumpled into a million little pieces on my couch/bed/floor. We’ve all been there and now I’ve gathered my million little pieces of self and am attempting one of those every other month come backs. So hop along for the ride, k.

My desk at the office is the OG Hot Mess Express. It hurts to look at it. This is partially my own fault and ITs. Those beeatches set up all my new ish in a crazy fashion so everything is looking straight up jacked. I will work it out…that’s on today’s to-do list. Getting my desk to really not look so whack…sigh.

HAPPY NATIONAL COFFEE DAY!!! I love that it’s on a Monday. It just feels right. PS Whole Foods is giving away a free cup of joe today. Starbucks, those bastards, offered me nothing except the did bring back KIND bars! Hooraz! Those new bars from their own line were nasty.

The other news is a spent a small chuck of time this weekend considering getting a health device. I narrowed it down between the Fitbit Flex and the Garmin Vivofit. I’m leaning towards the Vivofit because you can sync it up with a heartrate monitor and that seems pretty damn cool. I’ve wanted a some sort of heart rate device for a while and this seems like it’s the best of both worlds. We will see….damn you Vivofit and your Biggest Loser advertising!!!!
I promise the few (and awesome) peeps that kick it this way that I am alive and will be so much better at blogging this week. Especially since I have my half on Sunday!!! I’m gonna be super slow but make it happen – HOLLA. This little turtle will conquer all!!!

It’s Monday, so let’s all put on the Big Girl panties and take some names. I plan on attacking this desk like Mr. Bruce Lee after I wrap up this post. Wishing you all a coffee filled Monday!!!

As If !!! And other reasons you shouldn’t take Math 54

OMG!!! THEY’RE HERE! THEY’RE HERE! Prepare to be exhausted by freshman questions.


Welcome to the vida of a College Adviser, my friends. I imagine the next month will be filled with rants on Orientation and the bebes. These bebes are bright and full of horrible schedules and convinced they are absolutely right. I’m going to triple major, be pre-med, and start doing research this Fall 2014! Ummm, more like you’re going to take too many classes, get your first C ever, and have a mini meltdown. But it’s okay because then they come crawling back to mama and are willing to take my advice for their Spring schedule. Insert Circle of Life song here. Today though they will be full of their 40 units of AP credit arrogance and upset the Seniors enroll first.


I did however get all gussied up to be more of an authority figure today. No jeans or flats and I will even reapply my lipstick after lunch. Today I will be seeing my Computer Science, Biology, and undeclared bebes for small group advising. Tomorrow I will meet with them one on one and do my best to identify the trouble makers. Ahhh, to be 18 again and full of trouble. It feels like a million years ago when I started at college as a Communications (1st major) with my Connie Chung dreams. Yes, I wanted to be a TV news anchor….out of control.

Anyways, we’ll see how the bebes shape up today.

I’m gonna do a 5 mile run today. This will be my first run post Brooklyn Half. Sigh, way too much fun. Sad face, my New York adventure is over. I’m going to sign up for the San Jose Giants 5 mile run on June 28th and the Rock-n-Roll half marathon in San Jose for October 5th. I’m waiting until June 4th for the SJ RNR since on National Running Day they’re offering a 20% off special. Holla! I needed to sign up for some races since I’ll be missing my Oakland half due to vacay! Plus running helps bring sexy back, oh damn I need to track. Hey as long as the tracking gets done that’s all that matters. PS I’m drinking water as I write this.

Ok, I need to go before the freshman find me. They’re just so eager and I really should of had something with expresso….I am not caffeinated enough for all this. EEk!!!

I wanted to add some musica for these little freshman and I stumbled across this Iggy Azalea and I’m not really into this song but apparently the kids are about it. HOWEVER! The video is basically Clueless! Too funny. So here it is. Check it out, you’ll heart it.

Happy Monday, peeps!

There should of also been a Footloose reference but it didn’t happen. Oh and I ran!

This morning I hit snooze for thirty minutes. It had to be done. I stand by my decision. Finally, I dragged my booty out of bed and against my will put on my running clothes. It was coldish, I was much too tired, and as a result I put on my adorbs Fila running jacket. Side bar, even in my sleep deprived state I knew that 10 minutes into my run I would regret this decision due to the fact I am a sweaty lil’ Mexican. This was one of those days where running was the absolute last thing I wanted to do. David Bowie helped some but I was still tired and didn’t really hit my stride. The 3.05 miles was completed and that’s all that really matters. Hashtag, beating everyone on the couch. Yeah…I don’t tweet but I like saying hashtag it makes me laugh. Plus, I need the frosh to think this old thirty something lady knows what’s she’s talking about.

I’m really itching to sign up for two other half marathons right now. I’ve done this one before and me and my sister had a ball! She did the 10k and I did the half – MERMAID RUN EAST BAY. It is the weekend before the Brooklyn Half though so that seems a little cray to the zee. I could scale back though and do the 10k which would be fun too. The other one is this bad boy – See Jane Run Alameda. They say SF but really this is an East Bay Run. Lies, I tell you.

I know…I know…I’m a maniac

It’s another long day of advising with my liberal arts bebes. This blog post is my short break before I jump into some committee work until 5ish. Eat my early old lady dinner and jump into advising until 8pm….sigh, make it stop. Tomorrow, is super cray because it will be 8-8 those bastards! They need to know about double majors so I’ll be hosting a little panel on that one. Nope, don’t make you more competitive for grad school or the work force. MYTH BUSTED!!! That’s a good portion of advising. Also freshmen don’t take advice from other freshman. WORD.

Tomorrow before my already mentioned twelve hour day I need to squeeze in my Wednesday last chance workout. BLARGH! Haven’t even looked to see what’s on my ondemand thing but I know there’s some workouts. Hopefully there’s some Jillian and we can call it a day. Also I’ve passed on two cookie opportunities and one donut opportunity so far this week. GO ME! It ends tomorrow – I’m having half a bagel because the morning meeting will be TERRIBLE and I deserve it! AGK!! Hate pointless time sucking meetings.

pug & bagel

Alright, I hope everyone’s workouts are going well and your work isn’t too cray!!

Let me know how life is going, Interwebbies!



Musing on Sunday



I was listening to an old Jillian Michaels podcast and it happened to be about the last ten pounds. Hellooo, that’s me! She reminded me that the last ten are really just vanity pounds. You’re healthy, happy, and in shape. As a result, these last few will require clean dieting and a commitment to your work outs. This work out thing I got but (long but) the diet thing is still a work in progress. I can’t really seem to get a handle on eating out or in social settings. I go all Cookie Monster except its food and booze monster.

This weekend I slipped and fell into some delicious Mac and cheese during Happy Hour. STOP. I think I’m going to limit myself to ONE happy hour per month. Okay, back to the weekend. My homie, A, had his 33rd birthday bar bash on Saturday. I told myself two drinks only ate super clean all day and had 900 calories available. Woo, thanks six mile run! Two turned into four and that turned into late night pizza with a side of carrots and spicy pistachios. BLARH! FAIL!


I guess that’s the big area to work on…. eating at parties or post bars – eek! I’m also playing around with my calories to get something that feels right based on my work out schedule and being healthy. I really liked the Fat2Fit podcast when it was online and they have a couple of great calculators. I’m going to use this one:
It places me at 1460- 1880 calories depending on activity which feels pretty reasonable.

Saturday I conquered the big SIX and it felt amazing. I felt confident and solid and just an overwhelming sense of HELL YEAH! It made me feel like I will ready to not only run the Brooklyn Half but rock it! It also got me even more excited to do the She is Beautiful 10k with my sister. I’m starting to get into race mode and dreaming about what other runs I’d love to do. I think I’m gonna need to add a race page to the old bloggy blog, ladies and gents. There’s a ZOOMA Napa half marathon in June and I think next year may be the year for that one.

This week will be hard. I have a relentless schedule with at least three 9 hour days but I’m determined to get my work outs into this lame-o schedule. We have three weeks of frosh programming lead by little ole me. It’s gonna be crazy but I will be so relieved when its over and then BAM it’s birthday time. I’m struggling with you, thirty three, I want to be excited but I also feel just lost. I don’t know what thirty three should look like but perhaps I thought it would be different. It’s overwhelming in a way and yet I feel crazy that I feel this way. I am beyond blessed but still thirty three is a little scary.

Alright Interwebbs, I need to prep for my crazy week. Thanks for listening to my adventures! What’s on your agenda for next week?
