I get around…round and round….like 94′ around


Weigh In Wednesday

Easter eff’d my ish up. Or to be more precise, Reese’s. Those bastards with their delicious little bags of Reese’s Peanut Butter eggs. Apparently, I consumed + .3 lbs of Reese’s eggs…ok… well…there was definitely a fair share of beer in there. All and all not a terrible gain nor unexpected but still. BLARGH!


Today I’m subbing out my short run for a walk – still 3 miles but just because I have old lady shoulder pain. However I am kicking ass with the workouts and feel like I can tackle my 10 miler on Saturday.


1. When people text you “Did you call me?” It’s 20 effing 14 your phone does not lie. I called you. Sure, you can text “Hey I missed you call. What’s up?” Unless your name is something with an A and you are getting everyone’s butt dials – no excuses!!!! I called you!! It just wasn’t worthy of a message or me singing like Stevie Wonder ” I just called to say I love you.” Wait..or is that Lionel Richie?
2. As much as I love my boyfriend sometimes I want to just punch him in the face. I’m sure he has these feeling too but still it sucks. Just a big ole BAM! No idea what this says about me but since I don’t actually act on it, I’m gonna file it under non-psycho.
3. The more I workout, the more I buy workout clothes, the more I just want to LIVE in my workout clothes. THEY’RE SO COMFORTABLE!!!! Too bad that’s not fully acceptable. A girl can dream though.

4. I hate seeing SONIC commercials because to my knowledge there isn’t a SONIC near my casa for miles and miles!!! I want one of those damn shakes!!!! Why do you continue to waste advertising dollars on a region that you are nowhere near???
5. I have a laundry pile roughly the size of a kindergartener….it’s frightful. It’s like a little blob of a pile taking over the corner of the bedroom.
6. I am over this week and it’s only Wednesday…that doesn’t bode well for my employee output or for my partner getting some… I’m just so ready for it to be Friday night. I already feel like I deserve some mac and cheese. The dinner of poor, broke, slackers.


Yes, that’s an image from Reality Bites. You should rent this movie if you have not seen it!!! It’s all the 90’s angst and recession-ness. Plus Lisa Loeb! Here, for your viewing pleasure.

7. I HATE WASHING MY HAIR! I think I only it wash it like 3x a week and if I could get away with less I would. I have long, thick hair and it takes a million years to dry. It’s a pain but I look like I’m 12 with short hair. Yea, that whole professional short bob makes me look like a haggard 14 year old freshman. I try to utilize the dry shampoo but sometimes it just need to be pulled back. I’m not about having a stinky head.

Holla at me with what’s ailing you on the humpy to the hump day, kids. I am just trying to keep my head up as Tupac says. Uh-huh, I brought back the 90’s like that.

You ain’t bad, Wednesday


Alright, let’s get straight to the jump. I hit the scale this morning and my face looked something like this.

Nah, it wasn’t pretty. There was 1.5 GAIN!!! That looks a lot like the beer, Mexican food and three birthday meals I had this weekend. Shocking, not really. Disheartening, F’ Yeah!!! However it’s a journey as all the zen people say. You just need to refocus and take a step back, regroup, and all that other ish. Really it makes you want to throw your scale across the room and eat some nutella straight from the jar. However I will not resort to such Bridezilla type behavior especially when I know it was all my partying. Woo Woo! I do still look way better than I did in January. SCORE! I’m also participating in Running 4 Beer’s 90 days until summer bikini challenge plus an April 16 Bar Classes Challenge. March may have been just a gainer but we’re pulling it together for April. Life is short, birthday gains happens, and ya gotta move on.

I have confidence these ladies did better than yours truly, so check out the link up lurve!

Pretty Strong Medicine

Time for Humpday Confessions with Vodka & Soda!

1. Let’s get Sappy….I’m pretty damn blessed as a 33 year old lady to have not one but two Grandmas that are still kickin’. My Grandma R is 95 and my Grandma C is 90. Both are a handful and hilarious. Sadly, my Grandma R has been in a rapid decline since January…She can no longer be home alone, struggles to dress herself, and worst her memory is fading. It’s very hard on my Mom and I’m doing my best to be supportive. We have someone coming to the casa during the day when my Mom’s at work yet Grandma R is with it enough to randomly kick this woman out at times causing all kinds of havoc. According to her, she has no idea why she has to “watch this woman” and really she’s “had enough of it.” It’s a crazy house over there but I love her and all her drama queen ways. On top of all this, My Grandma C had to go to the ER on Monday night and has an infected gall bladder. She’s in much better shape but having surgery after 70 is always a little nerve wracking. Luckily, Grandma C’s biggest concern is that none of her grandchildren have had the courtsey to sneak her a little Vitamin B into the hospital. For those of you that don’t know, Vitamin B is beer. More specifically, bud lite which is my Grandma’s beer of choice for day drinking during the evening she prefers a gin and tonic while watching the Sopranos. I cannot make my crazy Mexican familia up, peeps. This is how it is. Anyways, I’m a little stressed and sad. Getting old sucks so please work out and eat as heathy as you can so you can do all the things you love for as long as you. Sappy over.

2. I need to work on my professional wardrobe. This is random. I’m attending a conference right now..sshh don’t tell! Basically, I’m blessed with great Mexican oily – wrinkle preventing skin, all of 5 feet, and can look 18 at times. Seriously, put me in someone else’s business casual and people think I’m a student. I know, I know, hashtag people aging well problems. I’m sorry you didn’t wear sunscreen in your youth and failed to do so but I’m 33 with two degrees so check yourself. I think I need to use some pinterest boards to utilize the clothes I have in a more sophisticated way? Holla at me if you have an awesome pinterest board so we can be twinsies and I can look like a grown-up. Seriously, I just want to wear my workout clothes to work…they’re comfortable.

3. I’m either getting sick or 33 is catching up with me and I need more sleep. I HATE HATE HATE waking up early but as I get older I see all the benefits. I need to figure out an earlier bedtime thing. Also, since I’m kinda a planner, I know we’re gonna hit the bebe train in like 2 years and I feel like I will need to get up early. That’s a major downside of bebes. Holla at all the awesome Moms out there. Getting up early and working out at the gym sounds terrible….but I realize this is a la bomba habit to have. HOW DO YOU DO IT???? Learn to go to bed earlier AND wake up earlier…on the to-do personal list.

4. APRIL IS GONNA BE KICK ASS! April we’re gonna bring back the sexy, fit, and healthy. Shizz, I sound like the cover of SHAPE magazine. Interwebbies, I need to make April happen so any motivational tips for old ladies would be appreciated. I’m so distracted by the rainstorm we’re having. RANDOM, I KNOW! But it’s like I forgot what rain was, rain what’s that, why am I suddenly wet? I think I need some soup for lunch.

5. MUSICA!!!
Ok, so I promised to show newer videos but I’m failing you….I want to post the Shakira & Rihanna video but I couldn’t finish watching it.I wasn’t impressed but hey they’re both fit ladies so I’m sure it all works out. Instead I have some Michael Jackson. I referenced the “BAD” video yesterday and I was met w/ mocking by my 30 year old colleague….jerkface. It was something to the effect of how the BART station was empty and creepy to which I responded “Like Wesley Snipes is about to jump you empty and you’re gonna tell him, He’s not bad, You ain’t nothing.” He had no idea until I actually said “You know, Bad, Michael Jackson???” I was met with you’re old laughter. I’m helping you all out here. Yes, it’s two parts! So check this out and have a HAPPY HUMP DAY!



I am the WORST blogger ever!!! I forgot my phone at work this weekend…all the way in Berkeley. I was in the 408 (San Jose) and Santa Cruz for my race and clearly was not coming back for it. I have very few photos as a result which is weak sauce. I apologize and thank you for sticking around to talk about how LAME I am.


Now that we’ve talked about what an embarrassment I am to the Interwebs, let’s discuss the SHE IS BEAUTIFUL SANTA CRUZ RACE!!!We woke up hella early to hit the road by 5:30am to get to Santa Cruz with plenty of time to coffee, pick up bibs, and just be timely. My Dad ended up joining my sister and I for some quality time at the beach and just to see what kinds of shenanigans his unmarried daughters were getting up too. Hooray! The guy drove and took us to brunch post race. It’s good to have your Dad around even at 33, ladies & gents.

Getting up at 5am and being out the door at 5:30am is painful. I looked like crapola but I did it! I also had a kick ass race. I admit I wasn’t worried until the morning of the 10k. I woke up and realized I would be running without my musica – eek!!! I wasn’t sure how that would work out especially since I use my music to pace myself. I actually did really well but started out way too fast. I needed to slow down by mile 2 and try to get my rhythm back. I WOULD NOT WALK! There’s nothing wrong with walking mind you. Nothing at all. But I wasn’t going to walk –  I ran all my training runs!!!! I just came out the gate way too fast with all these speedy broads at this race. Seriously, there were some FAST LADIES!

Speaking of speedy ladies! So I don’t know if any of you read – Skinny  Chick Blog? But if you don’t you should. She runs and lives near the beach and drinks Starbucks…it’s lovely. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT! So she was going to be at this race and of course because she’s lovely and all, she said to say hi. At the end of the race, I totally saw her (BLOG STALKER) but she was on the other side of the barricade race divider from me. I didn’t want to yell “Hey Skinny Chick Runner blog” because that’s creepy. It was kind of a bummer – I wanted to be hey I love your blog but in a non-creepy way….and read my crappy non-photo having blog….Sigh, oh well. This whole paragraph is probably completely creepy and now I will be blocked from reading about her awesome adventures. FAIL – DOS! This little Mexican cannot catch a break today!

Back to the race, I hit up all the water stations and decided to grab the H20 and drink it by the garbage receptacle instead of running through since I had started too fast. I think this really helped. At the end of the day, I finished with a 10K time of 53:33!!!! My pace was 8:38 and I was 41st in my 30-34 age range out of 314.   Woo! Woo! I know if I actually practiced some interval training and what not my time would get better but right now I just need to focus on distances and actually ya know….running. Maybe next year. The race was fun and I love seeing all the ladies with their daughters. The last half when the 5k and 10k converge was a little cray but still a super fun race. This race used to start further back on Cliff drive and I miss that since it let you run along the coast for longer.

After the race, we hit up Pacific Ave in Downtown Santa Cruz for brunch. It was super delicious! I had my fav an eggs benedict with avo and crab!!! A ton of coffee and some lemon scone. OH I ALMOST FORGOT! The race announcer/DJ totes said my name when I crossed the finish line – so cool! I heart those timing chips! Also this random adorbs mexican familia was waiting for their peeps but when they saw me the Dad yelled “Si, se puede!” and I couldn’t help but laugh and smile! Then my Dad yelled for me and we gave each other a hug over the race barricade! I tell ya chicas, you can be 3, 13, or 33, and even 63 and it still feels super dope to have your Dad cheering for you as you cross that finish line.

Random photo of Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk


Now, it’s back to the real world at least until Friday morning (LA CHICAS VACAY). That means I have four days to put some clean, veggies, and reasonable calories into this body. I am not drinking until Friday! I will work out each day….because I have to be on a beach on Friday. Also my weekend in SJ and Santa Cruz involved my familia showering me with take out, restaurants, and home-made pancakes….really I needed to run just to fit into my jeans. Here’s the plan for the week!


FRIDAY – SUNDAY – LA WEEKEND!!! I actually think it will be easier to eat healthier with my girls than my familia but we’ll see…fingers crossed.

It’s crazy though, May is around the corner, and Brooklyn is getting to be real!!

As for our friend the scale… I am predicting it will NOT BE PRETTY ON THURSDAY! However you never know…sometimes when I don’t track, I’m making better choices than I think….and sometimes I’m just eating crap. It’s a toss up, really.

lbg aka worst attempted blogger ever

RED WINE IN THE EAST BAY followed by our sponsors running and myfitnesspal


The Birthday Work day has included lots and lots of coffee and flowers! I'm a lucky lil' 
brown girl what can I say. Tonight we're gonna have some seriously yummy spaghetti 
and garlic bread. One of my unhealthy faves! Topped with at least two glasses of red. 
I love it!!!
Let's talk about the weightloss and my journey to lose this last 10! OR NOT! 
Plus link up lurve for Weigh In Wednesday!!! Check out all the awesome chicas!
Pretty Strong Medicine
 GAINED. +0.2 lbs. Actually I can really dig this. Given all the birthday 
shenanigans, I fully expected a pound so this was a sweet birthday surprise. I can 
only thank my long runs for enabling me to continue to cheat here and there...
thank you Brooklyn Half training.
Seriously though, next week we're getting back on track. More kale and spinach 
and maybe some water drinking to rival all water drinking. You can only do so 
much celebrating as an old lady. We pass out earlier and I'm not dancing for hours 
on the dance floor in four inch heels which was the cardio of my twenties. Not I say 
this is my jam and instead of running out to the dance floor, I convince myself 
I can push through another mile. Oh well....there are worse things I suppose. 
I love my old lady ballet flats.
Ok, now after all my promises of health and fitness that I may or may not keep....


I woke up and was like DAMN 33....That's kinda a bummer. But my hair at least came
 out really good and my vanilla latte made me feel happy. Also NSV I squeezed into a 
dress I haven't worn in a minute! Awesome and the boy assured me it was still work 
appropriate. Ya know, I didn't want to be all sausagey...But I'm a Mexican and my 
people love them some tight dresses. You always have that one Auntie that's like 
if you can squeeze into it by any means necessary it fits, mija. I however need to
 check myself because there's no need to look so rough, mujers. Lesson learned.
I need to save some pennies for LA CHICAS WEEKEND. I am really just throwing 
the dollar bills around like I'm Puffy, Jay Z, or insert your favorite rapper here. 
People love the Drake so maybe him. Anyways, I need to reign myself in!!!! 
But it's so easy to say BIRTHDAY MONTH! Or I'm old, I deserve this 
(insert my sad face).
Ugh, the other thing about old lady birthdays is you feel the need to look 
back and say what the hell am I doing???? BLARGH!
Carrie had some points but she also made some really god awful choices. However 
I can dig the above. At the very least, you could be like thank baby Jesus I did not
 do that!!! Or you were like, me too!!!! I'm also a big hot mess just less glamorous. 
People seem to be enjoying "GIRLS" on HBO but I don't know....it's like they're
 hipsters in NYC having unsexy sex and I just can't get into the twenty minutes I saw. 
UNIMPRESSED. Maybe it's because I'm old. I will go back to Grey's with sexy doctors 
having implied sex in on call rooms and supply cabinets....it's wonderful.
Anyways, have some fun on my birthday, Interwebbies! And if you have 
any old lady advice for my thirties situation, please share!!!! Lord knows I need it!

I think I’m being punked by Wednesday & Monday….TEQUILA!

Dear Wednesday,

You started out totally crappy by making me and my boyfriend fight last night into this morning. It’s 2:50ish and I am exhausted but my booty still needs to work out. I really think you need to pull it together and shape up because you’re looking like a shitty Monday. You’re feeling like a mountain not a goddamn hump.
your friend lbg

Weigh In Wednesday

If you’re new – HOLA! If not, you know I weigh in on Thursday but its weigh fun to be a part of this link up! C’mon I made a little pun! Weigh, WAY??? Insert Pee-Wee Herman laugh here.
pee wee

Now that I’ve frightened off any new interweb friends….let’s talk about the FIT! Monday my tummy exploded and there was ZERO working out. Tuesday, I attended a morning Bar Method class and thankfully my guts cooperated. Tonight, it’s all about the Bar Method baby for a little last chance workout. Thursday, I’m hoping to do my short run aka missed workout due to illness. I really need to get my fit on later since I just pigged out at the Majors Faire for frosh. We held it in the dining commons so this College Adviser made the rounds….which I regret. Sigh, surrounded by food is just not a good option for me. A good blogger would have taken photos but sadly, peeps I am not. No one wants to see the snack-fest that this Majors Faire turned into for me. The things I do for freshmen. Graduate on time, people!

I am thinking the scale will kick my ass this week….it’s a sucky prediction but that’s where my Vegas money is at.

Wouldn’t of it been fun to have seen a little pug gambling….hmmm….ok, next time. My goal for this less than superb Wednesday is to just throw back the water to cleanse from my lunch, workout, and wash my laundry. Yea, the boyfriend fight totally killed the laundry plan but luckily I have an emergency pair of workout pants (aka ones I don’t love but will do if need be).

In other news, I am so looking forward to my hair appointment!! Seriously, nothing is MORE RELAXING. Every night I take a quick look at the crack that is pinterest for Ombre Hair to see if there are any new photos that I am digging. I hope you all have a fabulous hair lady or dude that just makes you feel like you are in heaven since it’s hell to have your hair did and realize it is the opposite of anything beautiful and good.


Alright, let’s pull it together and get some work done.

Hopefully, your Wednesday is going better than mine. If it isn’t …this is for you!

Happy or Crappy Wednesday Lurve!

Monday….there’s no time for a clever title…just pour me more coffee


I took the weekend off, Interwebs. I was still beyond tired from work but managed to get my fit on.

Saturday morning I hit up bar method and works the booty and thighs. Painful. Headed home for some famila time with my Dad and sister. Managed to find a dry part of the day and put in a slow 6.5 miles. There was no walking but I really really wanted too! Prince came in with little red corvette and I made that last mile happen! Sunday, I met up with my walking home girl and we did a leisurely 4.8 and treated ourselves to some Blue Bottle Coffee (my fav)!
Eating wise lets just say all the stress and tiredness made its way to my mouth and my eating was not on point. Blergh! Sunday I ate cleaner but ate A LOT! This week I gotta reign it in !!!
I have 5 million things to do today but am feeling rested and have my bar class for later so take that Monday!
Ok, lets talk cellulite and stretch marks. I’ve got a little of both despite only being like 20 lbs or so heavier in law school. (Oh yeah, this lbg fought the law and the law won) The stretchies are really only in the tummy area and I’ve been putting jojoba oil or vitamin E oil post shower to help as I bring back fit! I think it’s helping a little bit. Anyways everyone has a little something or other so just love your body and sunblock and moisturize!!!
I’m not sure what the scale will say this week after my weekend of munch and snack-itis so we’ll just focus on today.

MONDAY – Bar Method 6:45pm
TUESDAY – 3.5 mile run
WEDNESDAY – Bar Method 6:45pm
SATURDAY – 7 miles – WHOAH!
SUNDAY – 4:15pm Bar Method

I am getting my hair did on Saturday!! HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! BRINGING BACK THE OMBRE. This is important because I must get my long run in before my 11:00am appt. I like to not wash my hair after I dye my hair to really let the dye set. Yet as we all know when I run my head gets MAD SWEATY. I’m gonna be in SJ so this will be a new running location, I plan to head over to the middle school track near my Mom’s to get this crazy run on. Hopefully my sister will join me and get her walk on!


One of my OMBRE photos!
Unexpected new jam for March Playlist. I heard this in Bar class and was like “OMG, must be added to the March Playlist!”

Also in other Running News, I just registered for the MERMAID RUN EAST BAY!!! Yep, officially CRAZY BUT SO EXCITED!


OK peeps, Happy Monday! Try and make it possible!
Keep me posted on what your cray cray week looks like!

Nobody puts Coffee in the corner. Sleeping in 1 – Working Out 0


I am exhausted. All you people that work 4 10s (4 days a week, 10 hours a day) no idea how you do it!!! Or if you just work multiple 10 hour days – you’re insane! I’m so tired and I have an 845 – 8pm today. No workout happened this morning and my hair is in a bun. A stylish bun but still. I slept in until 6:30 but my body just needed it.

My weigh in will be tomorrow and I did a Monday check in and was down so I’m really really hoping that’s still the case. I really want to work out tonight (last chance) but realistically not so sure that will happen. Tune in mañana, interwebbies to laugh or cry with me.

I treated myself to half a bagel with cream cheese. Reward for long long meeting… You know my love of bagels and soft cheese.

<img src="https://lbghotmessexpress.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/20140226-095418.jpg" alt="20140226-095418.jpg" class="alignnone size-full" /
Almost as much as I love Dirty Dancing and wine.

Ok, back to the mission at hand. Weekly weigh in peeps! Mosey over and say hola
Here's some lovely link up lurve!

Wednesday Confessions
Applying and looking for jobs is beyond terrible. Why can’t someone just walk up and give me my dream job!!! Blargh!

I’m typing this post in a training. Don’t trip I’ve had it before and they’re out of coffee… Seriously, you bastards! I may run out at the break for more so I don’t die!!!! It could happen! Some people dehydrate, I decaffinate and it’s not pretty. I go all feral like raised in the wild… Rawr! True story.

I also have to buy my lunch today and need to keep the eating clean and tight. Which when you work on a college campus is NOT easy. I am surrounded by greasy pizza and burgers with fries…. Aghh!

Here’s some Hump Day Link Up!
There should be a photo of Ryan Gosling here but it didnt work out, yo. So use the old imagination.

Check out

Ok, back to pretending to be a grow up.


I’m blessed because I have coffee and other ish to be grateful for…like running


Monday, you’re always a tough one. Today like every other Monday was filled with good and bad. I wanted to do a quick weigh in just to see where I was at as I head into this week of CRAZY FROSH PROGRAMMING. Being a College Adviser is not always easy, my interwebbie friends. Anyways, I was like “WHAT! SCALE, REALLY???” This little brown girl was down -0.8 lbs. Talk about an awesome morning! I quickly got ready and ran to 6:00am bar method – EEK! I had arranged to come into the office later since I have a program that will keep me at work until 7pm tonight.

After the morning workout I made my way to work with a quick Starbucks breakfast – plain coffee with whole milk and one of the artisan breakfast sandwiches (350). Not too bad considering I got a work out in but low in fiber. I had a morning training where I received an email letting me know I didn’t get the super secret job. I’m not gonna lie, it sucks. It really sucks and based on the email I’m pretty sure they felt I was overqualified. I managed to avoid the donuts at the meeting even with the bad news. Training lunch was catered and I only ate half my Boudin Turkey Havarti sandwich, ditched the cookie, and did eat the salty chips (only 140 calories). Once again, low fiber. I have my apple and carrots for a snack and when I head home I’m gonna make some kind of fiber filled dinner. Maybe a spinach, tomato, bell pepper, garbanzo bean salad with a TJ’s turkey meatball or two. I’m trying to stay motivated since I won’t be home until 7:30ish – 8ish depending on the program and commute.

Def feels like one of those days. Sigh, I need to really look at my job and see how I can make it better. How I can get more out of this position and my daily life. See what I really love and find the balance. I kinda always dreamed I’d be the person that lived to work ie LOVING LOVING my job. A real career type focused person. While I’m truly blessed to work in a setting that is not manual labor it’s still crazy and we are chronically understaffed. I need to find a balance where I let that stress go yet do my best and make the job work for my life ie I work to live (the life I want). Anyways, just trying to be grateful and adjust my mindset. But don’t get it twisted I will still look for other job opportunities.

I’m really falling in love with the run again and participating in races. I’ve got a few on my mind and I’m not gonna lie, I may register myself for something later as a pick me up from the job rejection email. I also LOVE LOVE Bar method. It’s a big expense but I’m worth it, my health is worth it, and it gets me out of my casita and off my booty.


The next three week are filled w/ programming for frosh dedicated to helping them find a major. I’ll be pretty busy so here’s my modified workout schedule based on the fact you will find me sleeping at the office.

Monday – 6:00am bar method class
Tuesday – 3 or 4 mile rule at 6:30am
Wednesday – some kind of Comcast 30 min workout via on demand at 5:30am
Thursday – 6:00am bar method class
Friday – rest day
Saturday – bar method at 9:45am and 6.5 miles at 2:00pm
Sunday – rest day

There are a lot of work outs scheduled above and we’ll see how they play out. The main reason is (like today) I’ll be forced to eat on campus A LOT this week and that’s never good for my nutrition or calories (BLERGH!). Especially with this pleasant surprise morning loss of -0.8lbs (WOO WOO). I want to keep that!

Alright, off to the salt mines.

Running to the Early Nineties and Summer Por Vida


It’s Friday and I have a TON of work to do but first I wanted to check in and say hey to you, lovelies. This weekend I’m running the big six for my Brooklyn Half Training and the weather is supposed to be GORG! In other running news, my sweet sister got me a great early birthday gift. Drumroll please! Entry into the She is Beautiful 10k in Santa Cruz – holla!


We’ve done this race before and not only is it super fun but it’s so beautiful. You run along the cliffs in Santa Cruz and I really just heart it. Look at all these chicas having an amazing time.

Also because my sister is LA BOMBA she ordered me a little something extra and herself too!
LOVE IT!!! This lbg has a mad love for hoodies and I am really excited for this one. It makes turning 33 a little less sucky to have a kick ass race and day in Santa Cruz with my sister.

This week was crazy busy and I gained (boo!) but hit all my workouts (hooraz). This coming week I will be focusing on tightening up my eating and modifying my workout schedule due to frosh programming. So same bat channel just different bat times. Overall, I’m feeling really good and even though this last 10 is not slinking off as I mentioned before my body composition is changing. This is far more important. Oh and I’m not putting as much crap into my body. Just a tiny bit of crap because I love wine, mac and cheese, and the occasional baked good.

March is around the corner and it’s going to be beyond hectic but also full of fun. I need to recommit to my lunches and budgeting but it’s also the dreaded 33 so I deserve some spoiling, right? That’s what I thought too. In June I went dark and cut some bangs and they are finally grown out (thank you bebe Jesus) but I’m thinking I want to bring back the ombre. I have a hair appointment on the 15th with my most favorite amazing hairstylist and bumble&bumble ambassador (extra hooraz). I pinned a few ombre ladies with long hair. This is what I’m thinking. Also PS dontcha LURVE having someone else wash your hair??? It’s the most relaxing thing ever. Sigh, wonderfulness.

The one on the left is a model…Lily something or maybe I made that up. The other is a blogger at http://sincerelyjules.com/

But ombre so much fun and feels summery. I want to live in only Summer!!!! I guess thats kind of happening with global warming (sad face) but mad props to all you people that exercise in the snow and rain. EEK! But I love to read about it.



PS Here’s the Friday Jam! I’m taking it back!

Today it’s the lbg project insert me in cute quirky outfit with adorbs musica



I weighed in this morning as I do on Thursdays and this expression came to mind.
And yes, it’s a Mindy Kaling kind of day.

GAIN – Sadface. I gained +0.8 lbs. I guess the positive is that it’s not everything I lost last week. Not to mention with the funeral, familia, and McDonalds (oh yah, that happened) I’m not surprised. Whatever. Blargh. I will focus on what the fitbloggers call those Non-Scale-Victories (NSV). I am bummed but this is a whole other week and I am determined to have a loss next week!!! I just need to be consistent and not eat crap. Like yesterday my 2:40 breakdown that involved me eating a butter croissant from Peets. Of course, I tracked it and that damn thing had 380 CALORIES!!! That’s insane! It was delicious but like only 300 calories delicious. Anyways, let’s move on.

MONDAY – BAR METHOD & 5.7 mile run (should have been done on Saturday. Whoops! But still got it in)
TUESDAY – 3.1 mile run….BRUTAL….completely brutal after Monday.
WEDNESDAY – BAR METHOD…Last chance work out…and yea, maintenance my booty

Although my eating was off, I’ve managed to make up all workouts from last week. Yes, I pretty damn proud of that. However since I’m just trying to lose these last 10lbs that I pretty much put on from Sept – January, I need to be better. I hate that saying abs are made in the kitchen but yea that. I can’t lie, my body composition has REALLY changed with the bar method and even though I haven’t lost the 10 – my body composition is way firmer than it was in previous times I’ve been at this weight.

ROCKIN’ IT! Buying mid-day snacks – FAILIN’
My boyfriend will be out of town for 10 days on a trip with his bestie and I’m expecting that as a result I will be able to eat SUPER CLEAN. A girl can dream, right?

FAIL! I don’t want to even get into it…..fail….fail…fail. March is a new month and I will be better or homeless. I will keep you posted.

Stress me out like no one’s business. I was confident about the secret interview but I haven’t heard too much so I guess it’s back to the drawing board. Good Morning, job search engines. I refuse to give up working out and taking care of me for this job. I also am going to do some morning bar classes next week when I work late to maintain all my work outs be it on different days.

I’m getting old and it’s kind of depressing me and I spend money (see above). I have so much to be grateful for and am seriously truly truly blessed. I don’t know why 33 is haunting me. STOP IT, 33!!! It is….maybe I hoped I’d be on the bebe train by now. I’m not really super into marriage or weddings. Unless they’re other peoples and then AWESOME! Although, I’ll take a honeymoon. Sign me up! I am excited for my LA Getaway with my chicas at the end of March and in May I will be going to Brooklyn and staying in New Jersey with one of my besties. I think this will be an amazing trip and have a few things I’d like to do besides the BROOKLYN HALF (EXCITED!!!). One is checking out the Brooklyn Brewery and Central Park and just hanging out with my homegirl 🙂

I just felt like Liz Lemon with a pop tart worked here. Basically me but brown at 2:35- 3:15ish this past week. NOT TODAY THOUGH! I will eat an apple at this time instead. Yea, an apple.
