This pretty much sums up how I feel about you Monday. Of course, we have grey overcast Bay Area weather today. C’mon some sun would of been helpful!! Instead I’m debating on whether or not I need more coffee before my 3:00pm orientation program…..probably yes.


In other news, here are your LBG MONDAY RANTINGS!!!
1) On the Saturday (of a friggin’ holiday weekend) our building notified us that Monday (today) we will have no water from 8:00am – 8:00pm with a slight chance of it being back on at 5:00pm. This seems like an inhumane amount of time to NOT have water. Also there’s a lady on two that runs like a daycare center…how’s that supposed to work???? I am basically using this to rationalize that we should go out for dinner tonight BUT we should first go home and check out the water situation.

2) I am going to start doing some ab work since Mexico is next month, eek!!! Love the body you’re in, beatches!!! That’s the motto but I’m still gonna start to plank, sit-up, and crunch in the evenings.

I know, Cristina. That’s exactly how I feel about working my core but this ish needs to happen.

3)I am tracking my food this week…in attempt to find the culprit that is making me gain weight…I have my suspicions. It could be beer…although tortilla chips played a very big part of this weekend…and then that damn Justin’s dark chocolate peanut butter cup appeared as a dessert post burrito. I really may have to blame America. This whole celebrating freedom and independence seems to mean we eat whatever we want…ya know because we’re free.

This video seriously CRACKED ME UP!!! Enjoy July 3rd, Interwebbies!!!

Ok, I’m actually going to prep for Orientation right now and fingers crossed that my students are nice and easy going and only have like 3 questions.