The One Where I Get All Pretty Woman…

You Take Care Of You
Sometimes you take a step back in your life and try to see how all the little pieces are working or aren’t working. You try to figure out where your priorities lie and if you’ve truly been prioritizing them…or not. My posting has been irregular as I try to keep up with my job and prioritize my health, sleep, and body.

This week I haven’t been as diligent with my 21 day sugar detox yet I’ve felt a difference and am grateful for the little reset. My eating overall has improved and I’ve been getting much more rest. Earlier old lady bedtimes with early morning rises that are quiet as I cook breakfast, drink coffee, and listen to podcasts. It’a a relaxing way to start my day and it feels like it brings me a little extra peace or zen, all that Dalai Lama type stuff. The only downside is that it’s displaced my exercising with this new morning ritual. However I felt that this past month I needed to p prioritize my eating aka kicking the garbage to the curb over the exercise. What do they say you can’t workout your way out of a bad diet or abs are made in kitchen. No se. But you get the drift.

Next week, I will be bringing fitness back. You’ll have to stay tuned to see what I have in mind…I mean I will as well too since I haven’t made that executive decision. It feels like a good week to make some ish happen though.

Work is work is work. I’ve met with two different women to discuss their careers and expand my network. There is a possibility for me to work on a policy project in the Spring which would enhance my resume and be an awesome learning experience. I’m more than half way through teaching this year and I’m so grateful for the opportunity. I’m exhausted and have a stack of ungraded papers that should have been graded yesterday but it’s been worth it. BAM, another skill on the resume! If I can land the Spring project this will be a stellar year for developing myself professionally. Trying to hold tight to the idea if I put the work in on myself the right path will reveal itself.

You know just wanting my own little fairytale and just trying to make it happen.

I still heart being on the interwebs and reading about everyone’s shenanigans so in the spirit of all that ish, let’s kick it with Amanda. Holla at the homies and do a little FRIDAY FAVORITES!!!



About a month ago, I bought myself the VivoFit by Garmin.
It’s been a super helpful tool. Even if I’m not exercising, I’ve been getting my steps in and monitoring my sleep. It also just looks like a little watch for the most part so I haven’t felt like it’s cramping my style. Not that I’m all that stylish but you gets my drift. I also love that I can eventually buy a heart rate monitor and sync that with my vivofit when I start running again. LBG APPROVED

Eggs for breakfast!
Clearly when you get rid of sugar that pretty much eliminates all instant processed breakfast foods. For the first week I made some bomba buffalo chicken egg muffins. I would eat one at home and one when I got to work. Sooo delicious! Last week, I mixed it up with some bacon & veggie egg muffins, scrambles, and some fried egg on sweet potato.

Trying out new recipes!
I cooked up some hella delicious fig m Mediterranean chicken with cauliflower cous cous!!! SUCCESS!!! The boy loved it! Check out the photo. I also cooked some lamb meatballs with a kalamata olive and tomato salad. Go me! I enjoyed bringing out my inner Julia Child this week. No joke, I am loving my Mediterranean Paleo Cook Book!!!
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That’s all I got for this week, kiddies.