The Weekend Ran Over Me…..

Holla Peeps!
This Monday will be spent at the Doctor’s and the Dentist’s and popping onto the computer to do some emailing. First, I needed to check in over at this corner of the Interwebbies and see how we all were doing.



Trust, I know we gained an hour but I just want SLEEP ALL THE SLEEP. I went to bed earlier and woke up a little later and yeah, sleep. This may also have to do that I have been running around like a much younger woman since Thursday where me and the boy stayed out until 12:30ish. AGHHH SOOO LATE. We went to an AWESOME spoken word show. Yes, I am one of those nineties people that loves poetry, spoken word, and SAUL WILLIAMS you were AMAZING. Friday, I pulled my tired self together and me and one of my chicas headed to a Halloween party with some peeps from work. This party was hosted by a friend that is super PRO-ANIMAL. She’s a vegan and fosters animals, all that good stuff. Anyways, people were encouraged to bring their pets which seems cool until you see two dog fights during the night. DAMN! That’s just too much for me. I mean I guess this shizz happens all the time at the dog park but man, who knew so cray cray. Saturday, I headed into SF for a book signing and some Target shopping. Plus the Ferry Building so so lovely. Sunday, I hit up my great Auntie’s 100th birthday and got back into Oakland by 7:00pm. Homegirl is tired.


I hit up the lovely Ferry Building this Saturday and it was one of those perfect SF fall days. There was that cool ocean breeze but blue skies and temperatures in the high 60s. Sigh, I always miss living in SF when I’m having a little adventure. I went to the Mediterranean Paleo Cook Book talk with Diane Sanfilipo (Balanced Bites blog & podcast), Caitlin Weeks (Grass Fed Girl blog) and Caitlin’s husband (The Chef). First off, Caitlin’s husband was hilarious and awesome. Just a random guy that loves cooking and wife’s a nutritionist so he ended up cooking/being paleo without even knowing it. Diane facilitated and she was just like her podcast but ya know…in person. It was pretty cool and the waiting to have your book signed took forever but it was beautiful so I didn’t mind. The book is BEYOND beautiful and even my boyfriend is stoked to cook some of the recipes. We haven’t tried any yet but if you love beautiful, informative cookbooks, you should seriously buy this one.

Alright, that was the weekend rundown and now it’s time to start the week. Have a good Monday, kiddies.

Whatta Blog, Whatta Blog, Whatta mighty mighty blog


(Ya know, like MTV Raps? I think they used a yo. Eh, I’m an old lady. These days MTV is all how I got preggos at 14 and cribs, where we teach about capitalism and materialistic values. End Rant.)
Gratuitous Music Video! Welcome to Hot Mess Musica Blogging!

Ok, ok back to the updates, the fitness, and the regularly programmed shenanigans.
I’ve worked over 30 hours in three days and this post is a labor of my lurve, interwebbies. All this frosh major programming is driving this College Adviser to the grave. Damn, and I’m not even at goal weight. Anyways, I had a la bomba panel on Double Majoring last night and of course it poured! Now don’t get me wrong, Cali is in major drought status and we need the rain. Like standing on the highway with a sign saying please spare a few raindrops. But students do NOT leave cozy dorm rooms in the rain. So count ’em 5 students. SAD FACE! It’s ok you don’t really need a double major but my poor panelists.
Weigh in Thursday, peeps. I was apprehensive as I’ve been working like a mad woman and there was no last chance workout in sight. My bod-day was calling for sleep, sleep, and more sleep. I stepped on that beast of the scale today and what!!! From 2/21 – to – today…wait drumroll… I lost -2.1 lbs! This was crazy. Part of it is last week I gained which may have been some bloat to the bloat. Woo woo!!!  I think as I increase my running mileage, our frenemie, the scale may be showing me a little grace. Only 5.6 more until goal!
MONDAY – 6:00AM Bar Method – brutal.
TUESDAY – 3.05 miles of torture
WEDNESDAY –  workout fail. No workout due to sheer exhausation
THURSDAY – 6:45pm Bar Method (I plan on leaving work at 4:00 today and getting a nap in prior)
FRIDAY – Rest day!
SATURDAY – 9:45 Bar Method and 2:00pm – 6.5 mile run…..BLARGH!
This week I’ve eaten out a TON! But I tried to really log my calories, pass on the donuts and cookies (2x) but say yes to a bagel. C’mon, it’s a bagel! But I did moderate other things as a result. Also I’ve been a coffee addict this week. Like, 24 ounces a day addict…it’s kinda cray but at least I’m getting the H20 into my system as well. I have to buy my lunch again (FAIL) as mentioned above I needed the sleep!!!!
Well you know…I’ve been filling the Interwebbies in on all the usual shenangins. I also have taken to checking my sources 2 – 3x  a week to see what’s out there (NADA). I’m blessed to have this job and going to work on being GRATEFUL!!!
On a final note, this is one of my power songs. What is a power song, you might ask? It’s the jam that helps you continue to run when you’re ready to give up all hope and just lay down on the dirty hobo covered asphalt. It’s the jam, that convinces you to keep moving and not put your face on that oh so nasty and dirty pavement.  It’s the jam that gives you the power to carry on and maybe sing a few lyrics and bring yourself back to the game….without further ado.
If you’re not running to Push It, you’re not running.