Sloth like old ladies and my undying love for Mindy Lahiri


Breakfast brought to you by Whole Foods! Bloggers take photos and I borrow images from Pinterest. I’m attempting to be a better blogger and impress you with shoddy photos!!! Viola! I’m 33 now, it’s the least I can do.

Working out during your birthday is a sham. You set big goals and instead eat cake, drink booze, and over sleep. Today I’m going into the oficina late and had planned a big ole run but seriously my purple ear buds are NO WHERE to be found!!!! 30 minutes and nada. Some would of run without musica but not me. I needed my sweet sweet jams to prevent me from being sloth like despite this global warming fantasy weather. PS I’m gonna take this as the worlds way of giving me the go ahead on the wireless headphones/ear buds! Booyah!!!

I took some photos of my neighborhood for you all as I walked back from the Whole Foodie. Behold! The lbg’s habitat!

Giant Cherry Blossom type tree??? That’s my guess.

Urban beautification. They mosaiced all these garbage cans in Oakland and its awesome. They are each different and very cool.

Lake view from our rooftop patio. That’s where I run and put my miles in when it’s not my birthday and I’m being sloth like.

A few things on my whole day and a half of being 33
-Birthday celebrating still prevents me from working out. I did not wake up more responsible.
-I still wish I won the lotto and could be a damn lady of leisure
– No extra or new wrinkles but I am slightly dehydrated
-Nothing new besides the wireless headphones revelation….
-Bebe fever…. Hmmm still same. Medium? Def not high nor low.
– Also there’s so many great half marathons out there – Key West, Boston, and of course NAPA! That shizz is so on the 2015 list.
half marathon

Also I watched a FULL episode of GIRLS on HBO and I stand by my unimpressed rating. It’s just too much of a hot mess. I wanted to slap all of them!!! Sigh but if it makes you happy, watch it! But yes, regular looking peeps on TV I support that. Add some brown people and its a small victory. You know I have to support my people…. So I watch Mindy, she’s not a Mexican but she’s brown so I’ll take it!




Seriously??? Why aren’t you watching?!!! Plus I promise you will fall in love with Danny Castellano. Words of wisdom from your non-running, sloth like, old lady friend.
Why would I lie to you??

Alright, I need to turn off Gilmore Girls and get in the shower. My freshman and undeclared seniors need me. Plus I probably need to pass the tissue and break the news you’re not graduating. ‘Tis the time of year for a College Adviser like myself. It’s like I’m Jerry and they’re Cuba Gooding Jr. “Help me to help you!!!” Except I’m unwilling to yell show me the money because I work in Education.

Coffee besos and old lady abrazos,

Kale is no substitute for Tortillas but we all must make sacrifices




This is how I feel EVERYDAY!

I really hope this picture comes out a normal readable size since I’m still trying to master this whole blogging thing. Hello Bloggy World! Tuesday is always so much better than Monday, I have no explanation for this. Perhaps, because I’ve been beaten into submission by Monday but who knows?

This is a little shot of my lake as I waited for my bus this morning. My fellow commuters and I get to wait by a pretty gorgeous view right?




LOOK! Ducks! Take two!




Let’s chat about the New Year’s Goals, shall we. I hope you said yes otherwise you probably just clicked my shit closed. Anyways, bringing my lunch to work, peeps. I am really focusing quite a bit on this one. However it’s not enough just to bring my lunch. I personally find it needs to be tasty or I merely end up buying something else or quickly saying yes to a lunch date and standing up said home-made lunch.





  • Raw Kale
  • Massage that raw kale w/ some olive oil and splash of balsamic
  • Avocado (1/2) break up and massage into the kale – making it all gooey and coating that kale
  • Campari tomatoes (2)
  • White button mushrooms (2) sauteed w/ the deliciousness below
  • Italian Turkey Sausage (from Whole Foodie, of course)

OMG I love this salad and that’s how you serve up a tasty lunch, kids. PS My thighs are totally killing me today from bar method. I am slowly beginning to loathe this damn little ball that they use as a torture device in the bar method. You hold it between your thighs and have to do all kinds of terrible things that make my entire body quiver…yes, I said quiver.

bar method ball

Hmm… hope that worked…it’s from another site. I have no idea. I’m sure you can google it.

For breakfast I have no photos but I did have a pretty healthy breakfast. I scrambled two eggs with a little salsa and ate that ish up w/ a trader joe’s homemade flour tortilla.  I thought about not having the tortilla but I’m just not there yet. Plus my DNA practically requires me to eat tortillas, I mean what kind of Mexican doesn’t eat tortillas. I’ve never met them…simply they don’t exist. But yeah, less tortillas would probably be a good idea. Sigh, now all I want is a tortilla. Jesus, they are so good!!!

Instead I will drink my water and try and save my tangelo for 3pm when I always get the munchies. Never fails 3pm is snack time, it’s like I’m 5.

Enjoy your Tuesday!!! Lunch break is almost over!



Lakes, The Early 90’s, and running theme musica

Thursday Update with the lbg

On being a grown-up: I’ve brought my lunch Monday through today and as long as I hit tomorrow (fingers crossed) that will be 5 healthy lunches on top of ZERO DOLLARS spent on shitty campus lunches. Second grown-up goal – Running. I did one run on Tuesday and am set for my second run tonight and I just need to squeeze a third run on Sat/Sun. It seems manageable so I’m hopeful I can hit this goal. But you know, sometimes you get home from an 8 hour day of work, your  public transit commute, and BAM the lazy-ies attack you. All you can imagine doing is putting on your sweats, opening a lovely red, and lounging on the couch. Sigh…isn’t that dreamy. Instead I will fight against the lazy-ies and lace up those running shoes and get myself to the Lake.
This is my Lake. Of course, I should run. It’s kinda epic but I’m also a slacker…hence operation grown-up.
All the amazing New York Marathon posts though are so inspiring and really do make me want to fall in love with running again.  Here is one my most favorites (see below). Well it’s actually three parts but I HEART HEART Sheryl and her blog. No words just sheer awesomeness.
Hola Throwback Thursday!
Here’s my TBT moment – A Different World! How great was this show!!! I loved the hilarious antics of Duane. Also the episode with En Vogue was one of my all time favs! How can you not love En Vogue??? IMPOSSIBLE!

Anyways, this all came up because we are a Scandal loving office and Olivia Pope’s father was on A Different World (the theme song pops into my mind every time I type it!). He was going to marry Whitley but then Duane shows up and they realize how much they love each other! So good.

Ok, so there’s your throw-back Thursday.



the lbg that may or may not have her running come back jam set to Salt-N-Pepa “Push It”